MCCentral Hacker counts

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImaBucketBoy, Nov 9, 2020.



  1. Many hackers have just left

    9 vote(s)
  2. Slight anticheat update

    5 vote(s)
  3. e

    26 vote(s)
  1. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    This will probably become my third video I’m still working on the second one. However, I’d like to point out a few things to make this dude shut up.

    I only want to talk about one thing. He CLAIMS to analyse the best and that staff don’t know what they are talking about. However, I remember there was an interview done with him and I and he scored 2.5/6. To @ItsGuih, I sent him the video that you sent me and he said Antikb AND KA. So that proves how good his analysis really is.

    I just wanna say this dude thinks he’s the best even though he’s below average at best. Stop acting like your the best. The imagine guild members(those participating), railed you in PvP. Your analysis isn’t even right. I trust @Mahxs to give a better analysis than you because whatever you say is just full of shit. And what do you mean by you are the only one who knows what you’re talking about. If I recall, Kvng_Steph uses immortality hacks which isn’t a hack btw. Others use increased snowball kb which also isn’t a hack. You call players that are good at bridging and say they use scaffold or safewalk when you’re just jealous you’ll never bridge like them.

    Please shut up. Please. You know why? Because you’re just making this harder for yourself. You’re worse than those flat earthers who won’t deny that they are wrong because at least they have some evidence. What evidence have you shown? Nothing at all! So whether you like it or not, people are going to hate you because you aren’t even providing evidence and just hackusating and calling yourself the best. And you’re 16 grow up.
    Akhu and Bob50 like this.
  2. Fates

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Firstly, analyzing a hack for a video is more difficult, even so, I got it all right, but it is my analysis, for me I got it 6/6 and for you 2.5/6, I would need a replay file, myself reproduce it, and so, it would be easier, or I just play with the hacker player, and that’s it, but anyway, it doesn’t matter at all for my analysis, because you don’t know how to analyze it, so you’ll give me a low score.

    And what is the problem with having spoken AntiKB and KillAura? Both can be used at the same time, KIllAura does not change your KB, KillAura gives Increased Knockback if you configure it the right way.

    And I said Criticals or Immortal, did you see me saying "OR", do you know the meaning of the word "OR", do you know? So, if I said "OR", it's one of those 2, I was more certain in Criticals, Immortal is a probability, I said "OR", not "AND", or you haven't noticed it yet? The same for the Snowball Increased Knockback, it's a probability, I'm sure of the Increased Knockback of the Sword, but not the snowball, besides, you got my first post, which has some wrong things, but in my current ones already they are perfect and therefore have no errors.

    And stop thinking about "better than me", I play a game called Geometry Dash, and in it, there are many better players than me, but I know that is humanly possible, that human beings can do, that seems to be absurdly more difficult than a Minecraft PvP, but no, the things hackers do here at the MCC are 3x worse than extremely veteran players in the Geometry Dash game, and I'm not those extremely veteran players in that game, and I don't blame they hack and nothing else, because that I know this is possible, different from what hackers here and many other servers do.

    And no, these players use Scaffold when they are going to make stairs, and not on a straight bridge, they usually do impossible speeds, and not because of the human being, because of the limitations of Minecraft, the kryfex made a diagonal ladder in 3 seconds to the center on the map Luxury, an impossible thing to do, he barely sneak doing the bridge, but I know that reporting it to Staff will not know how to analyze it.

    And now Guih, I do not believe that you are arguing for "money", because Hacked Clients are expensive, I am from Brazil, the real, the currency here, very low value, and it is not that expensive, and it will be more still cheap for someone from the USA, who has the dollar, in Europe the Euro, Pound, etc. Most of these people have these coins in their country, and for them these Hacked Clients are very cheap, in addition, most are able to have Immortal rank in the MCC, so they will easily get a Hacked Client, which is no more than $ 200.

    And no, Staff does not know how to do this, but not because they are completely dumb, it is because Windows and also Mac and Linux, is very advanced in functions to hide any kind of thing, do you think that Staff here would have this capacity? Many servers, several of the Staff are constantly tricked by hackers, you just have a little intelligence in the matter of hiding these files, you can do it, the functions are innumerable, do you think you can know something just by being Ex-Staff? No, it means nothing, it doesn't intimidate me, it doesn't do anything to me, I know how y'all are.

    Don't y'all stop insisting on evidence? So OK, I know what's going to happen, I'll post the proof here, but you'll make excuses that these players don't use hack, even though it's clear in the video and in the replay, you'll still insist that there's nothing in the video , and that the player is clean, I know, I know this, I know exactly this is going to happen, I am full of evidence on my Badlion replays, so if you want and insist on it, then I will have to show you . and I will prove that I have proof, even then, y'all will not accept.
    Yukihira likes this.
  3. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> to make sure they get banned or go to the MCC discord and go to the support channel! Have a good day/night!
  4. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    If you have proof show it. I wanna see it. If the proof is good and shows clearly that the player is hacking, I’ll accept it.
  5. Morraaa

    Aug 24, 2020
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    If you cant provide enough prove, it just shows YOU are the problem cause you're bad. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. THE END.
    Eleung_musk likes this.
  6. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    My part 3 is coming out. It will be reacting to this whole post. Wish me luck my brain cells wanna commit die
    Akhu likes this.
  7. HePlaysGames

    Jun 12, 2020
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    Um, yeah I dont hack. And
    Yeah, I don't hack and your list is very wrong. Blazing Potato hacked idk about now but he toggles on and off, he got banned like 2 months ago for having cheats found in a ss. You only got 6 people that hack there in the list. Also, ghost clients are still detectable such as vape lite because many people use it and staff are learning where to look for it and find it. If you really think these people hack, then start getting a reach hit indicator of your enemy and see if their using 3.17 reach. Also, if you think BlackSpeedXD toggles fast place, look at how he bridges. People with fast place that godbridge usually put a extra block after jumping.(If you know what I mean) Since they are holding the right click. Not timing the clicks.

    Dec 15, 2019
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  9. akaSxmuel

    Aug 20, 2020
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    even I'm on this list with 2 accounts
  10. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    How am I not on the list. I literally take no kb
  11. XulWasTaken

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I have seen seeing less hackers. I remember there were more. Now its more chill. idk
  12. Jammy16

    Dec 28, 2019
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    Hello there! The reason why theirs no hackers is because of the staff members! Every time i go in a mini games i always bump into staff members and I witness them banning all the hackers when its very blatant and obvious. Unfortunately, the anti cheat isn't good at all and it hasn't been improved so you will still see hackers and stuff on prison and other servers.
  13. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    You ALWAYS bump into staff members? Damn I wish I were that lucky. Half my games don’t have staff members
  14. Atohmic

    Jan 30, 2020
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    there was no anti cheat update im aware of, however there are certain times you can get on and there wont be many hackers on and times and there are 2 or 3 a game sometimes. that time is around 12pm est to around 7pm est that i have seen.
  15. Monte

    Jul 20, 2020
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    I do feel like the hacker count dropped from 1 hacker per game to 1 hacker in a few games, I feel like this is due to the player base reporting hacker more often and call staff on #support more, with MCC's weak anti-cheat I feel it is not possible to clear hacker from its root and we really need a new and updated anti cheat. Also, time zone affected the number of hackers for me, in the morning it's very clean for me while at night time there are usually more hackers.
    These are my views on Hackers in MCC hope it helps

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