Can u please add the option for u to make it snow in you're plot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by AlphaSpring, Aug 21, 2019.

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  1. AlphaSpring

    Jul 31, 2019
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    § Hello MCC This is a post regarding the weather of plots
    first of in other servers you have the option to change the weather of you're plot
    why can't i change the weather of my plot
    Chilo_ likes this.
  2. ImConcerned

    Jul 28, 2019
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    You do understand that you cannot just change the weather in your plot? If the weather was altered then it will effect the whole plot world.
    I hope you understand that you possibly will not be able to change the weather in your plot unless a command like /pweather is added but I highly doubt that. Maybe create a suggest about a ‘/pweather’ command that works like ‘/ptime’ but besides that I am sorry for your inconvenience.
    You can create a server suggestion at this link here :
    Thank you and have a lovely day!
    Chilo_ likes this.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    as mentioned by @ImConcerned , you cannot change plot weather.. although, he didn’t quite say why...
    so i’m not 100% about this, but my guess would be to reduce lag. mcc has a lot of donators, and if all the donators has their plot weather as rainy or snowy it can lag the server becuase there would be sections of different weather then immediately clear (walkways)... if that makes sense.
    in my opinion, i don’t see a need for this to be added. i can get why people would want this to fit the theme of their plot... but while building i think it’s always better to have to have clear weather and add in your own snowflakes n’ such...

    to sum up- plot weather isn’t a thing, it’d prolly cause some issues if it were to be added, and it’s kinda useless.

    hope this helped!
    Chilo_ likes this.
  4. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Adding something like this to the server seems like it would cause a lot more lag issues than what people are currently experiencing. It also seems to be difficult to add so as cool as this idea seems I cant see it being added in the future without all the primary issues get resolved.

    Chilo_ likes this.
  5. I do want to point out some stuff "not the same stuff like everyone said above",

    I do agree what all of you, what you guys said above about "/pweather" command would cause lag since MCC owns many donors, but just to let you all know "/pweather" command actually exists, but none of you owns permission to use it, "if you look at the plugin that MCC uses for their plot (PlotSquared) " it says that their is existing command by the name of "/pweather", but on other side "no one has permission as member or maybe some stuff to /pweather" and I don't think that this permission would ever be added to any members of MCC "to prevent this command power of the lag"
    Note: With plugin power many stuff are possible to be made.
    Chilo_ likes this.
  6. Vxvi_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I dont think that this should be added because it would cause lag to the server. I also just think that its unnecessary. Even though it would be fun to be able to change plots, I dont see this being implemented.

    This is not a bad suggestion though, have a great day!
    Invader and Chilo_ like this.
  7. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    You can just disable snow and rain or other stuff if you use optifine, this will give you higher frames since it causes “lag”
  8. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    not everyone has optifine tho, and many players play in vanilla which it’d still cause a bit of server lag.
  9. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I doubt that the command would create lag, so in my opinion that can't be the only reason why it shouldn't be added.
    The players who have commented on this thread are correct when they say that the PlotSquared plugin already allows this. This is done with plot flags, but players don't have access to that command.

    The weather flag allows players to use 2 variables, rain or clear. There is no snow option, but after I did some testing, it seems that you need to set the plot biome to a cold one (such as FROZEN_OCEAN) in order to get snow falling. I noticed that the command is a bit buggy, and rain doesn't toggle off when you exit the plot.

    I think that there is a too big of a risk of bugs and glitches if we add this command. It would make all plots have rain in the worst case.

    I don't think that this can be added, so I will lock the thread. It's a really good idea, though!

    - Thread Locked
    MicroSquid likes this.
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