Why does Survival keeps getting reset so often like factions?

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by CabanNieves, Dec 27, 2020.

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  1. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Survival is not factions, why the survival server gets treated like factions with the constant resets? I get it with factions but come on survival?, the constant resets are so oversaturating in my opinion.

    Like why Survival got reset twice in 2018 and 2019?
  2. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Yearly resets where fine same with prisons, like I didn't knew people in the server would get tired of something so quick.

    Like for example why survival got reset in July 2018 after literally getting reset in January 2018? that did not make any sense at all, same when it got reset in March 2019 and in November 2019.
  3. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Also why do factions literally got reset every month this year?
  4. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I wouldn’t say the resets are too frequent. The last one was 12 months long which I believe was way too long, though that may just have been because of the economy wasn’t that good last season and money just inflated. Resets are needed in Survival, and that’s why they are 6-12 months, people will get OP, it will get boring, people wanna start anew. If the resets were 2 years long people would just get bored and give up playing.

    If there was no economy like in Season 1-2 I guess they could be shorter (like they were) cause people won’t get too OP

    Also if you would like to add more to your point, edit your post, don’t add more ones
    Xermes, puposaurus and 10Controls like this.
  5. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Still the frequent resets are really pointless, if staff really want to make sure a reset goes perfect they really need to take their time developing it rather than rushing it out because otherwise it results in another reset with in the same year.
    puposaurus likes this.
  6. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    hey there,
    this recent survival reset was 12 months waited for. the owners did indeed wait longer and take their time so that the reset was perfect. Alex and Visio worked hard to implement many new changes to make the season unique and different, as we saw the new jobs and the changes to the enderdragon event, as well as many new commands and small details that were added/removed. I can 100% assure you the owners waited a good amount of time and did not rush this reset.

    as for factions resetting every month, after about three or so weeks players start to get bored as they've secured their place in ftop. a reset means players will be able to start again and continue playing with their faction. if they make the seasons longer, the season will just start to drag on and no one will want to play anymore.
    #6 Nikki_, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    fedham, Xermes and CatBoyFable like this.
  7. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    To ensure that no faction will get too overpower even if they get a big lead in a certain map and also give factions player something to do like *grinding shards or building buffer all over again(not fun)*
  8. CabanNieves

    Oct 17, 2019
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    thanks for the very useful answer but survival getting reset twice a year like it did the past two years was pointless.
    #8 CabanNieves, Dec 27, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
  9. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Survival does not constantly get reset, the resets are actually a little inconsistent with the seasons ranging as short as 6months and as long as over a year (you can view the reset dates here). That is just season-wise; if you mean the resets of the seeds (they happen every 4 weeks, like faction seasons), I personally think the seed resets don't happen frequently enough and the duration should be shorter than 4 weeks for multiple reasons i won't get into here :).
    I did not play much of season3 and 4 (those reset dates); however, i remember that there was a lot of change in those seasons and there likely was a reset because there were some flaws that were eager to be fixed or something like that. side note: this is also when mccstoreowner messed with survival eco >.<. moving on, apart from those seasons alone, the survival community and really any subserver community, can lose interest in a season when they become op or the "grind" isn't so much a "grind" anymore. especially in survival, where there was very little structure. Using these seasons that you mentioned as an example, this was the introduction to spawners and there was a new structure/grind to focus on in survival. Lots of players would afk and earn money from spawners/mob drops quickly and that is when season3 eco kinda flopped and thus a new season with some alterations to make the economy last a little longer.
    the reason for factions to be reset monthly is similar reasons why the resource world seed changes seeds and why subservers/seasons in general reset. Factions is a grind heavy subserver with lots of different ways to earn eco with farming, pvp, and spawners. Eventually, players and their factions will become very rich and the grind isn't so much a grind anymore. There is also the fact that factions does not have plots/islands like all the other subservers do, meaning that there really is only so much limited space for factions to make their claims as there is 4 worlds with a boarder (like survival fb).
    i agree to this to a point. I wouldn't say they are pointless since if they were they wouldn't do them. Likely, the point of frequent resets for factions is for monetary reasons. However, I do agree that the resets should be quality over quantity, and with survival's recent season lasting 12months+ and a few shared ideas throughout the community not being implemented or being implemented poorly, was not the best call/look on them.
    as for this, i do see how they did "take their time" to add things like jobs; however, the little bits like how farming needed to be buffed a few weeks into the reset and fishing is still OP and mining is easily abuseable and envoys are not tailored for survival but more for skyblock are some issues I feel that had the time to process but did not execute well in this season8 reset. but anyways i love your input :D
    I would have to go and say the opposite, seeing since survival has had a fair share of long seasons, and I'd def say 7-8 months is a sweet spot for the seasons. season3 lasting 6 months made sense since the economy was different. In season7, by around May 2020 survival started to become a little dead and eco didn't have much movement apart from shop owners and people who went into credit card debt from buying so many keys (a small joke/exaggeration). With this season, the job levels def did come up high/max quickly, but i cannot say that eco is dead, I think around the same time (since season7 and season8 resetted around the same time), the eco will start to slow down and survival won't be as active as it is now. I think 2 resets a year for survival is a great place for it to be at.

    Hope this all made sense and explained some things about survival (:
    Nikki_ and iiSean like this.
  10. HiloPlayz

    Jun 15, 2020
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    how is it too long
  11. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    12 months
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