Efficiency 6 Pick lost to accidently combining with a efficiency 5 pick

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by Sapphire923, Dec 29, 2020.

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  1. Sapphire923

    Jul 23, 2019
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    How can a pick loose its efficiency when combined with another of lower value. Shouldnt it retain its original value. Its not a difference enchantment. after buying several keys and not getting a mythical an Efficiency 6 pick I paid 7Million for said pick and in error combined it another pick and lost it. This isnt right and needs to be looked at.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello, your statement kinda answers your question- “a pic can loose its efficiency when combined with another of lower value”. now, there are some ways people get by and that’s really just being careful and cognizant of what they’re combining. I am able to combine sharp6 with other enchants like sweeping of edge (on survival), I have yet to test the higher/custom enchants on skyblock and on pickaxes in prison; however, i have been able to merge the fire aspect3 with my own swords on prison (using some the tips i’ll layout for you below) This is not really a problem with the server, but moreso how vanilla minecraft is, so not a lot can be “looked at” and such.
    unfortunately the server cannot refund you your keys or pickaxe(s) since this wasn’t really a bug. some tips i’d prolly give out to prevent this from happening is to:
    1. put the higher eff in first slot of an anvil
    2. check/hover over the result to make sure it’s what you want before hitting shift left click or whatever you press to receive an item from the anvil
    3. you can always test it in single player. there’s lots of resources/videos out there on how to get custom enchants in vanilla minecraft using commands. this one is a little of a hassle but to be a little more sure before using irl money and hard grinded items.

    sorry about your pickaxes, and if i missed any details or something please call them out and correct me. hope this explained some things though (:
  3. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Sad to hear that but I have done something similar last season and messed up my mythical sword too, this is mostly due to eff 6 is a custom enchant (Not vanilla) and when it combines with any vanilla enchant of the same type it turns back to its vanilla form.

    For example
    Sharp 6 combined with any of the sharpness enchantment (1 to 6) will result in resetting the sword's custom enchantment into a normal enchant

    From my experience there is nothing they can really do for you and sadly you cannot roll back your pickaxe (from my knowledge).
    Hope this explains your question
  4. Sapphire923

    Jul 23, 2019
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    thanks for the input guys i appreciate it. I now understand the vanilla vs custom. It was simply an error of placing the wrong pic in the anvil i didnt want to add anything to that pic, i know to hover over but failed to do so because my intent had been to simply add an unbreaking pick to my existing Efficiency 5 never touch my efficiency 6 which was in my inventory. Sadly a mistake which cost me 7 million but I appreciate both your posts. thank u
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