Why is this STILL allowed...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ankh, Aug 20, 2019.

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  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I made a thread about this a while back but the staff team still hasn't addressed the issue. 1.14 swimming. In 1.14, you swim around 2-3 times as fast as 1.8-1.13. Which is bullshit, especially since almost ALL pvp-based minigames, as well as some of the subservers, have large bodies of water. Yet still, there is still nothing being done about this.

    And another thing, the anticheat screw-up for minigames has still not been fixed. Now people are using BHop, speed, and in some occasions I've heard flying works as well. FLYING. In your attempts to fix the anticheat, you've made it 10 times worse. And please don't just say you're "working on it", the anticheat was updated on July 27th. It's been almost a month and things still aren't improving.

    Please do something about this. Thank you.
    Maffy1230 and BrysonOA like this.
  2. BrysonOA

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Yep this is really annoying, especially in SG on maps like Breeze Island or Holiday Resort when they can just swim away.
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    broski broskii. i feel your pain.... and i hate the 1.14 swimming as well.. but mcc is mcc.. tbh i don’t expect much from them.
    as for the anticheat... you know the drill everyone’s gonna say its getting worked on but it’s almost been a month... where’s the progress?
    anywyasss... thanks for creating this post and readressing (1) swimming problem (2) anticheat.

    kk. pce.

    edit: i’d also like to add that i’m sure the anticheat is getting worked on... but it’s kinda just that it’s a ‘lil bit frustrating... ;D
    also also.. props to the update on eh anticheat kicking innocent players less... but it’s still kicking ‘em... i’ve been kicked by anticheat twice... which isn’t as much compared to some of my hardcore pvp buddies... but still... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Akhu

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Id just love to see staff response and see what they actually say, "working on the anticheat"
    puposaurus likes this.
  5. Zguy2000

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Ankh!

    If you are playing a minigame and experience a bug, you are always free to report a glitch that you were kicked for with the link below :)


    Of course, staff is very aware of the water situation. However, the more reports it gets, the more likely it is to become a priority to QA team. However, be sure not to spam Bug Report tickets because of your frustration. One ticket per glitch will bring plenty of attention to the problem :)

    Hope this helped! Have a nice day/night!
  6. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    Unfortunately none of the regular staff can affect this, as we cannot edit the server files or the anticheat. I'm sure that we are all aware of the anticheat issues and the 1.14 water bug. We will just have to wait, and that's all I can say. It's not up to us at this point. I will lock this thread, as the issue is known already, and we only need to be patient.

    - Thread Locked
    Maffy1230 and Deleted member 254 like this.
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