Hey Everyone, Just wondering what everyone's favourite thing to do on prison is. Personally at the start of the season I will just farm trees to get apples and mine to get money. After that I'll just sit in pvp all the time as many of the prison players will see me :) I'm usually sat in front of the leader board. I'm curious to know if you ever switch up what you're doing to keep yourself entertained. One aspect of prison I cannot do is building, I'm just not good at it :( Would love to see your favourite thing to do on prison :D Regards Desiqn_/Harry
Why has no one responded. Ok well so mu fav thing: Run into pvp naked. Then have people with 4 sets of p4 and a god bow with 2 stack of gapples and epearls.. 2v1 me lol when naked then call me bad. Other than that i enjoy helping my friend build his plot. /p h wiretaps <---- art
I genuinely like to mine like idk why but it's so calming to me so I'd just mine forever. I don't as much now though, but when the season first started that's all I did ;o
scam rookies build plots scam rookies spin keys mine for endless hours afk 24/7 for spawners /kit money every 24hrs then waste it all on gambles gn <3
Hey Desiqn_! Hope you are having a great day :D Personally, my favourite thing to do on prison is obviously run my casino and expand it. Other than that I also like to mine, its really relaxing especially if you have music in the background. Besides doing these things, I also like to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on rankup, nothing can beat that feeling. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day / night! Dm me on discord if you have any questions (Mentioned below) -boom
I love to explore the many different money-making avenues that prisons has to offer. From amassing a large number of spawners to... uhh... doing irl deals for money? This is half complaint, half sad truth.
Hello Harry! My favourite thing to do in prison has to be pvping. Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy mining and getting spawners but pvping is by far the best thing in my opinion. I think this because as everyone knows I'm constantly in pvp in prison and from time to time you get new people jumping in and challenging u and its entertaining. Also, its enjoyable since your constantly fighting to be the best pvper on prison. Another reason I like it is because when your fighting you can always identify your mistakes, learn to be a better fighter and see your progression from when you started to where you are now.