Prison Keys: New Item?

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by abbs, Oct 27, 2020.


Is this a good idea?

  1. Yes - Its Seems like a balanced item.

  2. Yes - Its over powered

  3. Yes - Its underwhelming

    0 vote(s)
  4. No - Its over powered

  5. No - Its underwhelming

  6. No - Its balanced but not useful

  1. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    New loot item for prison keys!
    Hello! Today i would like to discuss an idea i have for the ancient and mythical keys on prison. Many prison players are familiar with the struggle of mining out a plot, i propose the addition of a item that would clear plots for you! This thread will basically be my thoughts on how an item like this would work, what it would look like and possible draw backs involved with the idea!

    Part 1: Naming the item.
    The first issue i have come across is trying to name the item, for the remainder of this thread i will be referring to it as a "plot clearer".

    This is a list of names myself and a few others have thought up!:

    • Plot Buster
    • Plot Clearer
    • Mining Skull
    If you have an idea for any other names please let me know!

    Part 2: General Description.
    Okay lets start with the chances of getting the item, I think the odds of getting one should be similar to that of a holographic skull, maybe a little higher. The reason i believe this should be an Epic or Legendary is because it would normally take a lot of work / resources to mine out a plot and this item would do it for you and as such it should not be so easily obtained.

    Next up we have the properties of the plot clearer, It would be a head which you could place in the centre of your plot and right click it. After Right clicking it would come up with a GUI featuring a grey stained glass pane which would say "Please press confirm to clear plot or cancel to exit GUI", A red stained glass pane which would say "Cancel" and a green stained glass pane which would say "Confirm". Once you select confirm it will delete all the blocks from the plot and teleport you to the bottom, you will then find a deactivated version of the plot cleared.

    Part 3: Active Plot Clearer.
    Okay so i created a design for the plot clear so that people could visualise the item!
    The design was heavly inspired by the design of the holographic skulls!
    This is a gyazo of the active Plot clearer:

    The active plot clearer could be used as a decoration or just help on to until you have further use for the item. It would be useful through the entire season as most players will be able to use it up till the closing of the season.

    Part 4: Deactivated Plot clearer.
    Once again i also designed an a skull for the deactivated plot clearer.
    This is a gyazo of the Deactivated Plot clearer:

    The Deactivated plot clear is designed to look like a powered down version of the active plot clearer. The design is reversed having a dark top getting lighter as it goes down. The design is still similar enough that you could attempt to scam people by reselling it without it being super obvious that its been used. I think it should be obvious by name that it is already used as the way its not super easy to scam with it but still would allow the possibility to scam very gullible people.

    Part 5: Conclusion.
    Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
    for now this is all i have to say on the idea but your thoughts and opinions would be much appreciated!

    ~ Abbs
    nouhs, BlockyBeach, Deesal and 2 others like this.
  2. TimTam

    Jul 22, 2020
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    The idea seems like a good one I personally like the name "Plot Buster"
    Although I don't see this being used often as not many people mine their plot fully (but maybe with this more people would start)
    With that being said I have a few questions I would like to ask and possibly discuss.

    1. How long would it take to break all the blocks or will it be an instant break?
    2. Would the player who placed the 'Plot Buster' get the blocks from the plot it broke or will they just be gone?
    3. Would the 'Plot Buster' clear spawners and/or other hand placed blocks or skip over them and leave them floating up the top?
    4. Would plot members and plot trusted players be able to place them in plots they don't own but are trusted in?
    There are many more questions one could ask obviously but these are the ones that I was most curious about, and of course, we wouldn't really need to think of these answers as the staff team are pretty good at thinking of the ideas but I still would like to know what you think about these questions and possibly your answers to some of them.

    - Have a good day/night! :)
  3. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    1. It'd probably break instantly.
    2. I think it could be possible that they'd get around 200k when used (roughly the amount you get from selling to A mine when you clear a plot) or it'd appear in chests. There is way to many blocks for one inventory.
    3. It would most likely clear everything so it would be best to make sure anything you still want to keep is moved to else where.
    4. I think they could place them but they couldn't actually make it clear the plot, it could be used to grief otherwise.

    Thanks for asking!
  4. BlockyBeach

    Jun 14, 2020
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    This is an interesting idea.
    Just wondering after how many uses does the 'Plot Clearer' become deactivated?
    Can you reactivate a deactivated 'Plot Clearer'?
    Great concept though - especially if you could change settings to clear specific sections of plots - e.g. spawner drop areas.
    Have a great day/night!
  5. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I think it would most likely be a one use item, other wise its to over powered. It would deactivate right after being used :3
    BlockyBeach likes this.
  6. nouhs

    Jul 14, 2020
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    Considering how many people mine out their plots or pay other people at the start of the season to mine out a plot for them, I think this would be a super useful item for more than just the start of a new prison season. People who want to make a new grinder halfway through the map, bam use a plot buster no problem. This is a really solid idea and I think a lot of the prison community would agree if it were to be added for a future season.
    BlockyBeach, abbs and Leshai like this.
  7. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    We could take this different ways. We would make it like chunk busters on factions where it takes a less than a minute to destroy everything. We could also make it upgradeable. Maybe we make it really slow but you need to somehow upgrade the speed. We could also upgrade the radius. Even give it a cooldown between plots where you could upgrade it for a lower cooldown. Or could just make them a one time use.
    Swaggle, abbs, BlockyBeach and 3 others like this.
  8. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Abbs!

    As a full time prison player myself, I personally think this is a brilliant idea and will boost the economy. I've had this problem in the past before where clearing out my plot takes hours upon hours and hiring someone to do it for you is very difficult so this item would solve it. This would also make more people buy ancient/myth keys to obtain this item but what do you think about adding this item into voting keys aswell? If this dose get added in tho, I would want it as a one time use item otherwise it would be too over powered and the server will become more pay 2 win which the prison community would dislike. As Unadvised said in his above reply that this item could be like the chunk buster on factions, I completely agree with this since it would be more create less lag for the server and would create a satisfying effect overall. I do like both your drawing of the item but I do disagree on the deactivated one since I believe there would be no use for this unless you are trying to scam sell with it. I personally think that when you place it down onto your plot it should just disappear instead of leaving you a deactivated one. I do also disagree with some of you responses in your above reply post, I don't think you should get blocks from your plot when you use the item since that would be very over powered and cause a lot of lag for the server, I also disagree about it clearing everything because there is no use for that since you can just do /p clear before you use the item but I do agree that only the plot owner would be able to use it since people could easily grief someones plot although if the plot has to be /p cleared then this would solve this. I would also like to point out that when you place it down, it should give you a confirmation if you would actually like to do this or not because it would suck if you accidentally placed it down and your plot disappeared but this would also not be a problem if you could only do it on a plot which has been /p cleared. Overall this is a very interesting idea so I will give it a +1 since I would like to see this added to prison!

    Have a great day/night!
    I would love to see you reply to my reply and talk about some of the things I said (:
  9. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The idea was actually inspired by the chunk busters on factions. I think they should make it a one use item and it should work instantly. I feel like making it have more than 1 use would make it too common and there for less sought after. I like the idea of it being semi rare as it will be very useful and that will mean there will be a demand for it. Having it be one use means more people would buy keys to get the item. I think it should be instant as if it takes a while that would take away from some of the reason you'd want to use it. An instantaneous way to clear out a plot once makes more sense to me then having something that could do it continuously would be a little to over powered.

    Thank you for your feedback! it was very helpful, If you'd like to discuss this further feel free to message me on discord Abbiee#0001!

    ~ Have a nice day/night!
  10. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you so much for the feedback boomrabbits! I too have come across the same issues with having to pay people to clear out a plot or doing it myself. From my experience with 2 people and 2 blast mine pickaxes (Levels 8 and 10) it still took around 2 hours to mine out a plot. I agree it would definitely make more people buy keys but i feel adding them to the voting keys would be a very bad idea, as of right now the only things available from a voting key that you couldn't get from working hard is a sell wand or an Ancient key. Adding an item like this to the voting keys would kind of ruin the current loot in it. Adding it would make it so people could argue all items from the Ancient and myth keys should be added. Making it be something you get from and ancient or Myth key seems perfectly reasonable to me. In regards to accidentally clearing a plot "Next up we have the properties of the plot clearer, It would be a head which you could place in the centre of your plot and right click it. After Right clicking it would come up with a GUI featuring a grey stained glass pane which would say "Please press confirm to clear plot or cancel to exit GUI", A red stained glass pane which would say "Cancel" and a green stained glass pane which would say "Confirm". Once you select confirm it will delete all the blocks from the plot and teleport you to the bottom, you will then find a deactivated version of the plot cleared.".

    If you have any other criticism or thoughts please feel free to message me on discord and we can discuss it further! Abbiee#0001.

    ~ Have a nice day/night!
    BlockyBeach and Deesal like this.
  11. Swaggle

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hello! Lovely idea you've come up with. My thoughts on this is that I think it should be a 1 time use item (or 2) and that it should take a certain amount of time to completely clear the plot. The reason I say this is because it does take a certain amount of time to clear your plot manually but the difference is you're not actually doing anything with this item in place. You can just AFK and chill out until the thing is completed vs. mining hours on end and being demotivated afterwards. Regardless of how this is going to be used, I think this should 100% be added. Thank you for the lovely idea and taking time to respond to other's opinions!
    abbs likes this.
  12. abbs

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi Swaggle! I like the idea of it being a one use item from Ancient key and a 2 use item from the myth key (Or Possibly just making it so you'd get 2 from a Myth key). I do have concerns about it taking time to clear out the plot, Firstly would it taking a set amount of time cause lag? In regards to it taking time too clear and requiring someone to be afk / In the area, Not everyone has an alt they can afk with which would mean they'd be stuck at their plot for how ever long it'd take. This could be annoying especially at the start of the season when everyone wants to grind. Considering it costs $2.50 - $5 per key (with the exception of a sale) i'd say it wouldn't be too over powered to have it be instantaneous.

    Unrelated to the previous Thoughts and or Questions, The idea could be troublesome to use for anyone below the rank of Emerald (No Fly). Any ideas on how it could work to avoid players falling to there death when doing /p h ?

    I would love to hear more of your opinion on the idea, If you have any other criticism or thoughts please feel free to message me on discord and we can discuss it further! Abbiee#0001. Hope your having a lovely Day/Night

    ~ Abbs
    Swaggle likes this.
  13. boomrabbits_

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Abbs! Thanks for replying to my opinion!

    When I was writing my reply I did have the same point as you in adding it to voting keys but I brought it up in my reply due to the fact that it would be a frequently used item (Just like sell wands) + I personally don't think that it would be selling for much but I do understand where you are coming from. Also, I do disagree with 1 thing from your explanation on the item. I really like the teleporting thing and I think that would be better than taking 1 min to break however, I do disagree with it leaving you with the deactivated version. Like I mentioned in my last reply, I do not think this is necessary because it is just a useless item and it will server no purpose except scamming with it. Let's just compare the deactivated version with perks in prison. When you use a perk the paper disappears due to the fact that a 'deactivated' perk will be useless and will server no purpose except scamming with it so I think this should be the same with this item.

    Have a lovely rest of you day/night!
    KatQueen, BlockyBeach and abbs like this.

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