Take away pay to win

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by NewCat42, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. NewCat42

    Apr 13, 2020
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    I think it would be more fun for everyone if pay to win was taken away. For example in prison if you pay you get full enchanted diamond armour while people who dont pay get iron armour i think so its litterally pay to win fights please fix this thank you.
  2. HePlaysGames

    Jun 12, 2020
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    You can enchant p4 armor you know?
    Ahnxious likes this.
  3. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    You can also just buy p4 from immo for rlly low prices
  4. 89p


    Jan 14, 2020
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    Hey there.

    While it does seem unfair, when you look at it from both logical and business standpoint, you'll start to realise why it has elements of P2W. Most servers do have P2W elements, this is to encourage players to donate. Alex and Jeremy (the Owners) need to make a profit, every server owner does. You can still get powerful gear as a free to play player, it might just take longer.

    You don't even have to pay real money to get a rank. Many players do IRL deals (items for ranks). Just grind out Prison and I'm sure players will do IRL deals for your items and you can get a rank for free.

    Have a good day.
    DarkBeastPro likes this.
  5. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I think what Alex is saying is that p2w players can just earn all the warps in a few minutes. To do an irl deal,you need to work for many hours(irl rates are skyrocketing) this makes a major labor difference.
    The only way to get p4 is by using kit immortal.
    As far as I know, there isn't a protection enchanted books in game.
    Yes but rates constantly skyrocket as people want to sell their stuff. At the start of the season, it was like 200k for an immo set. Now, the cheapest you can buy for is like 800k-ish.

    I'm neutral on this one as there are good arguments from each side.
  6. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hi there!

    While I understand your frustration, taking away "pay to win" would literally ruin the server. The money sent to the owners by people buying ranks/keys/etc. is used for the upkeep of the server as a whole. Taking this away would literally make no sense. As other people said, you just have to work a little harder for those items than other people and in maps like prison, ores can be bought for extremely cheap and turned into armor and such. Huge -1 from me.

    Have a lovely day :)
    10Controls and Ahnxious like this.
  7. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    In prison and in terms of start of season pvp, I agree with you, prot 4 diamond armour vs iron armour is not a very fair fight. However, in the new prison season /kit pvp has been added which gives normal diamond armour so I think of that as an improvement. There is a level 30 enchantment table at spawn so you can definitely get prot 4 armour if you get exp from mob grinders. With so many immortals on MCC all around, I'm sure some would agree to trade you their immortal kit on prison for something else on another server. The concept of the ranks is to make prison easier to play, which it does, where you get direct access to donator mine which is better than S mine I believe, but that just means that rookies will have to work harder to make the same goal, which is fair imo as donators have literally paid real money for it.
  8. BlackAngusNoodle

    Nov 4, 2020
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    just how many people pvp in prisons tho? regardless mcc isnt very p2w. On factions, I spend $25 on Lapis rank and get Prot 1. Its a little p2w, but there are a lot worse servers.
    SlavicSuperstar likes this.
  9. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    This is why I dislike the PvP 'culture' on MCC.

    To put it simply; You don't win on prisons by having P4 armor. It does not aid you in any way.
    If the kits gave us tokens, or free Token Luck / Miners Delight armor, then I would understand the complaint. However, they don't.

    Not ever server is about PvP. Prisons would be made infinitely less toxic if they removed /warp PvP in its entirety. It's the focus of almost every other subserver, yet you choose to complain about it on Prisons, where it's by far the least popular / functional "P2W" method.

    This isn't personal, I've just been hearing this a lot lately, and it's mind-bogglingly weird to me that people actually think that regular enchanted armor is an unfair advantage on a subserver where your goal is to click on the pixel bricks as many times as possible.

    If anything, colored chat is more OP than the kits. You can post ads and stand a better chance of them being seen.

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