So Jahxn was hosting a hide and seek event on prison 1 and the first to find him would get 58mil He said we was NOT on the air and not underground and that he was on GROUND level here is proof he was in the air he also TPed away each time i found him im muted in game so i couldnt say i found him :/ i know for sure i was the first to find
This screenshot was taken AFTER the game was complete, not during the game. You are a flippin lyor man. Thats my afk spot for the spawners at my plot. JERK!
i was competing in this challenge. i saw Jahxn's nametag way under the map in a mine. he then proceeded to say he was in a house. everyone knew he was cheating. i already checked the spot that the screenshot was taken in and i did not see him. i think he did cheat in this "event" for lots of prison money.
There was a winner! Heres the proof i paid him! Get rekt kids! He wanted to remain anonymous.
lies i was there when they "won" it was homeplate12 and they logged off 10 minutes after you "paid" them and they gave the 56mil back before that they had the same bal before and after it's your alt that you use for the classic banner scam ui have proof of this a staff told me its your alt
Staff did not tell you shit, and you just revealed that you were lying about that in chat. Pipe down little man, quit being a sore loser. I deposited money from a banknote so my balance went back up after. Get a life! You're a little too obsessed! I know Im a really good looking guy with the sharp jawline, the swagger walk, the turquoise eyes, and the 6'7" frame. But man, you are acting a bit sus! I think its time for you to take a break for a bit. Its a block game and youve been raging that you lost for about an hour. Later, hater. -Jahxn
Scamming is allowed on Prison so there isn’t much of a point in bringing this up. This thread will just create arguments which aren’t needed, so I’ll be locking the thread. -= Thread Locked =-