--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys, I am making this thread to discus some opinions and thoughts i had / seen on this season and how they could be improved upon for next season! (These points are in no particular order) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: Mob drops As of right now when a player kills a mob there is a chance of the mob dropping loot (Skeletons dropping arrows for example). These chances depend on the mob, 5mil spawners: 25% drop rate, 4mil spawners: 35% drop rate, 3mil spawners: 50% drop rate and 2mil spawners: 75% drop rate. From what i know the cause of the low drop rate was to nerf the amount of people using spawners to prestige extremely fast. This is all well and good but i think it should be changed so mobs killed/tagged by players drop 100% of there drop rate. This would make it so players can make more from putting in the effort to kill mobs themselves. An Issue this may cause how ever is players may use mob aura to make more money! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2: PvP Map One thing i have seen mentioned over and over is the pvp map of this season, in particular the fact that the map does not loop around into a circle. This meant the players where unable to infinitely bow boost away from 5v1's etc. A lot of players have requested that they bring back the circular maps of previous seasons. Another thing that would have been nice to see would be large structures for players to climb up (Like the trees from season 6's map) as they add more to the map. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3: Token Detector I have seen a lot of arguments over weather or not token detector actually works. I think that they need to either Increase the amount of tokens you get from it and have tokens received from it show up in a different font colour (So players can see that it is not just a placebo) or remove the enchant all together. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4: PvP Revamp In my opinion the pvp aspect of the prison server is WELL over due for a revamp. This will also include some opinions on current aspects of pvp. First i wanna bring up the main complaints of current prison pvp. Pearls: I have seen quite a few people saying that pearls should be removed, I personally disagree as it makes it so players who cant bow boost are able to - to an extent - run from players in pvp. I do how ever still want to acknowledge that it is something that has been mentioned. Beaconing: I have also seen a fair few people complaining about beaconing. I personally don't really have an opinion on this as i have not really been effected by it. From what i can tell beaconing is kind of like falling on your own sword. While people like it they only like it when its in there favour so take that how you will. PvP revamp: Okay so in my opinion pvp is extremely overdue for a revamp. A large part of prisons player base is pvpers and i think that they too deserve more in the new season. The following are some ideas for ways prison could be spiced up! 1. Events, Similar to Koth on kit it would be really cool if there was some new events in pvp, I have no ideas for what those events could be so if you have any ideas please let me know! 2. Revamp the envoys to be more pvp based. For instance legendary chests could contain God Swords/Bows, Gaps, P4, Ender pearls etc. 3. Kill Prestige. I think it'd be really interesting if there was a kill based prestige in pvp (You could toggle between mining rank or pvp rank). I think it should go up to 9 like the Mine ranks and should add a multiplier to kills and Possibly bounties (Reluctant to suggest bounties from being multiplied as it would be easy to bounty and alt and kill it for a profit) so players who pvp could make more of a profit from kills and would add more to prison. 4. Add a combat timer somewhere on the screen. 5. Announce in chat when a player kills someone with a bounty (Preferably bounties over 500k, This could also be used to counteract Players killing there alts for money) That's all for the pvp part of the thread. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5: Warp Help Create a warp that would include information like The prestige info, Colour codes, plot commands, Sell signs, Private Signs facts about scamming (That its allowed) Irl deals and prison tools (Upgrade pickaxes, back packs and apple pickers) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Quest System I've seen plenty of people suggesting some kind of quests. I personally don't see it as necessary but wanted to included it for those who wanted it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7: Loot boxes / Keys from Mining I have seen mentioned a few times that players should be able to get keys whilst mining, I like the idea and think it would contain blocks, tokens and maybe a paper that players could use to level up there pickaxe by one level (Would be rare) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8: Chunk Loaders A lot have players have requested this and i also like this idea however i am concerned it may cause lag? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9: Dropping Items In The Mine People have suggested that they should make it so players can no longer drop items in the mines, this would mean players cant accidentally drop there pickaxes in the mines. I am however concerned as to how it would effect the pvp mine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10: Plot Permissions Players should be able to customise permissions on plots, this was Xermes idea, More on it here: https://mccentral.org/community/threads/prison-plot-permissions.113232/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11: Plot Fund Add a bank account like thing in plots that players can deposit money into, could be used as money for the plot and that way players can pool money together as a group. Not really that important but just a thought i had. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading, please feel free to leave your opinions in the comment section!