[POLL] Increase Job Level Cap

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by deleteduser, Dec 6, 2020.


Should we increase the maximum level for each job?

  1. Yes, increase it to level 200 per job.

    6 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but not to 200, maybe something else (reply to thread with suggestion)

    3 vote(s)
  3. No.

    2 vote(s)
  1. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey everyone,
    We have another poll for you all, we were wondering if we could get your guys' feedback regarding increasing the maximum level for each job to 200, making the total level 1,000. Here are some clarifications that come with increasing the level cap:
    - If you're currently level 99 but you continued to work under that job (gaining job EXP), if we increase the level cap, you will have pending promotions.
    - You would still continue making more money each time you level up (chart will be released soon).
    - Job promotion costs will continue to increase.
    The whole point of doing such would be to give you guys more to do throughout the season, of course, we could debuff or buff jobs, but we want to hear your feedback regarding this instead.
    Using the poll above, vote accordingly or leave a response.

    Regarding buffing farming:
    Last night we actually buffed farming by x1.5, and actually, in theory, it's supposed to be one of the better jobs if you do it correctly, i.e. if you create a huge farm on your plot and non-stop farm for an hour, you should make more money than the rest of the jobs.

    Thank you all.
    AZXG likes this.
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think raising the cap wouldn't do anything tbh.. Im going to connect survival to prison since the jobs makes me think of some of the prison kinda grind to level up jobs so...
    in season3 when new prestige were introduced (A,A1,A2,A3, so on) Markry or someone higher up had said that practically no one would reach Z9 (at least in that season) then in season4,5,6,7,8 we're seeing Z9s like it was season1&2 again (common to see).. I think the idea of jobs is a nice touch to survival esp with leveling/balancing out the eco, but i think the EXP/levling system is a little too fast, so rather than increasing the max they can just decrease the EXP gained for each level (esp fishing and mining).
    I think other people disagree with this opinion, but higher lvl# or lower EXP amounts, it's still gonna be the same amount of grind or credit card debt from spinning keys..

    if not changing (decreasing) EXP amounts, I think even putting more focus on something other than jobs, like what prison has with spawners– people in prison don't make their only money off mining or just spawners, so why should survival money only come from jobs. I think putting more emphasis on quests and making them less sucky could help. and in no way suggesting to bring back spawners and/or sellable items in /shop.

    also i think maybe maxing the level to be 100 (500 total) would be a nice touch, since 99 is cool n all, but 100 just seems more awarding.
  3. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Actually completely agree with everything you said, especially with doing something with quests. I’ll forward this :)
    #3 deleteduser, Dec 6, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
    puposaurus likes this.
  4. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    So it would be hard to implement anything major to this season, we're looking for solutions for this season.
    For example, we can't decrease the EXP because in doing so you would technically go down in level, so that would be something to add to next season. So really all we can do is increase the level cap because debuffing the jobs wouldn't be fair to people who are already at a low level, and buffing wouldn't be fair to those who worked to get to the higher levels. As for the quests, I'll let you guys know later.
  5. AZXG

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The reason why people can level up quickly is that the cost of promotion is relatively low. In almost all cases, you can get the promotion once you get enough XP, because it's almost guaranteed that you will have made enough money when you have gained the amount of XP needed. A good fix to this issue, in addition to adding more levels, is to make the new promotions much pricier than the first 100 levels. Different from the first 100 levels, the higher levels can't be reached by simply getting enough XP, because the amount of money made in the process will not be enough for the promotion cost. If the adjusted cost is high enough, it can slow down the speed of leveling up by a lot and make the game more balanced. This also helps reduce inflation, because a lot more money will be removed from the economy when people level up their job levels.
    Keeper_X, deleteduser and puposaurus like this.
  6. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    You're making it sound like a bunch of people already capped their stats and now I'm concerned.
  7. Monte

    Jul 20, 2020
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    There are only a handful of player getting to level 99 I don't really see the need to push the level cap. In fact, I feel like pushing the level cap will demotivate the player who took a lot of resources to hit level 99 as the sever can always push the cap higher whenever they reach the highest level, I feel like the server should focus on other content in survival instead of increase grind. I believe adding a new job or fixing current bug should be the main priority.

    Not saying that the idea is bad, it's just that I feel like it is a thing to be considered when the majority of the player base is at a higher level. In fact, you can copy prison's design maybe resetting a player's level when the player hit 495 and if the player chose to promote it will become I-5 all the way to I-495 and then it will be II-5 for the next prestige.

    Have a nice day/night
    puposaurus likes this.

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