Change what Immortal Rank looks like

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Twizzlerrs, Dec 23, 2020.

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  1. Twizzlerrs

    Dec 18, 2020
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    Hey everyone personally I know it released a while ago but whenever Immortal rank released I felt like how the rank looked in game was very underwhelming. While in game I saw a admin and a immortal having a conversation and I felt like if the immortal rank looked like the admin rank it would look very cool. Like add the blue bars around the immortal rank would make it look 100x better in my opinion.

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  2. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    There is a reason why each rank has different “color codes” let’s call them that. And that is to make them stick out from the others. Making it so both ranks would have the same colors would be no bueno. -1
    Tennente, MAXILES and 89p like this.
  3. SniffableSugar

    Dec 18, 2020
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    to be honest, I would feel like the immortal rank doesn't really fits into the feeling of the MCC rank, the current ranks are Coal Iron Gold Lapis Emerald Diamond Bedrock Legend and immortal, both Legend and Immortal doesn't fit the vibe of natural resources but I guess it is what it is, with the new cave update I hope the MCC dev team can rethink the name for their rank but so far I feel like immortal is a clean colour with a clean design
  4. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! I agree with ItsGuih, they are like this for a reason. If you changed Immortal to look like admins, then admins would stand out which is not ideal since its good for people to see when admins come online especially if they are in need of help. On the other hand, it could be changed but to something totally different and not interfering with any staff ranks but that could just cause arguments since people may not like the new change.
  5. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    most of the main points have already been brought up. changing immortal rank tag would be confusing, as there's not a lot of options left that are different from existing ranks and staff. we don't want to confuse new players, and we don't want to defeat the purpose of a staff tag that stands out. even if there was an option, I highly doubt that it would be changed anyways, as the immortal tag has been this way for a very long time and changing it would take a lot of effort. overall this will basically never happen, to put it bluntly.

    as there's nothing left to say, I've locked the thread
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