Allow use of /report for gameplay related reports

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Psychopathy, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. Psychopathy

    Nov 3, 2020
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    hackers have gotten out of hand. and because players cant use /report for players, the process of getting rid of cheaters takes too long. the person cheating is able to play for sometimes hours after they have been reported.
  2. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    So many suggestions have been made to have /report, but every single one gets rejected its bc there's not enough people who play the server or something I don't know. I think it would be a good thing to add tho tbh
    #2 TeddyPrice, Nov 3, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  3. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    adding a “/report” feature has been brought up many times, and discussed a few times in the past w/ higher ups and nobody(as in those higher ups) agreed on that. The” /report” command would be one more thing for staff to worry about. it honestly would just waste staff’s time since not everyone knows that hacks look like, and there can be numerous amounts of false reports, along with w/ fake/abuse of the system for reports. Reporting a hacker takes around 5 minutes and helps the community tons when you create a report ticket via forums. if that isn’t really how you roll, you can also join our community discord and name hackers for staff to spectate (this system sorta works like /report, but instead of using a command in game you use discord). if you have not joined, you may always join here!
    admins have said that unless/until an ability for staff to join ongoing games to spectate and not play/jump off map is added, a feature like "/report" will not be considered to be added. as well as, since the minigames revamp is taking 100 years to come, I don't see it coming any time soon, next year maybe.
    10Controls, BlockyBeach and mcrcus like this.
  4. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there!

    So I've seen this suggestion brought up A LOT and I've already responded to it before, so I'm just going to repeat what I've said then:

    A couple problems with this command:
    1) /report would essentially be the same as the forum report, just a faster lazier way to do it.
    2) there's no way to include evidence when doing /report. Evidence is a major part of the reporting process.
    3) This command can very easily be abused by spiteful people.
    4) You would still have the same issue of waiting for your report to be responded to and punished.
    5) If all /report would do is notify staff, that is no different from dropping names in #support
    6) Staff will still need to come and spectate the offending players.

    MCC Staff take reports very seriously. Yes, of course, submitting reports does take time; however, adding a command for it does not shorten this process in any way can actually complicate it further due to the issue of evidence.

    Have a lovely day!
  5. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Kind of annoying when people call efficiency lazy. By that logic I assume you also send hand-written letters by post office instead of sending emails? That would be lazy right? And god forbid you use a heater instead of a wood stove to heat up your house. Actually why are you even living in a house? Making a mud hut with your own bare hands is way less lazy.

    You literally said it yourself, it's faster. That's it, that's the entire point. The faster it is, the more they can process in a shorter amount of time.
    It would be super easy to make the command have 2 arguments, one for username and one for video link. Could even go a step farther and make the report get automatically rejected if it doesn't include a link like "" in the evidence argument.
    Name one command that can't lol. Could literally even go on right now and add you as a friend, then spam you with the n-word. Which MCCentral supports & encourages apparently, based on the new rule changes.
    Yes, but it would be handled a lot faster, as compared to waiting literal days for a forums report to be answered. And it would be checked by someone who is currently in-game, hence quicker response as well.
    Exactly, so why not add it? It would be literally the exact same thing, just faster & more organized & focused into one place.
    Not with the evidence argument I mentioned in your second point. And even if that wasn't the case and they still had to, that's literally their job. It would be the exact same as now where they wait in support for a name drop so they can hop on and spectate them.
  6. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    The thing is if someone implemented this, it would be a /report [name]. This would send a report to the staff and they could spectate players. If they need help, they can make a bot where it posts a message in #support the discord for everyone to see.
  7. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    no they don't, not all. generalizing isn't a good form of argument. if they did, explain why so many been kicked from reports team and why there's been demotions over staff failing to meet report (forum or cr) requirement.

    Have a lovely day!
    guih likes this.
  8. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Apart from me "generalizing," my argument on the actual issue of this post (Being the /report feature) still stands. In my experience staff have been excellent at handling reports and denying the ones that didn't have sufficient evidence, to ME this shows they take it seriously.

    Have a lovely day! :)
    Ahnxious likes this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Guessing you missed my first reply, or chose to just ignore it.

    Well since you claim they are excellent at handling reports, then these screenshots of reports taking up to 20+ hours for a response must be fake no?
    Also then I guess this guy must be lying.
  10. _Noxid

    Mar 30, 2020
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    Sometimes they are fast, sometimes they take time.

    Attached Files:

  11. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    A functional /report would be nice, but as has been said without the ability to teleport to players already in a game, it would work the same way as dropping names in #support without the abuse that could happen with /report. Overall I would love for staff to have the ability to spec in progress games, if that happens then a /report would become viable. Until that time though, forum reports and alerting staff in #support are very helpful and generally efficient ways of dealing with hackers.
    Lxvely likes this.
  12. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'd rather they all take around an hour instead of a handful taking a few minutes while the rest take 20+ hours for a response. Even with a few hours a cheater or hacker can still do a lot of damage. Would be best if that screenshot was the situation with all reports but seems you were just lucky and reported them right as they were being checked with teddy. And with fajoszz it took 3 and a half hours for a response. That's about 7 matches of survival games if you're counting the full 30 minutes. But most games last 5-10 minutes, so more like 20-40 matches of the most time-consuming minigame on the server, before report is checked and said hacker is banned. I don't think I need to explain just how bad that is.

    Wouldn't be a problem if we weren't waiting 3 years and counting for a minigames revamp just saying.
    notaspleen likes this.
  13. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    I agree and disagree with idea. I feel like @Ankh made very good points. Like for example:

    Well I guess if there are many commands that can be abused by the players, why add more? See I get both perspectives, but i feel like if this command becomes a thing the server will need more staff. Then that means more dedicated players. Staff get pinged on the daily (discord), I feel like most staff respond quickly when you address your problem in #support. I filed out 15 reports today and they all got accepted and taken care of within 1-2 hours. ( @Lxvely and I have been getting quick responses by msging in #support, maybe its time to start using that channel)

    People need to be willing to take 5 mins out of there day to file a report. It's not hard.

    (Btw to the the two staff who accepted my reports :flushed: ty for responding fastly.. honestly wasn't expecting it)
    #13 Ahnxious, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
  14. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Good point. We should just remove all abusable commands. Guess this means the friends system is gone since you can abuse the global PMs system. Parties? You can warp people against their will, that's gonna have to go. In fact let's just remove /punish since staff could abuse that.

    Sarcasm aside, the entire point of having commands like the ones above is because they serve a useful purpose. Obviously there's going to be the few players who abuse them, every community has them. That's why there's systems in place for abuse of this stuff (aside from friend PMs, fuck the new msgf rules). But just because a few idiots think they're funny by making a fake report doesn't mean that everyone should have to miss out.

    MCCentral already has like the highest staff-player ratio of any decent-sized server. They don't need more staff, they need more competent ones. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of good people in there, but their reputation is getting dragged through the dirt by the rest. For example here's a screenshot of how a literal admin addressed my concerns regarding the change to make any non-sev3 rules breakable in msgf:
    link to thread

    I won't argue that #support isn't fast, because it is, since you can ping the entire team there (excluding admins + owners). It used to be used for faster reports until they made it so all reports must go through the forums. Which I can understand the reason why, but I still think it was a stupid decision.

    Doesn't matter how fast they can report, if it still takes hours to get a response. So basically by the time they're banned chances are they already got off and will just hop on tomorrow with another alt.
    #14 Ankh, Nov 5, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    puposaurus and Ahnxious like this.
  15. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    Tbh ppl would just abuse it when they think someone is hacking
    Ahnxious and puposaurus like this.

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