Staff don't care

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sidthesquid51, Nov 16, 2020.

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  1. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    I making thid to prove my point mcc staff don't give a ssss when I tell them they say not right now, go away and staff don't care
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    false. fake news.
    no need to generalize all staff to not caring about something. staff do have priorities when it comes to this block game server, and maybe some things aren’t as much as a priority for them. but saying so much as that they do not care is not entirely true.
    i’m not here to defend them, but your logic is a bit off. anyways.

    OriAlfi and EssentialsPlus like this.
  3. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hello Sidthesquid51!

    Not quite sure whether this thread is a reaction to a specific incident where you felt you were ignored in game, but I can tell you from personal experience that staff care about helping the community when there is a problem. That's kind of the whole reason players want to become staff in the first place. Whenever a player comes to me with a problem or a question, I do my best to help or answer, and if I cannot deal with it, I try to find someone who can. As puposaurus mentioned, we all have other things going on; even while on MCC, there are many issues and people to help, so if you feel you have been brushed aside, chances are that staff member was in the middle of helping somebody else and were not able to help your problem at the time. As always, if you have a problem you can ask for a staff member's help in #support in the community discord, and whenever someone has the time they will make an effort to help you. I can almost guarantee that no staff member told you to "go away" if you came to them with a legitimate issue.

    Hope this helped! Have a good one
  4. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    No idea what this thread is talking about.

    Have a lovely day! :)
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  5. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    man's salty about getting banned ingame
    Lxvely likes this.
  6. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Sidthesquid51, this is nothing to do with staff caring or not.

    Our staff do a lovely job, going above and beyond in almost every circumstance to ensure the server runs as smooth is it can.

    We have reviewed your punishments and the punishments are correct.

    You can't keep using the excuse "I didn't know" - you've used that excuse on me in the past with a Skyblock greifing punishment, then again recently on a mute punishment, and now again for your account grinding punishment.

    If you genuinely believe that "staff don't care" simply because we won't reduce your punishments due to your ignorance and choice to defy the rules; then I got news for you - this is not how things work in the real or online world.

    Learn from your mistakes, and play fair.
    If you ever find yourself in a situation saying or doing things and thinking "Hrmmm this seems unfair", then chances are, it is unfair, and is against the rules.

    Think twice before acting or saying things and you will go far in life.
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