Major Content Ideas for the future

Discussion in 'Skyblock General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Nov 29, 2020.

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  1. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Below are my ideas for some main content ideas for a future skyblock server. Some of these might seem radical but I think skyblock needs something big to change gameplay. As always the more feedback and Ideas the better :) Please note these are rough ideas and everything could be changed about them.

    Idea one: Pets

    Pets will be a players best friend, Different pets will give players different ability's. Players are only allowed to have one pet activated at a time. Pets get tired after working for awhile and require sleep. Pets can be upgraded for better abilities but they will require a cost to upgrade. Pets will follow you around like pocket pals.

    Pet One
    Pet one will be a pet that helps you make more money when farming, It will give you bonus crops when activated.

    Pet Two
    This pet loves to do quests. When you complete tasks with this pet you will receive % more money from that quest.

    Pet Three
    This pet loves to pvp. When activated this pet will give you the ability to short bursts of strength 3.

    Pet Four
    This pet loves to party. When activated and around 10 or more players on an island. It will turn the floor into a disco party and play music.

    Idea two: Further Island Customization
    I personally feel like islands could use more customization to allow players to expand the possibilities of things to do on the island. I think they should be able to set the weather, Either constantly Rain or snow. I think they should be able to choose if players are able to fly or not on the island. This will allow people to make parkour challenges. I think people should be able to turn off friendly fire. Meaning if two people have it off on an island. They will be allowed to pvp eachother. Players will be able to host pvp tournaments or just have fun.

    Idea three: Quest Overhaul

    I think quests deserve an overhaul. There should be more custom in depth quests. Can be "upgrade your harvest hoe one level", "Damage the boss at the boss event" "Find an envoy" The options are limitless and would require peoples ideas in order to get a lot of new quests.

    Idea Four: 1.17
    Yes this would not be a factor for the upcoming reset but I think people should start thinking about a newer version skyblock. Yes we would still probably have 1.8.9. But I think it would be a great addition to have a newer version skyblock, New mobs,blocks etc. That will open the door to new server side additions.

    Idea Five: Change how island top is calculated

    What if blocks only counted towards 80% of island value. The other 20% could be broken up into different categories. 5% is mobs killed, 5% is crops farmed, 5% is the amount of quests completed and another 5% is boss battles won or something. Of course all all these numbers can be changed etc. Its just an idea to get out there so your total island level is just about placing blocks.
  2. creeper7777777

    Jul 23, 2019
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    These seem like good ideas, with a lot of thought put into them! Below are my reactions to each one specifically:

    Idea 1 - Pets
    Honestly, while it seems good, I'm not sure about all of these. For example, the party one seems unnecessary, and could be hard to write the code for, with a lot of glitches if one of the disco floor blocks doesn't get removed. However, the other ideas for pets are good, like one for a small farming boost, or pvp boost. It's similar to custom enchants, although there's already enough of those. Question is, how would these pets be obtained? Would everyone have them to begin with, or would it be like a perk paper from a key? Personally I would suggest the second one, with a perk paper mechanism, because if everyone had all of them, then any player could just switch to whatever pet they need whenever they're doing something (for example, while farming they have the farming pet, before entering the pvp arena they switch it to the pvp pet). After working out the specific details to balance the game I think this would be a great addition. +0.5

    Idea 2 - Island Customization
    Any form of granting the ability to make one's island their own is always welcome, as long as it doesn't make the game unbalanced. I would love to see all of the things you suggested added, similar to the island permissions. I don't think it's possible to set whether it rains or snows, though, since all islands are in the same world. However, the ability to change settings like friendly-fire enabled or fly should definitely be added, but with methods implemented to prevent death-trapping. For example, as you mentioned players would have to run a command or click in a gui to enable pvp on an island or zone that allows it, and players who teleport to an island should be given ~15 seconds before it turns off their fly ability, to prevent death-trapping. These are just suggestions, I'm sure there would be a better way to prevent any death-trap situation. +1

    Idea 3 - Quests
    As I mentioned in a thread from a while ago, currently quests are pretty useless. Currently the hardest monthly quests only give 5,000 and a dragon egg. The dragon egg does nothing and anyone could easily get $5,000. Because of this, the only people who care about quests are the ones who are already on the quest leaderboard, however this position is not revered and gives nothing. Currently quests are just wastes of time, since there's an abundant amount of dragon eggs on the auction house and anyone could donate that small amount of money to someone who asks. Additionally, many quests make no sense, such as "Enchant 200 Golden Leggings." That is a huge waste of resources, since gold isn't easy to get without grinding zombie pigman grinders or afking in the ore generators, and no one has such a use for that many gold leggings, so they would just be thrown out -- all for 5k and an egg, which is very small. For that reason, I would definitely support an increase in the prize and a removal of the ridiculous quests. Quests that actually make sense, like mining X amount of netherwart or killing 10 players in the pvp arena should take their place, for example. +1

    Idea 4 - 1.17 Skyblock
    I don't actually see any reason to upgrade from 1.8. I personally have not been impressed with mojang with these updates, because while they add all of these great things to singleplayer, they've been neglecting the multiplayer community and bugs in the software. Mojang seems to want to code the fun things and not do the actual work of producing a stable version, meaning no massive bugs and featuring usable pvp. There are more performance issues for versions 1.13+, and with hundreds of players on one server as the season starts, it would not likely support all of them. Also, Skyblock is a very common game to find on servers, big and small. Nearly all of them use ASkyblock, and many are always on the most recent version. Minecraft Central is unique because they made a custom skyblock plugin, separating them from the thousands of other identical skyblock servers. They don't need to utilize the features from another version to push forward new content. While I support 1.12 being used for creative and survival, I can't find a good reason to move skyblock to 1.12 or up. Skyblock is not really about the building, it's more about farming, and a wide variety of crops are already available. While I wouldn't necessarily be against it if they decided to bring skyblock to 1.12 for introducing more blocks, brining it to any version that's 1.13+ will likely cause a major decrease in TPS only for a couple of features from the version, since skyblock is a very large server when the season starts. -0.5

    Idea 5 - Island Level Calculation
    I feel that this could be good for skyblock, as an island could be more than just blocks. However, the numbers would definitely have to be balanced, because one discrepancy would mean that's the new and only way to get island top. The number of players trusted/added to the island should also be taken into account, as islands with big teams will have a large advantage over islands with small teams, and typically the islands with big teams have to do less work to receive more award, since they can divide the work among multiple members, such as one person grinding spawners for island level, another 3 people placing blocks, etc., while a smaller island would have to have each member doing multiple jobs. Other than that, and if the numbers are completely balanced so there is no easy way to achieve island top quickly, I would support this being added. +1

    With ideas always being suggested, the administrative team can innovate the experience and features of the game. I can't wait for the next season (even though it's probably not for another month or two), and I trust that whatever gets added will be what is right for the server.
    #2 creeper7777777, Nov 29, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2020
  3. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Great thread,
    Suggestions from the community are always awesome, everyone get your ideas in :)!
  4. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Ah yes, keep ignoring mini games and updating sub servers, big +1 from me!
    forgranted and __dragonslayer like this.
  5. SweatyDreamer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    I agree with most of the points made by creeper7777777 in his post above. My only additional comment I would make is about the versions of skyblock. I personally enjoy 1.8.9 skyblock more than the other different versions, however, it is true that without the newer version some newer blocks are unavailable. Earlier, I brought up a point about deleting the skyblock 2 subserver as it was dying off ,but many people stated that having a more chill relaxed version of skyblock in sb2 was what they preferred. My suggesstion is that we make Skyblock 1 1.8.9 based which is for the competitve players and Skyblock 2 could be 1.17 or any other newer version and considered the more "chill' version. By doing this it allows those who want to play skyblock with the newer versions to play it if they want while allowing players who are used to the 1.8.9 skyblock to continue to play as is. In addition, the idea of possibly considering the skyblock 1 the competitve skyblock and bringing in payout for top placing island is also an idea that could be brought up. (I know that the payout for skyblock was discussed in a different thread already, but this is just for consideration)
    Moltenwing and Candids like this.
  6. Haylos

    May 13, 2020
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    Hey, I will only like to talk ab the Idea 5 - Island Level, as its the one im interested the most in

    I feel like there should be a "Level recollection system"?, so my idea consists of having like a lvl bank in which you deposit certain amount of blocks to be stored as island levels, this prevents of having islands full of diamond/emerald ores, I believe that this way players will also focus on making their island look nice instead of just having a huge block of emeralds/diamonds and other ores, and believe me when I say that placing emerald blocks becomes really exhausting and boring.

    Another small but important thing, I would like to recommend to remove the rename tags from the mythical keys and maybe reduce their drop percentage from farming crops, in my previous island we collected around 20+ dubs of rename scrolls.
    Evin Reed and jemelina like this.
  7. Moltenwing

    Jul 25, 2020
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    I think adding more pvp based events in skyblock will be better such as having a koth or outposts to help boost your island upgrades that would be really fun, as well as the idea with pets I would love to keep the server 1.8 based and not have any mixed things into it as seen with survival the pvp part of it is lowkey retarted the island customization, pets level and trying to add more pvp into skyblock would all be really fun and exiting new changes especially pvp because it dies off super early, if you add more pvp based events in skyblock it'll be really fun and won't be as dead or boring because skyblock does get really boring half way through the season or you get burnt out of it super easily so it would be fun to see new changes added into skyblock
  8. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    These would definitely make skyblock more interesting, I like them all except the pet four, it seems kind of useless. I also recommend colour coding harvest hoes, so we can figure out which harvest hoe belongs to who without switching them up.
  9. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Idea One:
    While the general idea of pets is admirable, I feel like more info is needed. Would these be purchasable? Or something every player has? Would these be treated somewhat similarly to how the new jobs on survival work in terms of gui and how information is presented. I love the idea of a pet for farming, quests and pvp, though I don't see much use for the party pet. While it could be cute, I agree with creeper7777777 in the fact that this feels like it could be difficult to code and generally doesn't provide enough advantages to warrant having it added.

    Idea Two:
    This idea gets a +1 from me. It's simple, yet could further interest many skyblock players and allow for a more personalized experience. I regularly have seen newer/rookie players asking if there's anything else to do on an island other than essentially farming, placing blocks, ect.

    Idea Three:
    Quests 100% need to be overhauled in my opinion. I very rarely find myself checking to see what quests are available as they are typically quite... out of the way from things that I actually need or would like to do on my island. Quests that take in to account the player base, the type of economy, the structure of MCC skyblock as well as the competitive aspect of MCC would be incredible. I'd love to provide ideas should I think of any to make this idea more plausible!

    Idea Four:
    I generally don't see any advantages to bringing 1.17 to MCC skyblock at this time. We are already somewhat limited in the types of blocks that can be purchased or mined, and I don't feel as though 1.17 offers anything that would benefit the community. That being said, I haven't really looked in to the newer version a whole lot so I may be missing something completely.

    Idea Five:
    I feel as though this is another interesting prospect, it could make future seasons more competitive. Admittedly, I believe the only way to really find out is to test run it for a season!

    Additional Ideas:
    Modify the rule regarding griefing on an island. As of the moment, I regularly have players message me saying they've been kicked off of an island, or that their island leader stole spawners that players had gotten from keys, or from working hard for their island. I have seen this to be incredibly discouraging for many players, and have seen players who have played the entire season, drop out simply because their island leader stole the spawners that the island member had bought.
    Another idea would be adding Island Quests (idea curtesy of nonRacist) Make these quests similar to personal/player quests but on a much larger scale. Harvest x amount of crops, kill x amount of mobs, place x amount of blocks and so on. Make these fairly difficult and something which requires an entire team/island to work together towards. It would encourage players to work with others and work together as a team. These would also be possible to do as a solo island but admittedly would be more for groups to work towards together. The general idea of this would be to either replace the way you get /is upgrade points or add an additional way to get them.
    creeper7777777 likes this.
  10. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Eya, so I played SkyBlock in the start of the season but it got boring real fast to me, A problem I think that the current SB season has is that it got boring real quick (For me at least). I'd love to see some changes in this since Skyblock has the opportunity to be incredibly diverse! I'll try to explain what it was that got me bored and what I think to got me bored with a response on the suggestions that you've made.

    I absolutely love this idea, I don't know how you came up with this but it’s pretty awesome. This is a small solution to what I think the problem that SkyBlock has (From my personal playing experience). That problem is that it got repetitive pretty soon and not really a goal to work towards besides trying to get into any top. Those pets will offer a more 'personal' goal to works towards. I always love the idea to personalize gameplay for people so this would be absolutely amazing, Huge +1 from me for this idea

    (Idea for another pet could be something related to the AH. The money you make/spend of the Auction house could level your pet up and this will make you gain a small extra money every time you sell/buy something in the Auction House, this will stimulate people selling things and will improve the economy)

    Further Island Customization
    Small addition that I think could make a huge difference. This would allow players to 'vibe' a bit more and do some extra things with their island such as making parkours and things like that. Besides that I don't think it would impact the gameplay in a negative way, so why not add it.

    This season quests were useless. A cool improvement would be to make quests 'High risk High reward'. Doing less quests that are hard to do with a higher reward would be pretty awesome. and I would personally think of really risky quests, the ones that would take maybe an entire day to do and could possibly fail if. Such as ''Kill an X amount of players in PvP'' ''Mine an X amount of Diamonds''. This of course would have X to be a high number.

    Yea, as u stated, not really realistic for upcoming reset. But any version update, even if to 1.12.2 with maybe 1.8.9 PvP would be pretty dope. I don't see why not to do this (If possible at least). Every version gives more blocks that look stunning in some builds.

    If this makes the server laggy/buggy or glitchy it shouldn't be implemented since improved gameplay should never be improved if this gives an uncomfortable user experience.

    Island Level Calculation
    I saw you mention this in another thread and was pretty amazed by the idea. Block value should stay the number 1 factor when calculating Island value but having more components that come to the calculation of island top would be really cool. This also brings me to what I think is the biggest problem of the sub server : It’s to monotonous. and a reformed way of Island Level Calculation can get rid of the following
    1. This would open up for way more + better ways to 'level up'. We saw that with the Survival Reset this went pretty good and players like it.
    2. I think this would be better for newer players, since it would be less beneficial for the players who managed to get a ton of alts.

    3. Different ways to stand out with your island results in players with different qualities joining the sub server.

    So I think the entire Pet Idea is incredible. It would be in many ways unique and gives this 'Which path will you choose' gameplay experience. The Skyblock community is pretty dope and I think some more community events with a Skyblock item as prize would be super nice way to give back to the community. It is something I haven't seen that often and would be cool to host. (If any players have ideas for a specific Skyblock event. Please let us know here).

    Overall the I think that Skyblock could be improved if it were to be repetitive. The Ideas you came up with should fix that I think. Nonetheless I think the past Skyblock update was one of the most successful updates the server has experienced and thus has more to offer for the future!

    Really curious what other players think!

    Moltenwing likes this.
  11. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I apologize for leaving out some key information about my pet idea, Was on the verge of falling asleep when typing this post out. The main thing I wanted to clear up was about obtaining pets. In my opinion pets should be accessible for all but at a cost. We could make them cost a lot or make them cheap but where it costs a lot to upgrade them. We could add Pet boosters kinda like job boosters on survival in keys or a server side booster for pets. But pets would definitely be accessible for all, We could have pets that give no real advantage and are just for cosmetics In keys. I suggested a few different pet ideas just to get ideas flowing, Although there is no real argument saying we should not try something because it may be hard to code, @InsaneIsMyName @creeper7777777 . Over the past few years working along side with Alex and Jeremy, There is nothing that they cannot code. Jeremy Is a very talented Dev, They have totally remade the skyblock backend, Factions Jar, And released features like backpacks on prison and jobs on survival.

    Also wanted to add on to island customizations, There should be a few more starter island themes for players to choose from. Change it up from the classic island.

    I still strongly think starting a 1.17 sub server would be a great idea, By no means would it replace 1.8.9. Mojang has been making great strides lately on the newer versions with not only content but also server performance. They are also still playing around with combat. We never will know exactly what we can do with a newever version skyblock unless we try it.

    Island quests would be a cool feature, It would work perfectly if we revamped quests all together.
  12. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'll leave my input on your suggestions, then put my suggestions under. Thanks for making the thread!

    1.) Pets - Decent Idea, I would change them into a more "ability" type system, rather than having a pet follow you around. People (such as myself) have pocketpals but just keep them disabled because they get in the way too much. They have huge hitboxes and are just an inconvenience, I'd rather not have something like this in the game, so I'd take an ability system (kind of like jobs on Survival?) where you could switch between abilities to get their buffs. +1 if it was changed to not have physical pets

    2.) Island Customization - Would need some safety adjustments but yeah I'd like this. If fly was disabled on islands there would need to be preventions to deathtrapping so people couldn't just drop players 50 blocks and kill them. Pvp zones would be dope as long as the same measures are applied to prevent deathtrapping (selecting a zone and preventing warps from being made/preventing zones from being near warps). +1

    3.) Quests - An overhaul would be nice, the rewards are complete garbage right now. Monthly quests need to be actual challenges that give rewards for the time spent. $5000 and a dragon egg is not worth crafting 210 anvils. Whole system needs to be revamped. Quests as an island team would also be a dope idea and should be heavily considered (rewarding island points if completed). +1

    4.) 1.17 - Please never consider going above 1.8.9. Versions after this have been proven to be unstable, pvp is absolutely tanked and the plugins don't make up for it, and the multiplayer community in general is set and stone on staying 1.8 (sometimes even 1.7). People simply prefer 1.8 and it should stay this way. The focus on more content should come through plugins and ingame features rather than vanilla minecraft. Hypixel did an outstanding job of this. Very -1

    5.) Island Level Calculation - This is an interesting concept, but I'm not sure how this would be balanced. A solution to this could be giving spawners island levels again. Not nearly as many as before (prev. 20 no matter what spawner) so here's my solution. For every 100k the spawner costs is 1 island level. This would give a boost to islands in the beginning of the map, as the top islands are more focused on making money (buying spawners) than short term island levels, resulting in the true top islands staying under the radar for months until it's worth it to buy island levels without sacrificing major income loss. +1 on figuring out a balanced system to weight island value.

    Here are my ideas on what needs to be changed. This is coming from a leader of the top island in levels, spawners, and overall value.

    1.) Island Upgrades and Points - A fully maxed island still takes far too long, points either need to be easier to get with everyday farming crops, or upgrades need to be cheaper. Hopper limit should also be increased - with 22.5k spawners, we need to sell our grinder with 1k hoppers once every 2-3 hours, which is absolutely ridiculous. Hopper limit should at least be doubled.

    2.) F11 Farming - Bring the Factions nerf to Skyblock, it's op, not much else needs to be said.

    3.) Farming Axe - In the case where melons/pumpkins are a viable economy strategy, this should come with it. An Unbreakable, Efficiency 5 Fortune 3 Axe with the same upgradable path as the Harvest Hoe.

    4.) Spawner rebalance - The profit spawners (Snowgolems) were balanced perfectly this map. Silverfish, on the other hand, paid back their profit 3x as fast. If a spawner to give levels were to still be around next map, they would need to be worse than the current spawner situation.

    5.) Rebalance Treasure Hunter - We have like 100 dubs of rename scrolls and nobody cares about them. Make them much less common in Treasure Hunter rewards and remove them from key crates.

    Again about updating Skyblock to a newer version - the later versions simply aren't cared by the community for and although you can still connect with 1.8.9, it isn't nearly the same, nearly as stable, and the features just aren't worth ruining pvp and other 1.8 specific mechanics. Skyblock has a huge PvP scene as well and it isn't worth ruining (I know there are 1.8 pvp plugins but none of them accurately represent 1.8 combat). Please keep it 1.8.9, maybe Survival can mess around with later versions, as it's whole basis revolves around the more vanilla side of things and has already seen updates. The vast majority of the multiplayer community is set and stone on this version.

    That's all my suggestions for now, my Discord DM's are always open for more feedback.
    creeper7777777 and Dionnysus like this.
  13. stampyrhodes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like most of the ideas you have put into your thread post Unadvised, but I disagree with your fourth idea since I don't think the later versions of Minecraft are liked too much in the multiplayer scene as I myself disliked switching versions constantly during the survival reset since pvping in 1.12.2 is quite disgusting.

    One thing I'd really like to see added is a rebalancing of the skyblock economy and not have the economy relied on just one or two resources which were netherwarts, and snow golems. Since in previous seasons such as season 9 sources of income could come through selling diamond and emerald blocks mined with a fort5, selling tokens by farming cocoa beans which sold for about 150k a stack at its most if I remember, farming melons, as well as getting money from skeleton spawners. In the current season if you didn't shell out a bunch of money at the start of the season it proved very difficult to get any source of income since you needed a harvest hoe and I think that killed the hope of having a decent island for many users.

  14. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Unadvised! Hope you are having a lovely day (:

    Although I am a prison player, I used to play skyblock so these are going to be my opinions of the suggestions which you have put up

    1. Pets

    Personally, I love this idea. Every time when I used to log into skyblock there really wasn't much to do except farming and grinding so I think pets can be a cool little addition which would provide players more enjoyment whilst doing these things. I do love your first 3 pet suggestions but as Creeper777777 said in his above reply, the disco pet would be really useless and would be really hard to code (Definitely possible but really hard) which means it will contact a lot of glitches and I doubt it would be used my many people. On the topic of how pets should work, I support Cxrtr on this. I believe you should be available to activate pets similar to the /jobs plugin on survival where players could type a command (/pets?) and it would display a menu with these pets which then you can level up (There level would also be show in this gui). If I had to suggest a pet, (Due to my gambling addictions) I would definitely go with the gambling pet. This pet could be levelled up by doing /cf's and would give you some bonus $ if you do end up winning a /cf. Overall this is defo a +1 from me

    2. Island Permissions

    This would be amazing to add and if this were to get added next season, I can guarantee some island next season would be extraordinary. Although I do like the weather customisation, I don't like the pvp and /fly suggestions. Skyblock is supposed to be a very peaceful and layed back sub-server but I think these commands would encourage (Even though its not allowed) players to start 'scamming' on the server and it would ruin the point of skyblock. Like Creeper777777 mentioned above, There are definitely ways around this but this would just lead new players to be confused and it would be pretty messy overall. Overall, I don't think some of these should be on skyblock (Maybe try other sub-servers where scamming is allowed like prison?) but I do like the concept of it so this will be a +0.5 from me

    3. Better rewards for quests

    I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS IDEA. Ever since quests were suggested for prisons, I've fell in love with them and I think this idea for quests on skyblock would be extraordinary. When me and my friends used to play, doing quests was really boring and none of us really liked them that much and were also pointless (Like farming without a harvest hoe), But I believe if better rewards were to get added to these I would motivate the player base to do them and also make skyblock even more fun to play. I do love your suggestions for the prizes and I definetly think that this should be added. Not sure if this is allowed but its a +2 from me

    4. Version

    I totally disagree with this one and so far this one is my least favourite idea. If this does get implemented in the future, in my opinion all of would do it make people really mad which would cause skyblock and MCC in general to loose a lot of its players. Like Creeper777777 mentioned in his above response, pretty much all skyblock servers are in 1.8 which means people are used to them and transferring to a newer version where a lot of old abilities are removed would cause a lot of confusion for the player base and make skyblcok and MCC loose players which also supports my main point for this suggestion. Although I don't like this idea at all, I might have a suggestion for it. What if skyblock realm 2 or even a new skyblock realm 3 could be created in this version and you could experiment with it to see if the player base does like it. Overall this is an easy -1 from me

    5. Island level

    I think this would be pretty cool to add but I personally think the more island members which you have on your island means you get less from the different categories but the 80% from the blocks would stay no matter what. I also think that Haylos' idea would be beneficial to skyblock since all of the top islands were just filled wth emerald blocks and I have had the same experience with my island. When me and my friends started a casino on skyblock it was really annoying having a huge pile of blocks under it and took away the true beauty of it. In addition, when we had to many blocks, me and my island members were forced to mine all of the blocks and that sometimes took an hour or 2 so having something like a lvl bank would be great in my opinion. Overall this would be a +1 from me for this suggestion

    Thats all from me today, I hope you have a great rest of your day / night!
    Please dm me on discord if you find any grammar mistakes (boomrabbits_#6945) as I did write this at midnight :D
  15. xShamelessSenpai

    Aug 26, 2020
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    I am absolutely in love with the pet idea, I’d say we should get them via key or a purchasable pack through the Mcc store for $10.00 usd for 3 types of pets. Pet 1 should be something for pvp, pet 2 should be farming, and pet 3 should be for experience or something along that line.

    They should be something small as in a bat, chicken, ocelot, or anything along that line.
    You can either toggle them to show or have them to show for the player and as they pvp they turn to some type of particles.

    I give props to your ideas I like them a lot!!
  16. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    I still think pets that help you make money etc should be accessible to all, But maybe the cosmetic ones can be from keys. I also strongly think that pets should be a physical thing like a pocket pal. Idk it kinda defeats the purpose of the whole pet idea but not have a physical pet along side with you.

    For more island customization we could also add island music. Where music will play on the whole island and you can select the song via gui. Would be pretty cool too if your whole island had a custom texture pack for a song. Not sure how ppl feel if we could like freeze mobs and use them as decoration. Have a cap to them and they don't get clear lagged. Or what if we could use armor stands like creative. Just thoughts.
  17. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! These ideas are pretty interesting. I am a Prisons player and these ideas would most likely get me to play more skyblock. I personally think the Pets idea is pretty cool, mostly due to the fact that's its a fairly new idea/concept to the game. I also think skyblock should at least be 1.14 because that's where most of the new features/blocks in Minecraft come in. The pet which sounds the best is pet one. I think this because at the start of skyblock everyone grinds and harvests a lot and then a lot of people move towards spawners. This would mean it could alter the way people play the game and maybe make people just stick to farming instead of afking. This would also mean their will be less people afking and more people grinding. My least favourite one is Pet 3 as i am a massive pvper in prison and I know having strength is a massive factor in a fight and would make it too overpowered.
  18. Fasilisnt

    Dec 9, 2019
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    All I gotta say is that however hard you may try to balance the game there will be always things - big or small - that will be abused by the community. Here's some examples from past maps:
    s4: massive auto scane farms
    s9: auto cocoa replanting / afk diamond ore mining
    s10: f11 hh farming / f11 level placing / emmy cubes

    I could probs find more examples but all I'm trying to say is that there will always be something that becomes meta in any map, no matter how hard u try to balance the game and yes, the community will whine about it being "op" etc. Unless you nerf absolutely everything and just make the game pure p2w. Even nerfing f11 won't stop the "abuse", for example I could get all my team members on remote desktop and simply f11 normally. There are ways around everything you may try to nerf, and the point is that since this isn't competitive skyblock with payouts and specific rules, trying to enforce such rules won't work imo.

    Lastly a nice change I'd like to see really is cactus eco, it has always been good and you cant p2w your way to it (unless you hire kids to make a farm for you).
  19. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Adding on another idea, small but likely semi difficult addition could be "Block Wands". Essentially a combination of the /block command and sell wands. These could be extremely rare, perhaps even something only obtainable through mythical keys.

    A couple ways to use this idea without taking away from the /block perk:

    Idea One -
    Each block wand is minimal uses, something like 250 uses. But slightly more common, perhaps a rare reward from an ancient key.

    Idea Two -
    Each block wand has more uses, something like 500, 1000, 2500. But less common, and only obtainable through legendary ancient keys or rare mythical keys with 2500 being legendary from myth keys.
  20. BabyJuice

    Jan 22, 2020
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    Implement a thing where a muted player should be able to talk in island chat
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