Member Compensation For Work On An Island (Skyblock)

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by aesmc, Jan 1, 2021.


Should there be compensation for members who are kicked from islands? Read below thoughts.

  1. Yes

  2. No

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. aesmc

    Dec 21, 2020
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    So recently I lost 50+ hours of work because of a rule in place that allows everything placed on an island automatically be owned by the owner of the island. I think this rule should be modified, because I got kicked from an island after contributing 50+ hours and 20+mil and when I got kicked I was left with only /kit legend to my name. I think that the new rule should go to that when you're kicked from an island, higher power staff members should be able to go into the island and see what you placed and when this happens you should be allowed to get your items that you worked for back. I understand this is not an issue for everyone but when you lose so much as I did it really is frustrating. Let me know what you think. :D
  2. Top1c

    Aug 31, 2019
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    ya that seems super unfair.
  3. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hiya aesmc,

    While I do understand your frustrations, my first thought is how much extra work would be placed on staff members. Despite common misconceptions, a lot of us are kept on the tips of our toes most of the time we are online. I always encourage players to ensure they are on an island with and teaming with people that they truly trust.

    That being said, I do agree that there should be something in place to better assist players that are not the island leaders, seeing as this may prevent a lot of players from joining islands and thus reducing competition.

    Have a great rest of your day/night.

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