I don't think this is a very good idea. Guilds aren't very popular and don't have very much competition. If there is a prize, It would have to be a very low price. Factions have a payout because there is usually a lot of competition, and it brings in money to pay for its own payout. Guilds don't bring in money since it is just an add-on, not a whole game mode. That's just my opinion. -1
That's not what I meant... But we can ignore the competition part and just listen to the part about money if you would like.
i dont see minigames getting a payout or anything since there's no miniagmes keys and if you're immortal there isn't much u can do w/ a gc but maybe an irl deal in a sub or unapproved deal (don't get caught). but as for other prizes maybe, like, some credits if this minigame revamp even does anything w/ credits. gn beta is gay
Suggested that a fat while ago but as always there’s little if any investment coming from the owners into minigames so
since when are guilds not competitive, clearly ur not in a good guild and yes some are very very popular
I'm just saying it doesn't require too much to do. All you have to do is be good at minigames. It doesn't deserve a payout like factions because factions actually require time and effort.
I'm not going to continue to explain myself. At the end of the day, it isn't much of a demand for a payout, and it isn't a smart thing for MCC to do at the moment. And it definitely isn't high priority.
agreed if you think guilds are competitive your clearly delusional. There are about 5-7 active competitive guilds atm and I don't think thats enough for a payout.
Guilds haven't reset in so long that the gap between new guilds and the ones already on the leaderboards is basically impossible to close. We'd need a reset if we were going to start getting top guild payouts. That would be rip your #1 spot.