Some Prison Suggestions

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by boomrabbits_, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey guys! I hope you are all having a great day (:

    In this thread, I will be putting up some pretty cool ideas so any type of feedback on these would be great!

    Firstly, I think a /furnace command should be added. This would be really similar to /wb but if would be a furnace instead. Of course, if you would want to use it, your items stay inside the furnace instead of just dropping onto the ground when you close the gui. I think this would be really cool to add because it would come in handy to many people like builders who need items like flower pots and people who don't have access to the dmine who need blocks. This could be available to everyone, ranked players, maybe even a perk? Please let me know what you think of this

    Secondly, I think a command should be added to count the spawners which you have placed down on your plot(s). Personally, every time when I buy spawners, I loose count of them so this command would be really useful to all the eco players. The command could be something along the lines of /spawnercount. Personally. Similar to the /furnace command, this would be available to everyone, ranked players or maybe even a perk. Please also let me know what you think of this

    Thirdly, I think that prestiges should get more perks, for example unlocking gang spots (Instead of paying money) and having a little multiplier (Similar to the donator multiplier on mines) on spawner drops to help them rankup to the next prestige. This would also motivate more players to prestige because a lot of my friends don't prestige because you don't really get anything cool. These is pretty self explanatory so I won't really be going into my detail but please still let me know what you think of this

    Finally, I think there should be some new commands added for boosters. One of these being a command which you can put in money for a specific booster. This would decrease the amount of players advertising in chat how much money they would pay for a booster and also will give reassurance that they will get the money once they activate a booster. This command would be really similar to /bounty, once you put in money, you can't take it back. This command would be something similar to /boostermoney? Another one off these commands would be so you could schedule boosters for a certain time. This would definitely help when there are a lot of boosters at the start of the season and would be pretty cool to have. This command would be something similar to /boosterschedule.

    Thank you for reading my suggestions. All of these suggestions have either been thought by myself or been brought up by other people in calls that I have been

    I hope you have a lovely rest of your day / night!
    Dm me on discord if you have any questions about these ideas or find any typos :D
  2. SverreDH

    Feb 6, 2020
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    I agree to your well thought-through statements, you will be next president!!!! Especially the last one is very well put together and I couldn’t agree more.
    I don’t agree with the C- you got on your last maths test though, we need to have a talk later. Also, no sweets for a week.
    -love, mom
    #2 SverreDH, Dec 3, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2020
    boomrabbits_ likes this.
  3. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey boomrabbits,

    For the first point, I'm not really sure /furnace is needed as you can just make a furnace on your plot, with coal being available since /warp a. Having a furnace GUI would be quite difficult for the server to keep track of if everyone was using it, like making sure the right items are given to the right player, how much coal is used and how much fuel is left, etc. If it was a perk I don't think it would be very good unless maybe the items are smelted instantly.

    I personally really like the second point, as it's quite a hassle to constantly count your spawners or keep count, and especially annoying when you forget or lose track of how many you're at. I think /spawnercount would be great, maybe you can only do it only while inn your own plots or plots you're added / trusted in, so that if any other players whose plots are open want to keep quiet about how many spawners their own plots have other people won't know.

    For the prestige perks, I'm not really sure how adding gang spots would work, as in if one member gets prestige then a spot opens or is it just the leader, and if that prestiged member leaves the gang which is full, would there be one too many members so one needs to be kicked? Also, I'm pretty sure prestige already gives you a multiplier of +0.1x like Prestige 1 gets 1.1x, Prestige 2 gets 1.2x, etc, although I think those multipliers are quite low as no one really mines after the first prestige as you can use spawners.

    I'm not really understanding the concept behind /boostermoney, when you say 'put in money for a specific booster' do you mean you're paying IRL money or you and other people pay in-game money so that one person buys a booster? And for your point of not being able to take back, I don't think thats really fair as scamming is allowed on prison so a lot of people could pay one person for a booster and they could just not buy one and that would be fine. Scheduling boosters would not really be important as when one finishes, anyone can just use another one, and scheduling boosters would be kind of similar as everyone would want a good time to use the booster, making the command not really worth it. Additionally, making an entirely new command just for the start of the season wouldn't be a very good use of the developers' time.

    Other than that, some good suggestions, do you have any more?
    boomrabbits_ and puposaurus like this.
  4. ResetSkyblockBeforeXmas14

    Dec 3, 2020
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    They should remove spawners as a whole IMO, or atleast make the economy not based around them, prison with spawners is basically skyblock without the sky, except instead of farming for money to get your spawner farm going you mine blocks.
  5. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey KingKottlewing! Thank you so much for your feedback (:

    For the first point, The point of the /furnace it to have a portable furnace with you and have an easier access to a furnace. I believe that it would be easier to type out a command then type out a couple commands to purchase cobblestone, make the furnace, purchase coal etc. After thinking about it, I agree with you that coal would be annoying to get and annoying for the server to keep track of so maybe just have infinity coal in it. I also love your suggestion about insta smell, Im not sure if its going to be a bit op but it would be something cool to add in the next season

    For the third point, I don't think you understood what I was suggesting. I agree with you that the multiplier on mines that it is pretty useless so thats why I suggested the same or even a little less op multiplier be used on spawner drops. Also for the gang spots, only when the leader prestiges, a gang spot opens up otherwise as you mentioned it would be really confusing and won't work overall. Maybe even on top of this you could also buy gang spots for money so you could go above the 20 spot limit?

    For the last point, the system would work something similar to the /bounty command where you could put in game money for a booster. If then someone activates that specific booster all of the money would go straight to them. The point of this was to allow less people to advertise in chat "Im paying 10 mil for a 2x booster!" and also make it scam proof. For the /boosterschedule command, this could also be used in other ways. For example scheduling a booster for 3pm and telling all your friends that a booster is going to happen at this time so they could hop on at the time. Maybe the schedule can even be available to everyone so people could see when the next booster is coming up.

    Thank you so much for your feedback!
    Have a lovely rest of your day / night!
    Dm me on discord if you have any questions (Mentioned below)
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  6. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey ResetSkyblockBeforeXmas14! Thanks for replying to this thread :D

    Personally, I don't agree with this at all due to the fact that skyblock has a very chill and peaceful vibe since scamming isn't allowed, there are practically no chat bots etc whilst prison has an intense vibe to it. Just because theres 1 similarity between them doesn't mean that spawners should be removed from 1 of them. Also if spawners were in fact removed from prison, it would be impossible to get any where except prestige 4 because it just gets too much to mine and it wouldn't really be fun (:

    Have a lovely rest of your day / night!
    Dm me on discord if you have any questions (Mentioned below)
    lavoova the grape likes this.
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I don’t see how suggestion number 1 would be useful. Nobody uses furnaces, due to the fact that you can get diamond gear for free, from kits (pickaxe & axe) and from that work on towards ranking up so that you have access to better mines, where you’re able to obtain better ores. I honestly don’t think people would wear iron armor if they were to jump into pvp, as that would be a 1-tap to most people.
    As for the other 3 suggestions, I do find them pretty nice. I think, however, that the “booster bounty” command would not be as useful. Not a lot of people (if any) would contribute. It’s not always that people offer part of their balances as a tip to whoever turns a booster on. /tip is there, and even tho it gives you only 10k, it’s a chill amount of money. The booster schedule command does sound pretty cool. If you have purchased a booster on hypixel you should know how their system works, upon purchasing one you can either schedule it (randomly - picked by the server) or stack it up to make the coin multiplier even higher. +1 for that part
    Have a good one
    boomrabbits_ likes this.
  8. KingKottlewing

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I never thought about having the boosters stack actually, that would be really cool!

    By the way, anyone can just get coal and cobblestone at /warp a so it's really easy. I think the booster bounty thing would be a bit complicated to have multiple people pay money for a booster, would there be a maximum number of people or a minimum amount of money given? Maybe we could just have the server itself automatically turn on a booster if a command was made to accept money from people, so when a total goal is reached the booster is turned on.
    boomrabbits_, puposaurus and guih like this.

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