My Love For Tjester <3

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DrinkSomeWhiskey, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. DrinkSomeWhiskey

    Apr 27, 2020
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    To Tjester

    Tjester there have been many people in my life, but no one compares to you. The very first moment I laid my eyes on you I was dumbstruck. It was like I was struck by lighting as I have never seen anyone like you before. I felt this warm feeling inside that felt like a tidal wave inside my body. From that moment on I made it my mission to grab your attention and take you out on a date.

    The First Time I Talked To You,

    The first time I ever talked to you was the happiest day of my life. I was so nervous all day waiting for you to get on and show your beautiful username. I had practiced the entire night before to break our unspoken silence to each other. I wrote poems, love letters, a song, and baked a cake with your name on it. But I felt that may have been a little too much and I did not want to scare you away. So I did what everyone else told me to do. I casually talked to in chat. But do you remember the first thing I said to you Tjester? I do. I romantically said, "Tjester Kiss Me.". Now I now realized that this probably was not the way to go, however that is the one thing that I could just not resists as soon as you logged on. it was like my other side took over and scream TJESTER COME HERE, but the real me knew that from this moment it was going to very hard to get you to go out on a date with me. So then came my mission

    I'm Sorry ;-;

    From the last few days of the faction season, I reached out to some of you're friends Tjester. Yes, that's right. I reached out to CoolElla and Hyponoticxd to get some help to grab your attention. I felt so bad that I had to ask some of your friends to help you and me to get together, but you were breaking my heart. I then started planning our magnificent date.

    The Best Day/Date Of Our Lives

    For when the day comes when you accept my hand on a date this is what will go down. The very first thing I would do for you on this beautiful day would bring you breakfast in bed. First I do not do any go to the store and buy ya donuts. I would make you pancakes from scratch, maybe smear a little syrup on my face to look cute. after the pancakes are done I would then grab some fresh strawberries from a garden with some sugar to add a little sweetness to them(like you). After that, I would proceed to make you some delicious bacon to add to that amazing breakfast. I would then take the plate to your room and wake you up very gently and hand you the plate. For when you see that plate and the little syrup on my cheek I would hope to be able to see your amazing smile. That right there would make my year and nothing would be able to break my love for you. After you had breakfast we would head to a nature reserve to see all the wildlife. Now I would not move too fast so don't worry I will not try and hold your hand yet:). As we are walking down the trail we would see all these amazing wildlife like turtles, deer, birds, chipmunks, squirrels, and many more but my eyes will be locked on you the entire time. We will see beautiful scenery with the mountain across the lake feeling the breezy mist of the morning. After we had our amazing walk I would then take you to an aquarium. now I don't know how much you like to see fish swimming, but the thing about fish is that they are one big family. Maybe we could have that one day. Now once we are in the aquarium we'll walk through all of the fish tanks and see all these different kinds of fish and look at how pretty they are underneath water. But surrounded by all these other pretty lives, ill only be sensing your beautifulness. By the time we are done here, it will be almost dark time. So then I will take you to go get ice cream and let you get any kind of ice cream your heart desires just so I can see the amazing smile that you have again. As we get our ice cream I will then take you to a cliff to be able to watch the sunset. On the drive there I will be playing very slow romantic music to get the mood set for sunset. As we reach our destination we can see the sun slowly setting. So we run all the way to the cliff and sit down just in time to see the best part of the sunset. As the sun is setting on your beautiful face I reach my hand out to grab yours hoping that you will let me. And if you let me grab your hand I squeeze it tight and lean my head on your shoulder. As the sun is setting and we finish our ice cream then and only then I will lean in for the kiss that I wish 1000 times to happen. The day I have been dreaming of ever since my eyes met yours. And hope for one day that you will be mine forever and be able to wake up every day next to you and bring you breakfast every morning in the bed just to see your sparkly eyes and charming smile.

    Please Notice Me Tjester, You Are My True Love And Are An Angel That Fell Out Of Heaven

    Sources Cited: My Heart
    #1 DrinkSomeWhiskey, Jan 5, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
    Yukihira, Ahnxious, guih and 13 others like this.
  2. Heeb

    Jan 5, 2021
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    Give him a chance Tjester, you won't regret it. I feel a really strong connection between the two of you. You can't fight fate, let it happen for the better <3
  3. Klaipeda

    Jan 2, 2021
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    What a beautiful story, it would be sinful and truly hartbreaking if tjester ignores you. I wish the two of you good luck!
  4. Hypnoticxd

    Aug 9, 2019
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    Thanks for letting me borrow your private jet last weekend
    Yukihira, Dionnysus, Nikki_ and 4 others like this.
  5. SirMeaty

    Dec 20, 2020
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    Yessir, get em
    DrinkSomeWhiskey likes this.
  6. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    This is so nice. I really hope that tjester notices you <3
    DrinkSomeWhiskey likes this.
  7. CoolElla

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Tjester is my best friend , I shall make sure he sees this msg. :D
    Yukihira, DrinkSomeWhiskey and Nikki_ like this.

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