Staff being able to screenshare in Skywars

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Desiqn_, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Hey Everyone,

    I'm basically writing this today as a message to the Owners / Whoever deals with this stuff.

    I feel that a lot of people including myself and staff members feel that Staff should be able to move people from minigames into the lobby or even screenshare in Minigames lobbies. Countless times where Hackers are getting away with not being banned because staff aren't able to screenshare them in minigames or they have to wait until they join the hub which isn't always guaranteed.

    Staff are mainly relying by luck on them leaving minigames or solid evidence provided by us players. This would not be a problem if they got the ability to screenshare as they could Ban there an then. I get the negative point where you would need someone that could screenshare on at all times to find the hacks on their computer and that they're gonna be extremely busy with all the hackers and seem to be making their way on to the server but in the long run it may be beneficial. Further more if screensharing was introduced in minigames the greater demand of screensharers would be needed to look in files. This gives opportunities for people who are good at screensharing to potentially apply for staff helping you and the server out at the same time.

    If it was accessible the not so blatant hacks would be able to be found out such as toggling, safewalk, no slow. Hacks that would merely be possible to see if it was just recorded by a player. Screenshare allows the staff member to see what was causing them to act suspiciously. I get that it may be difficult to introduce and that is has been brought up before but I just thought I would add my opinion and let you think about it. If screensharing isnt possible then maybe just a command that staff members could use to be able to move them into the lobby to be able to screenshare them. 8/10 if the person is hacking they will log anyway but the 2/10 could still be hiding hacks somewhere.

    I just feel that it would be a benefit to the server and the community as a whole.

    I would love to hear opinions from all players/staff on this :).

    89p likes this.
  2. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Hey Guyguy,

    Please refer to the start of the final paragraph
    It's for the less known hacks, staff can't always tell if someone is toggling etc.
  3. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This has been a discussion for quite a long time and has been shut down. How would you screenshare a user? Would you take them out of the game leading them to be frustrated? Would you freeze them and leave the others waiting for the game to end? This isn't similar to a sub server which is ongoing and doesn't end after a short amount of time. Also they can log out and toggle after a game, there isn't a whole lot you can really do.
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. Desiqn_

    Jan 11, 2020
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    Hey EssentialsPlus,

    I highly doubt someone is gonna get triggered over 1 game. As like the rest of the server the player has clearly shown potential signs of hacking and thus reasoning for being screenshared. I get your point with making people wait this will cause anger, just a command to move the potential hackers into the lobby or if the player gets screenshared in minigames it removes them from the game and puts them in the hub so that the game can be completed.

  5. EssentialsPlus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I just said the average MCC suggestion response, if theres even one flaw Alex seems to not implement it especially in this case where recording evidence is an alternative. I don't think this will be implemented as it would take time to set up different worlds to take players into. There were possible alternatives such as freezing people when they returned to the hub but I don't really see the feature of which your asking to be implemented.
  6. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like the idea, but when I was staff (which was over a year ago so I'm thinking things are most likely different now) we would just ask a player to move to ArenaPvP or the lobby immediately and if they took too long or logged, they would be banned for refusal to SS. Even if that isn't the case anymore, it's not very hard for us players to record people we think could be hacking and make a report on it. It's usually the best way to get the job done, and reports are responded to way faster than on other servers (speaking from experience).

    Hope I made some sense here. Have a nice day :)
    puposaurus likes this.
  7. amandasowavy

    Aug 30, 2020
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    What is this “we” you speak of, you were helper for less than a month then demoted, pretty sure helpers can’t SS :clown:
  8. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    You clearly don’t know the skywars community...
    puposaurus likes this.
  9. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This has been suggested time and time again, and although it is a nice suggestion, it simply isn't possible due to the way the minigames are programmed. The problem with this is that if we left a player frozen, it would leave the final player just sitting there in the lobby until the game automatically ended, or they would have to leave/suicide.

    An alternative to this would be sending the players straight to the lobby while keeping them frozen. The issue with this (and why it can't be added) is that it's very difficult to forcefully move players in and out of already started games, creating the issues we see here.

    Although it would be nice to have a feature like this to be able to address closet cheating in minigames, the most that can be done for the time being is gathering clips of the cheaters.
    LeafyTiger24, Desiqn_ and puposaurus like this.

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