Item Idea

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Some_kid, Jan 2, 2021.

  1. Some_kid

    Dec 29, 2020
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    I think a good Item to add to prison is a keep inventory item. You can get them from all of the crates, and nothing else. That would be to make sure that they aren't sold everywhere for a cheap price, but its more of a rare item to get. And it works everywhere, like if you get scammed, or die in PvP. obviously, its a one time use item, so when you die the keep inventory item is removed, and it should be a non-stackable item so you cant have a stack in your inventory at once. I think that this item could be added, as long as its balanced in the correct way to make it super useful, but not something everyone gets.
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  2. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I really like this idea and I think that this would be really interesting to see implemented. I find it unusual that something like this would be an item instead of a permanent perk, but I think it would definitely be better as an item. The problems I think that this would cause are: 1) players going all in in PvP since they know they won't die 2) The server is already pay to win a lot so this could cause the top players to become even better but leave all the others behind 3) If a player kills someone with one of these items, would they get anything? because I would be really annoyed if I killled someone in p5 s6 and then didn't even get anything for it.

    I like the idea that they wouldn't be stackable since this wouldn't cause people to never die. However, this whole idea sounds like something more suited to factions rather than prison since factions is mainly pvp whereas prison isn't. Overall, a +1 from me because I think it is a very interesting concept. Whether it will be added is another story though.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, while this is a perk on the survival subserver, I do not think it would work well for prison. For survival, it makes sense a little since player can die from the resource world(s) and plots if you want to factor that in. The perk does not work in pvp though, as this allows for players to have incentives to kill other players and get their items and become more powerful and whatnots + it's pvp and items should drop in general.
    In prison, this wouldn't have a use nor would it make sense. Since (1) prison does not have the format survival has. as already mentioned, survival has resource worlds that you can die from and in prison the ways to really die is from being death trapped in a plot or in pvp. fall damage is off in mines and you can't suffocate in blocks when they reset either since it teleports you to the top of the mines. (2) kinda already touched on, but- scamming & death trapping is allowed; players can scam or deathtrap to trick other players into getting their goods. (3) no way would this be enabled in pvp, since it's not even enabled in survival's pvp, and prison is pvp heavy in a sense that majority of the community participates in it someway or another and having items not drop when a player kills another player would not be good for the eco, for the players, and prolly not for server.
    even as a one time use kinda item, i think it wouldn't work well. Players in prison community already think that some of the drops from keys are shit (like beacons and apple sheers and rename scrolls), I don;t think this would be much different. It's an interesting concept for sure as already touched on. Let's put a scenario that a rookie is about to be death trapped and does not have said item on them, they cannot do "/ec" to grab it and would just die, making this item useless. Another scenario could be even if it's not an item and it automatically enables and is waiting for next time you die; well, there's lots of people in pvp who like to run around pvp naked for shits and giggles but also like to pvp with armor and such and care about their items, if this item were to automatically enable and they die while naked with nothing, it kinda is useless, and if they wanted to use it in pvp when they are geared up and such (which i wouldn't see this working in pvp, but using your idea for this scenario), they oculdn't since it was already used when they were a naked.

    tl;dr - a similar perk like this is enabled on another subserver (survival) since there's ways you can die other than pvp and death trapping, and death trapping is not allowed there. ways to die on prison are mostly (but ofc not excluded to) pvp and death trapping while death trapping IS allowed on prison. it's not a good fit for prison

    overall, i do not see this being implemented at all, I feel there's no use for it in prison for reasons listed above. if i missed any details or misunderstood one please call me out on it and correct me :)
  4. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I feel like there should be a feature in which you can only have one in your inventory at a time. Even if it werent stackable, people would flood their inventory with them causing permanent items. Seeing how this is from all crates, I'm two sided. One side is saying that this would give all players a chance to get this reducing p2w. Another side is saying this will become the main pvp eco. As people could constantly jump into pvp with op armour without any worry as they have multiple dubs of it.

    This probably made no sense but I just wanted to put it out there

    -1 from me

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