MCC Staff Situation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mmmmm, Aug 20, 2019.

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  1. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hello people of MCC! So at the start of August I made a post regarding the current situation of the minigame servers, the main problem behind this and the actions which the server needs to take to fix these issues. If you would like to read more about it, I'll leave the link here -
    In this post, one of the things I mentioned that was hurting the development of MCC was the Staff Team which will be the main topic of this post. I tried to avoid the topic in my post as someone would see it as "Staff Disrespect" but with the current situation of MCC, it needs to be done.
    Quick disclaimer; All content in this post in mainly my own opinions. I'm not directly attacking any specific staff members so please, if you think you might get offended, either leave this thread now or put some rub on your *** and sit through it.

    Ok so getting into things quickly, I firstly want to talk about the activity of Staff members. I've mentioned this before in my other post but I want to reiterate my point. Being an EU player on a server with the majority of the playerbase and Staff team being US means I would statistically see less players and staff online than the average player. However, I'm quite the night owl and play late nights to get the full experience of the server. I occasionally play during EU times and in this time is when the server is infested with hackers. I'm mainly a minigames only based player but I do play some of the other sub-servers like Prison and ArenaPvP. All of the gamemodes I play in minigames or any of the sub-servers have hackers on them with no Staff in sight. The Staff team has stated this to be because there is a lack of EU Staff members. If that is the case then the server should push for more EU Staff members but not once have I seen any Staff member or the server advocating they want any. If the server does actually have any EU staff members, it would be recommended to push for them to actually be active as I've never seen any on minigames or the majority of sub-servers. If the server is actually lacking in EU Staff, you should just push for more. There is no shame in it. The majority of servers, regardless of player count do this and it's something that I believe that MCC should implement so they aren't overflowed with only a US based Staff team. Now the larger problem. With the majority of the MCC Staff team being US and the majority of the playerbase being located somewhere in the US, you would expect to see a good number of Staff on all minigames and sub-servers, right? In reality, very little are actually on. I've only been a player on MCC for about a 2 years so I have a rough idea of all the Staff members on the server. I actively check to see who gets demoted, promoted etc. and keep a lookout for online Staff whenever I'm online and the results are horrible. I took a look at the Staff team roster that MCC has posted on the Forums and picked out the Staff that I've actively seen online, not including Factions Staff. For all categories e.g. Helper, Moderator etc. I will give a number for the amount of Staff that I've actually seen actively online;
    Helper - 1
    Moderator - 3
    SrModerator - 2
    Admins - 0
    Owners - 0
    I will deliberately avoid mentioning the actual few Staff members I've seen online as it may cause an uproar that I really don't feel like dealing with. As you can see however, the number is low. This is only really my view of the active Staff members while someone else's could be different depending on timezones, sub-servers played on etc. but for someone who plays 5 out of the 7 days of the week, you would think the number would be higher.

    My next point is one that somewhat relates back to my first paragraph but I want to make it its own point and that is the minutes Staff have to play. This is something that I've heard from other Staff and ex-Staff who's names I will leave anonymous to uphold their privacy. All Staff member must complete a specific amount of minutes on each sub-server and minigames yet the server has a large number of hackers. Why is this? Well, from what I've been told, most of the Staff team don't actually finish their minutes on the majority of the servers. They only play the ones they want to. This is understandable with Factions Staff but for every other member on the Staff team, there's really no excuse. Very few of the Staff in my opinion actually complete their minutes as they should. From starting with Helper, to Moderator, to SrModerator, the number of minutes you have to complete increases but for Admins... they have NO minutes to play. This is probably one of the most ridiculous things I've heard about. The Admins administrate the server yet don't have to be on the server? If one thing needs to be fixed about the Staff team, this is most definitely one of them. I do see posts on the forums from at least one Admin but never online. The rare times I'd actually see one online is during a UHC event.

    This will most likely be my last point and probably the one which will be deemed the most as "Staff Disrespect" but I will continue to state it anyways. So, what I want to talk about is Staff Corruption. As far as I'm aware the Staff team in my opinion could be considered "corrupt" to an extent. My main reasons for believing this are;
    - Staff will just play their minutes and not get on anymore
    - Staff leave player reports unlooked at to others can get complete their report requirements
    - Admins don't have to even play on the server
    - Some Staff (probably) falsely punish players knowing they shouldn't be (I'm a victim of this)
    - Staff avoid actually trying to staff and spend their time playing on gamemodes
    - Staff inactivity is overlooked
    - A lot of immature Staff (from personal experiences)
    - Lazy Staff
    A lot of these points could probably be countered and that's understandable and I'm sure most of the Staff who will even look at this (if they do) will disagree with most of my points but this is how you portray yourselves. If the MCC Staff team actually did their jobs, were active and and professional then this post wouldn't exist in the first place. There will always be flaws in a Staff team but MCC's goes to another level. I'm sure many players agree with me and may don't. I'm not going to develop on this point any longer as I think it speaks for itself. If you have any opinions of your own that you would like to add in, go for it. This was mainly made as a wake up call to the Staff and the players that something needs to be done. Hope you enjoyed my rant! :)
  2. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    You sir are 100% staff are barely on and when i say barely i mean barley, when i was ranting there were 2 staff members online, they keep bringing the excuse of timezones, anyway and everytime i rant about minigames they say that they have sub servers too, but there barely online also on the sub servers, staff are barley online and to me it seems quite lazy.

    This is due to the lack of care, but alex is focusing in what makes him money, factions.
    Prison, skyblock, survival, u get it.
    mmmmm likes this.
  3. BoomerdeBeast

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The server is stated to be "Family Friendly" but in my opinion a Family Friendly staff so to speak wouldn't curse you out over you talking to them about your punishment as well as not punishing their friends for blatantly hacking and as well as being toxic in chat.
    mmmmm likes this.
  4. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    This is something you've experienced before?
  5. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Im ngl the staff in this server to appear to be lacking but id like to think they are actually doing things. I mainly saw helpers on in the past and some mods. The staff above moderator seem to just be inactive in general. I've also had staff refuse services because they dont do such things as one had said before "I dont mm". It was frustrating but i dont blame the guy, however, after checking all the other realms nobody else was online sadly. I think the only people ive seen online besides moderators would be Unadvised (administrator) and that was for factions resets. I also saw Timppali (administrator) recently. Staff in this server seem to be pre-occupied with other things such as banning people and reports / other forum related issues, rather than actually playing and many just arent on at the same time.
    KingKottlewing and mmmmm like this.
  6. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    i can see where your frustrations come from... this month has kinda been hard on staff since we’ve lost like 8-10 staff recently (july-august)- including an au admin.. or soemthing around that..
    a good chunk of the au/eu of the staff kinda skrt skrt’d outa here for their reasons which kinda sucks since majority of staff team is na now.
    as for the staff online..i’m not gonna generalize the staff team... but this is just what i think based off of my knowledge of staff team and my experiences. i have maybe about a quarter or so of the staff team on my friends list for the server and whenever i check that i usually see at least 2 staff members online.
    mods+ have access to go into vanish, so it may look like they’re not online to normal players like us, but most times they are.
    there’s a lot more hackers than staff and a lot more clients than what the anticheat can keep up with... so the hacker problem is for sure a huge problem. everyone and their sister kinda knows about how bad the hacker issue is and how the anticheat isn’t good as well... staff try their hardest to catch hackers whether that being from report tickets, discord, or in-game... but also minigame hackers aren’t the only problem in mcc. there’s bot spammers in the subservers, hackers in kitpvp + arenapvp... as well has hackers in prison’s pvp.. inappropriate plots on creative.. trolls on survival blocking the free build warp... etc..
    i don’t think any of the staff are “lazy staff” most times things get caught up irl and they have to deal with those first. however, the immature staff.. i can see.. but forusm isn’t the place to talk about that. admins do play on the server.. but there’s also other admin duties on forums and discord they have to handles as well..
    i think i’m going to wrap this up here. i know this didn’t mention all of your points, but if one specific point just tips you off, i don’t mind replying again (:

    if you think staff team is so bad, why don’t you apply for staff and put matters into your own hands. then there’d be another eu staff! :D if you have some excuse about how you have a bad history, then try gaining trust from the community by being active in discord, forums, and ingame in a positive way

    mmmmm and MicroSquid like this.
  7. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    We don't have that many EU staff members at the moment, but unfortunately there is no easy solution for that. As the majority of the players are from North America, it means that more North American players apply. This is something that we can't really affect. If there are European players who apply for staff, we treat them the same way as the others. They need to meet the requirements too. We cannot promote just any player because they are from Europe. It's just a fact that there are less European players who apply for staff.

    We keep track of the activity of staff, and I can assure you that no one is allowed to slack or be inactive. We have systems in place to prevent this, and we take action if we notice this. We have multiple active staff. You have to remember that every staff member is an individual who has their own IRL life too. The end of summer (August-September) is sort of a time when school and work starts again, so there may be differences in the activity compared to the summer time. Everyone tries their best, though.

    Being staff isn't as simple as you may think. The higher your rank is, the more things you need to do outside the actual server. These include various things, such as commenting on applications, mentoring the Helpers and Moderators, and completing staff reviews. Even Helpers and Moderators have things that they need to put time into, such as organizing events and creating media posts if they are in those sub-teams.

    As for the inactivity of the Admins, there is a huge amount of things which happen outside the actual server. Managing the staff team means reviewing staff reports, improving guidelines, handling promotions, doing weekly Admin calls and much more. In my opinion the main job of an Admin isn't to play in-game, banning hackers, it's to manage the staff team and the community. Perhaps that's why you see us Admins less online. We do however play in-game whenever we can.

    As puposaurus said, staff can stay hidden sometimes, as they spectate hackers. For example you may not see staff talk in the KitPvP chat at all, and that's to keep the hackers from noticing you. The same goes for Minigames, where you cannot really talk in chat.

    I appreciate your feedback, and there is some truth to it. You just need to understand the bigger picture, and that not everything is as easy to solve as you think. :)
  8. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    As far as I can tell, the staff aren't preoccupied. Forums reports is outstanding currently from my own experience. It's taken 5 hours for some reports and others up to 12 hours. If they were actively looked at, reports wouldn't go unnoticed for 5 hours. I don't feel the need to talk further about forum reports as in my last post I made I went over it pretty well. You can check it out here - The whole banning thing is something staff rarely do. I'm pretty sure now only SrModerators and above and actually ban players now and with the majority of SrModerators not being active bar 1 or 2, they don't leave the impact they should. Staff can also be online while managing forums, it isn't hard. There's really no excuse in that part.

    Firstly, you talked about Staff going in vanish and yes, I would like to think they have that permission but that doesn't work with the way minigames is setup. You cannot spectate minigames nor join and be in vanish as it disrupts the minigame. The vanish part is helpful for events like UHC, Prison, Factions etc. were Staff can overlook ongoing situations from afar but the lack of Staff who actually play regularly and have access to vanish is little. Your point about the anticheat being bad is something I can agree with but doesn't have anything to do with the Staff. It needs fixed ASAP and has been like this since 27th of July or something like that but has nothing to do with the Staff not doing their jobs. You mention the Staff try their hardest to catch hackers from report tickets etc. but as I stated in this and my previous post which you can read here - , the way they handle forum reports is honestly just dreadful. Once again, I'm not going to talk too much about it but they leave reports unchecked so others can get their "report requirements" which is absurd since their main goal should be to get them done with as quick as possible and at the highest quality. In-game also isn't managed very well as with the new anticheat development, the hackers have began to thrive. With this, the Staff should've thought to actively check in game, don't you think? The problem is, they don't. The management in game is the same as it was without the new anticheat flunk even though the situation has worsened dramatically. Using discord for catching hackers makes no sense. Sure, people can ask for Staff assistance but that's all really. I read the support chat in the Discord quite often and really only 2 Staff members actually attempt to take action in game if it involves someone hacking. THIS is what I mean by lazy Staff. You also talk about how minigame hackers aren't the only problem and I stated that as I play other sub-servers, not only minigames. I already made a post just dedicated to minigames as it is atrocious but all sub-servers need the same attention. The problem is that while Staff are suppose to play minutes on all servers, they don't. That's why some have been neglected and get little attention. One thing you said that I couldn't disagree with more was that forums isn't the place to call out Staff. I mean, where else am I meant to do it? The forums is used to discuss matters related to the server and I strongly believe that the current situation with the Staff team needs attention brought to it and shared throughout the MCC community. If the Staff can't take the criticism given to them by the players, they aren't really fit to be staff. Next, you talked about staff having to catch up to stuff irl and that can explain their inactivity. I 100% agree with this point that they should put real life matters first before Minecraft. However, when they apply to be Staff, they agree to dedicating themselves to the server. If they cannot dedicate fully, don't apply for Staff, it's pretty simple. If they can't be on, demote them off the Staff team and replace them with players who can actually actively moderate the server. Finally, you said I should apply for Staff. Now, I've thought about it but it wouldn't be a good idea. I've had the experience and met all requirements but I don't have the time to be Staff. I'd love to try and fix the problem from the inside but it's impossible really.
  9. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I completely understand were you're coming from but I really don't see any pushes to fix these things. Sure, they might not be easy but they need to be done. I really don't see an excuse not to try and upgrade the current ways the server is Staffed. I would also like to believe that there is no Staff slacking or inactive but it's quite hard to believe especially when the results aren't evident at all. The Admin situation I understood from the get go but in game activity is still something big that Admins should be actively trying to implement themselves so they can grasp what the current state of the server is like, what needs fix and how they can improve things.
  10. MicroSquid

    Jul 24, 2019
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    im just gunna address this part just bcuz its responding to me. Moderators are able to ban people im pretty sure and i see moderators in sky wars literally everyday so they do get online to ban people. xBenz is pretty active in forums Composures is pretty active in banning from what i see as well as BTWImQuestions, Celestes, Muel_ and a few other mods ive seen on. I also see quite a few helpers on and pretty often too. I see ImJustAndrew, Kane, httpmeme, longdays is on all the time too but i think hes mainly playing. My main point is that they are online quite a bit and i always see at least one online. You can even check the discord and see that theres always a few at least playing minecraft. Staff arent always seen by mods and majority of the time if theres a serious issue then you'll get a response by someone who can actually help. Some staff even try to message other staff if they arent available. Ans yes the report forums can be dead sometimes but they do get looked at and i have yet to have a true report be denied and i have over 120. I think you just might be over looking things or holding onto a biased opinion.
    --------excuse any typos im tired :)------------
    mmmmm likes this.
  11. TheTNTPotato

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Timppali explained the majority of your post super well, but I'd like to give an opinion about the reasons for "corruption". Don't get me wrong, I agree with a lot of the things you talked about in your post, but there's some things that I'd like to talk about from a ex-staff point-of-view. I haven't read other posts so might be repeating some things, oopsies.

    "Staff will just play their minutes and not get on anymore."
    This is definitely true for a lot of staff and there are some staff who don't finish their minutes. If a staff member doesn't have a valid reason for completing their minutes and it's a continuous thing, it can eventually lead to a demotion. The mentor team takes minute activity seriously, but they also don't want to overwork staff since they don't get paid. When I was staff a few years ago, the minutes used to be over double what they are now. A LOT of people resigned from helper/mod because they couldn't keep up with the activity requirements, so they reduced it to lower the resignations a bit.

    "Staff leave player reports unlooked at to others can get complete their report requirements."
    Similar to activity, staff can get in trouble if they don't get their reports requirements, so mods that have already finished theirs will often let those staff finish. I wouldn't say this is corrupt in the slightest, it's just mods not being selfish and letting others have a chance at getting their requirements.

    "Staff avoid actually trying to staff and spend their time playing on gamemodes/Lazy staff"
    Staff don't get paid to moderate, so they will often play just for the sake of playing. If all they did was moderate without ever enjoying themselves, they would hate being staff. Everyone needs a break once in a while and for a lot of people, casually playing on the server is that "break", To prevent staff from constantly slacking off, they can get in trouble if they completely ignore chat as well as AFKing.

    "Staff inactivity is overlooked."
    Refer to the first quote; Activity is strictly moderated by the mentor team. I can personally vouch for this, I kept track of staff activity while I was staff and would tell the admins who didn't meet their requirements.

    "A lot of immature Staff (from personal experiences)"
    Keep in mind that a lot of staff are 14-15 years old, which is still a time where people are immature. This is part of the reason why there's an age requirement, but you can't 100% prevent people from being immature when it isn't strictly moderated. There are certain rules that prevent staff from getting too out of hand with being unprofessional/immature, but for the most part it isn't too heavily moderated since being staff is a volunteer position. MCC in general has a reputation for being casual, so having super professional staff would scare away people who like the casual environment that MCC has.

    I wholeheartedly agree that from an outsiders POV, a lot of your points are correct and IMO it's up to both the staff themselves and the administration team to alter things. However, it's been this way for years and there haven't been significant changes to solve any of the problems. I wouldn't 100% fault helpers/mods for this since a lot of the problems lie in how things are dealt with higher up. It's been this way for a long time and it's difficult to solve the problem without making people unhappy.
    MasterChheda, Invader, AZXG and 2 others like this.
  12. mmmmm

    Jul 28, 2019
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    True, my opinion could come across as biased and that's mainly due to all the experiences I've had. Skywars does have a lot of activity on it because the situation there is the worst. It's nice they're trying to handle it but I haven't noticed a lot of improvement on the other gamemodes. I never mentioned this is my post but by activity, I was talking about how active they were while Staffing. There has been a lot of incidents were Staff have just been playing the game, even with someone blatantly hacking in the lobbies and have just ignored it. A lot are online but really only partake in the "easier" reports should I say like chat related problems etc. Once again, my overall opinion could be seen as biased but really that's all due to the lack of good experiences with Staff on MCC. If the Staff situation was good, I wouldn't have such "biased" opinions.

    Firstly, I also agree that Timppali explained all my points very well however not enough to change my views on anything. Your first point talks about Staff minutes and about "overworking" with Staff minutes being reduced. You and Timppali both talked about how they're monitored strictly yet I've been told otherwise by a few people who are/use to be Staff just recently. While they could be wrong, I would like to trust the and take their opinions on the matter as it does seem factual with the current situation. You talk about how leaving reports unlooked isn't corrupt and while it does make sense why, there isn't really a reason for doing it. Sure, they leave some for other people to fill but those Staff should actively checking forums as much as any other Staff. There isn't really an excuse to not having your minimum filled out as I'm sure there is a substantial amount submitted everyday. Your third point talks about Staff not getting paid being a reason to "slack off". Yes, they don't get paid but it says when you apply that it is a voluntary position. I would like to think they'd treat it the same as being paid for most of the time. True they deserve breaks but these "breaks" I see Staff taking can last a few hours. I've also seen a few Staff members ignoring me asking them questions or just being straight up AFK. Clearly the system isn't very strict. The Staff activity bit I've also spoke about before some I'm just going to move to the last point. To me, no matter what age the Staff are, if they're going to be Staff, they should be professional. I understand about wanting to have fun and joking around with when that's how you act all the time are you really fit to be Staff? All your points were great points and I do agree with them to an extent but with everything that's happening currently, it's really no excuse for sloppy Staffing.
    TheTNTPotato likes this.
  13. AlphaSpring

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Those Staff Are corrupt as hell they will probably “warn me “ for pointless staff but anyhow these staff have problem with Who don’t buy a rank let me explain I Have been Playing Mcc for over a year and a half now and every bloody time those staff always side with people who have a rank like when they hack and I report them with solid evidence they say it is clear and they can’t see his skin or some exuses when I try to chatreport they take over an hour to respond and then say they did not do anything wrong yet when I They report me it does not take 15 for them to mute me in takes less when I try to appeal it and say that I did not do anything wrong or I am trying to defend myslef they always use my history just a shady document saying I was ban not some solid proof or try to confuse me I hope mcc changes there was and stop treating rank players better that rookies
    mmmmm likes this.
  14. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Unfortunately I feel like this thread has started to catch some uncalled negativity, and it's getting off-topic. I don't really like the tone of the posts which have been made. I want to let you guys know that your concerns are acknowledged, and will be taken into consideration.

    As for the issue on player reports, only the Reports Team deals with open player reports. The whole staff team doesn't deal with them. I'd also say that there has been a big increase in reports after moving into the new website. We know about this, and I can assure you that it has been noticed.

    I feel like the point of this thread was already made clear, and there's enough opinions. Hopefully we can make something change. Thank you. :)

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    KingKottlewing likes this.
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