Skywars Hackers!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bestprofilename, Oct 28, 2020.


Should MCC get a better anti cheat?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Bestprofilename

    Sep 20, 2019
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    So we all know there are a lot a lot of hackers in skywars and I'm pretty sure most people don't like it. So. I think you should at least add a /report system for hackers so staff can just go right to that server and ban them. Also adding a better anti cheat would also be great or even more staff just playing skywars? Ok well thats it Thanks!
  2. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there!

    While I understand the frustration with the anti-cheat, and a /report command may be helpful, hackers in skywars are generally (and I mean that) dealt with rather quickly once brought to the attention of staff members. The best way to catch and punish hackers is of course to report them in the forums with evidence (video, screenshots, etc.), but you can also drop their usernames in the #support channel on the discord. That way, they can be dealt with and punished accordingly.

    Have a lovely day! :)
    #2 Lxvely, Oct 28, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
    BlockyBeach and InsaneIsMyName like this.

    Aug 10, 2019
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    hey! apparently there's gonna be a minigame revamp and *hopefully* a new AC but no one really knows when thats gonna happen. like lxvley said though, you can always report hackers on the forums, although it can be quicker and easier to just let a staff member know!
    BlockyBeach and Lxvely like this.
  4. meana

    Jun 5, 2020
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    Hi, there is a lot of talk about mcc's anti-cheat and how they need to get a new one. I for one have noticed its not that good as well as a lot of others. I think since its a huge topic on mcc, staff have took it to their attention hopefully and have been trying to get a new anti-cheat ! It would make the server better and more fun to play on! Ive also noticed people have stopped playing mcc due to so many hackers on mcc. Which means, with a new anti-cheat this would bring many players back to the server ! Also since we don't have a new anti-cheat, I would suggest if you see a hacker on anywhere on the server to put it in #support. Ive noticed staff ban quicker if they know who the hacker is which really helps out with the server! Also forum player reports which help as well, I would suggest doing one of those if you can. Overall, yeah I would say mcc needs a new anti-cheat. Have a wonderful day/night :D
    nuveau likes this.

    Dec 15, 2019
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    hey mr knowitall,
    clearly u dont know how hard it is to make an anti cheats cos u said "just get a new one!!!"
    yes mcc isnt good but telling them to get a new one wont do anything
  6. stampyrhodes

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I understand your point but during some times of the day usually when the US is asleep blatant hackers on skywars can stay on for an hour or so and it just generally ruins the experience, reporting hackers in #support on discord is the best way to get rid of them quickly since making a ticket on the forums takes hours in most cases sometimes a day for a few of my tickets (just for hackers). The best option MCC can look into without adding an anti-cheat in my opinion is allowing a /report command in-game as well as allowing staff to tp/spectate skywars games or any minigame without them having to just jump into the void or kill themselves in-game to spectate since it ruins their stats. Also with a /report command, there should be a GUI system where you can click what kind of cheat they're doing, etc instead of a /report [username] (message:I saw him hacking and flying) since players could just troll with the command saying things like /report [username] (message: lol gay). I personally think it would be easier for staff to catch cheaters quicker and less of a hassle for staff to join games sometimes not even get in the same game as the cheater and go into another game until they get in the same game. I could go on about this all day but that's enough rambling for one day I just think that's the easiest thing MCC could do.

    nuveau, meana and Swaleem like this.
  7. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Uhhh... you can report hackers to the staff members since they are actually insane at taking care of all of the hackers on the server!!! They are really busy, so banning hackers may not be there first priority, but when they do, they do an excellent job. You can report players right here -------------> Press
    MAXILES and mcrcus like this.
  8. Bestprofilename

    Sep 20, 2019
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    So i know you all are saying its hard to get a new anti cheat which I know but, its been around 2 years and they still have not even done one thing to try to stop hackers. Also if I need to go into the forums every time to report the hackers I would be there all day long.
  9. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    After reading through a couple replies I've come up with a new question: How would /report be any different than reporting in forums?

    A couple problems with this command:
    1) /report would essentially be the same as the forum report, just a lazier way to do it.
    2) there's no way to include evidence when doing /report. Evidence is a major part of the reporting process.
    3) This command can very easily be abused by spiteful people.
    4) You would still have the same issue of waiting for your report to be responded to and punished.
    5) If all /report would do is notify staff, that is no different from dropping names in #support
    6) Staff will still need to come and spectate the offending players.

    MCC Staff take reports very seriously. Yes, of course, submitting reports does take time; however, adding a command for it does not shorten this process in any way can actually complicate it further. The issues with the anti-cheat not withstanding, adding a /report command would not make much of a difference for the above reasons.

    Have a lovely day! :)
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