Survival Reset Feedback

Discussion in 'Survival General Discussion' started by Unadvised, Nov 21, 2020.

  1. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    What are everyone's thoughts on the reset? I am enjoying the jobs like I thought I would. Anything need changing or any suggestions? Let us know below!
    Samboni and AZXG like this.
  2. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hey Unadvised!

    I for one am loving this reset. Great content update on my opinion. Others haven’t like it as much because there is no shop, but honestly, it just needs time. Once players start leveling up and getting more and more resources. Shops will open up in plots. Also one thing I noticed about tonight’s reset night, was the lag. This obviously, will go down with time too. This survival job update is awesome, and can’t wait to grind away like many are already doing. A lot of players seemed super confused at reset, but got it figured out pretty quick. Lastly, pots and gapples seemed to have not been working tonight. I have heard from a senior moderator however, that it will get fixed at daily reboot.

    overall, I love this update. Like I said, can’t wait to grind it. The lag will be reduced with time and also shops will open up. Honest rating for this survival reset 9/10. Have a lovely day/night

  3. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    I noticed how there wasnt a sale for this reset. Does that mean that survival is not worth enough for a sale or what
  4. BabyJuice

    Jan 22, 2020
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    Need to turn off the /back after people get killed in pvp, end up killing a few kids and then all of them /back into pvp and i just get railed by 10 kids lol
    kuieren likes this.
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    overall i like the changes made and feel another stepping stone was made this season esp when it came to compromise with trying to balance the eco. I like the idea of jobs, i feel fishing will still end up being a main money maker since that's where the higher prices in items are esp if you plan on maining the fishing job and as you level/rank up the prices increase too.
    PVP arena is like they couldn't decide which subserver to copy prison or skybock. but the spawn is nice, the use of the water is different compared to other subs and i feel it's a nice touch since the other subs don't have their spawn directly connected to plot world except for creative..
    kind of a bit of a shame kits are the same. i think it would've been a nice challenge for them to be nerfed so donators and rookies don't have such jurastic starts. but it's not a huge deal, i'm not a rookie so.

    1. update response time/speed on "/job" if it hasn't been planned yet
    2. either a. make gold diamond emeralds top 3 ores for /jobs or add lapis to logs so it's not easy to x-ray lapis and get away with it.
    3. make fb resets more frequent or ima just abuse the hell outa it (reason: it allows people to explore fb more, making it more survival like and not just exploring it every 3weeks and setting a home in key/central points and gaining tons of loot from structures and/or being able to constantly mine same ores w/o having to do much exploring and actual mining since you can kinda just cheat (justified cheating, not breaking rules) and farm certain things.. just a thought, been doing this since season5 sooo... it's nice don't get me wrong but feel that making players explore it a little more often would be nice. after all, it's a resource world not a farm whatever you can for the next 3 weeks world)
    4. make all leaderboards a little easy to find.. like maybe a list if someone just does /leaderboards and then it shows "ball, stats, blocks" etc
  6. DrBrando

    Mar 19, 2020
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    Hey! Was playing the reset and noticed a couple o little bugs with the new Jobs plugin.

    1. The exp kinda goes a little haywire every now and then

    2. Sometimes the plugin is very excited to let you know about your upcoming promotion

    Other than that, so far looks to be a fun reset. I just wish there was a better way to get excessive currency out of circulation to prevent the eco from crashing too soon. Maybe make prestige for clout that takes an absurd amount of money?
    ThorKingOfAsgard, notaspleen and AZXG like this.
  7. Samboni

    Oct 28, 2019
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    So far I have really liked the jobs! Other than doing those I have not had much time to try anything else. I would've liked to see maybe iron or diamond blocks added into the keys possibly as a reward but that is just my opinion. I am still having a hard time with how nerfed Immortal kit has gotten even though that was changed last season to many it more fair for other users that did not have immortal, But at the same time I would've like to see some changes in the kits this season Maybe Like for bed rock plus ranks they would get a enchanted fishing rod with their kit, Or possibly Eff 3 instead of Eff 2 on all the tools. Those are just some of my thoughts. Have a nice day!
  8. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Thanks for the feedback everyone :) We will be making some changes these upcoming days based off general responses to things.
    ThorKingOfAsgard, Lxvely and Samboni like this.
  9. iiSean

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like how the jobs system make it more of a mining economy, something I really love, but you can still farm / fish, but also I don’t want getting to jobs level 495 being some ultimate grind for an end goal, because that’s not really what survival is about. But other then that I am enjoying it. It has some fixes that were absolutely needed like 1.8 PVP. Thank you admins
  10. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    so far I've loved the jobs! just one thing I think would be great is a hunter job, where its based on mobs killed (hostile and passive). Mobs with higher HPs are worth more XP and more $$, and everything else works the same as others. This is something a few others have also mentioned too :)
  11. jovonejc

    Aug 17, 2019
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    /shop should be restored <3
    /p h market BEST SHOP
    HiloPlayz likes this.
  12. jovonejc

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Staff sould work harder on muting/banning toxic ppl in survival atm
  13. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    in real survival you don’t have a place to sell useless shit, you save it for a JIC or if it’s a smp you trade with other players
    it’s more opportunity for /p h market ;)
    mmmmm as much as this would be nice, staff chat’s may be a little more hectic than ours becuase they have people dm’ing then for help, ac, and blah blah. i do agre it’s very silly how it takes 10+ min to mute someone who says the n word. i’m not defending staff in any way, these based off the things i’ve heard from staff
    Samboni likes this.
  14. Thor

    Sep 15, 2019
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    fix mob spawning at night cause no hostile mobs are spawning
  15. Merowian

    Jul 29, 2019
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    Alright so this is the first survival season I'm properly playing on here so I can't really compare to previous seasons but it has been really enjoyable for the most part so far! :)

    The only thing I personally would like to see is some jobs getting rebalanced. Farming should recieve a pretty big buff imo. Currently I'm #8 mining with 80k experience and #10 farming with literally 300 experience, it's insanely slow in both exp and money. It's also pretty clear that fishing with a lure 3 rod & mining with effi5 fortune3 is significantly more profitable than excavation and to a lesser extend woodcutting. Also mining stone is a bit too overpowerd in comparison to ores imo.

    My personal recommendation would be as followed:
    - Buff farming exp & money from all crops
    - Slightly buff excavation money from all blocks
    - Keep woodcutting as it is
    - Slightly nerf fishing money from pufferfish & clownfish
    - Nerf mining money from cobblestone

    Tried to keep them somewhat minimalistic seeing as major nerf to a job would put people who already trained said job at a major advantage like what happened with the earlier mining exp nerf.
  16. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Please add a visible leaderboard for certain job xp! If you hover over your information you can see the placement, but as of right now theres no way to look at a top 10 list or anything. Loving the new update keep it up!
    notaspleen and AlexMarkey like this.
  17. Chimpmeat_OG

    Oct 20, 2020
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    If possible, a quicker and more efficient way of switching jobs rather than type /jobs. Failing that, a chat message every now and again telling you to "Make sure your selected job is correct for your current task". I've gone mining for hours to find I was farmer. Also another message saying "If you miss the job level up prompt, you can manually level in the jobs menu". I missed that very early on but luckily XP stacks.
  18. CatBoyFable

    Dec 28, 2019
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    THIS!!!! you do not realize how many times i'll just be vibing - mining a strip mine for hours and then realize "ah ha ha ... im a fucking WOODCUTTER". it's a sad realization and makes me want to just scream into the void for hours. like idk how you guys can do this but like a reminder in chat would be nice or an automatic way (idk bro i dont understand plugins).
    puposaurus and fedham like this.
  19. Monte

    Jul 20, 2020
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    So far the season is pretty fun for me but there are still a few suggestion I wanna make. For the reference I'm one of the higher level player in the sever ranking in the Top 25 total level leaderboard and I've tried all the jobs that have been released so far.

    I feel like the server is trying to force the player to experience more about survival by making them do different kinds of survival activities, But I feel like its really pointless as its just a loop of doing the same thing over and over again. This is very similar to Hypixel Skyblock but the main difference is that in Hypixel skyblock doing these activities ( Minging, Fishing, Tree chopping, Farming ) they give you actual stats boost and its way more rewarding to do those task in skyblock as to in MCC you need to pay a huge sum of fee just to get to the next level, it feels punishing to grind and the reward aren't that great to motivate me to grind for hours per day just to increase the number in front of my name.

    While its an interesting idea that player get rewards after doing a specific task and get paid for it, I can tell you right now that as a former econ student the supply of survival resource WILL overthrow the demand unless there are a stream of new player joining survival, there are no way to get rid of the resources we get from doing our Jobs, soon there will be Tons of resources in the auction market and the prices of the item will crash when most of the player base are at around average 70Lv, for me I mainly farm sugar cane as a source of farming XP and after just a few hours of farming canes I already have trouble selling them as people that needed to farm cane has already bought a few stacks from me and starting to farm themself, so I just dump all the cane I farm on the ground cause i know they wont sell so might as well not waste my time auctioning them.

    Solution to Econ
    One of the ways is to set up a server-side shop and buyback the item at a low price so there is an incentive to actually put your valuable item on the AH but not just sell it in the server shop but still have a way to get rid of those items that no one wants.

    Also Farming need big buff, its not even close to compare with mining or fishing in exp and money, I feel like its so bad that might as well leave it and not attempt farming at all cause you WILL lose a lot of time in farming, My suggestion would be buff the EXP to closer to 1 and double the money
    Sorry if my English seems odd as I'm not a native English speaker

    Discord: Monte#0002
    IGN: MonteSus
    Find me to buy SUGAR CANE
    #19 Monte, Nov 23, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  20. SweatyDreamer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    As somebody who has never played on the Survival Subserver before, I have been enjoying this server, however I have noticed some things that could be improved. Within the pvp arena there are many bugs as we are playing 1.8 pvp on a 1.12 server. While in pvp I have noticed that there is a delayed reaction from potting and eating. In addition the knockback and hit registry are off as sometimes players who are in range can't be hit and some players take no knockback. Compared to the pvp on Skyblock, Prison, and Kit PVP there is definitely a huge difference in the quality of pvp. If possible creating a seperate subserver for the pvp arena may allow for these issues to be resolved. Other than the pvp the only other thing I would want to be a bit different is the mob spawn rate. Naturally spawning mobs seem to be extremely rare and certain mobs that spawn in only certain biomes such as Slimes and Magma Cubes have become nearly impossible to find.

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