Accidentally bought keys for someone else.

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by ejoggi, Dec 11, 2020.

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  1. ejoggi

    Oct 18, 2019
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    hi everyone im vuqk and ive made a rather large mistake, the other day i had a friend that asked to do an irl deal for a rank, i was unsure of the price so i went in shop to log in with his user and look at how much a rank would be, after this i said maybe another time as i was tight on money lol. The next day i thought, i have some money to spend, lets buy a few keys.. So i went into shop not realising that i was logged in with his, then i bought 5 ancient keys and 1 myth key for him. After i made the purchase i was waiting for my keys to come thru and noticed that they never did, then i checked the resent purchases on the page and saw that his name came up with 1x Myth Key next to it, then i knew that i made this mistake. I waited a day and a half for him to come back online and explain the situation, i asked him to use the keys for survival and give me the rewards as they were not for you, i even offered to keep a key for his troubles. As hes opening the keys he gets some pretty cool things such as another myth key from an ancient, the 3 plot perk and 2 job amps. I asked him if i could have them and he basically said 'ive gtg ill give them to you tmr' which i strongly doubt because it takes 2 seconds to drop items and he hasnt been on for 2 days since i bought them, this was the first time me seeing him since the incident. Im making this thread because im not sure what to do as i spent $24aud on this mistake. What upsets me rather more is the fact that i bought them specifically for survival, and he doesnt ever play it so the prizes will go to waste which is not what i want.
  2. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    What I think you would do is to file a donation Ticket, whitch you can do here

    This might be considered scamming but thats just me, you need a staff's opinion on that. Wait till a staff locks this thread to see what the final awnser is from them.

    Hope this helped!(if any)
    ejoggi likes this.
  3. nuveau

    Oct 4, 2020
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    I think that the only fix to this is just try to avoid that mistake in the future; I say this because the items on the shop cannot be returned since the way you acquire them is by donating to the server. Therefore, the server isn't obligated to give you a refund or anything like that since it is a donation; its like an appreciation reward for the donation. This problem is really about if the staff decides to trust your word of making the mistake on the purchase since there's nothing you can really do to prove that you actually didn't mean to buy your friend the keys. I think that the best to do is, as mentioned above, file a donation ticket, wait until a staff member answers you and hopefully solve the issue.
    ejoggi, meana and DarkBeastPro like this.
  4. ejoggi

    Oct 18, 2019
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    oh right i forgot abt this, he actually ended up giving me the stuff, thanks everyone <3
    InsaneIsMyName likes this.
  5. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    - Question answered, Thread Locked -
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