By AlexMarkey on Nov 15, 2020 at 5:57 AM
  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
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    Today we are happy to announce that Survival is ready to roll over into its upcoming season 8.0! We understand it has been long overdue (over a year since our last reset). For the past few weeks, we have been hard at work behind the scenes getting this reset prepared, and everything now ready for a release next weekend!

    Season 8 Information:
    The main goal for the upcoming season of Survival is to address all of the main issues which were present throughout season 7, whilst bringing forward some awesome new changes and fixes! The main issue throughout season 7 was the economy. With nothing to spend money on, the economy just inflated indefinitely at a very fast pace. This is being addressed next season with a brand new and revised economy which will be unique to only our Survival server: Jobs!

    Upcoming Changes:
    The biggest piece of new content for next season of Survival is our brand new Jobs plugin. To start things off, we will have 5 available jobs that players can choose from (players can swap jobs at any time). Performing specific actions in these jobs will grant players with money. Money can be used to purchase promotions in jobs. This new system allows us to put much more emphasis on the Survival aspect of the server, encouraging players to do specific things. A more detailed breakdown of jobs, alongside all other upcoming changes will be posted in the server changelog later this week!

    Survival Release Date:
    Survival Season 8.0 will be launching next weekend at exactly: Friday 20th November, 3pm MST.
    For a live countdown converted to your timezone, please click Here. We look forward to seeing you all there, as always enjoy!

    HiloPlayz, kake, Idekbruv and 13 others like this.


Discussion in 'Announcements' started by AlexMarkey, Nov 15, 2020.

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