It has recently come to my attention that the punishment system is absolutely corrupt and broken. The staff team or admins or whatever need to come up with a better system of how players receive punishments. A friend of mine got muted for 2 weeks for saying "I want to suck a fard out of my sister's buttcrack" as I am aware that something like this should be muted, I feel as though 2 weeks is a bit harsh. Especially compared to when player's get muted for slurs. For example, a player got muted for sev 2 mutes 3 times in 1 week. The sev 2 mutes were suppose to be 2 weeks long but this player appealed them and got off easy. One of these mutes being slurs and the player called another player (a staff member) the f slur. Then the player appealed and it got accepted right away. Now, I think slurs is something that shouldn't be appealable ESPECIALLY when directed towards another player. Something explicit like talking about a "fard" is explicit you can say, but for 2 WEEKS? I got muted for calling someone an idiot for 3 days, but you can tell someone to shut the fuck up?? Make it make sense PLEASE. Please let me know what your opinions are on this subject.
I agree. This is totally embarrassing for MCC. They need to make clearer guidelines for explicit convo, and all mute punishments to be honest.
I’m aware of how corrupt and incorrect the punishment system is working as of right now, and I regret saying that I myself have taken advantage off of it - for both of my most recent punishments (warnings). It is shameful to see a server with the potential MCC has going downhill as it is. Not only due to the fact that the staff team is 100% bias and corrupt, but also due to the lack of common sense and big egos coming from the admin team (excluding ofc some admins). As a staff member I’d witnessed really disturbing scenarios, I.E. staff members with higher up ranks telling lower ranks that a correct punishment given to their friend is incorrect, and that they should unmute in case they didn’t want to get in trouble for it. Surely mcc needs a total punishment revamp as well as a staff requirements revamp (due to the lack of competent staff that are aware of the value of the role).
damn straight, gURLLL but it’s not like explicit convo is sev1. i’ve said this before on forums, but not in a formal thread/thread for itself. BUT mCC shOuld maker death threats/suicide encouragement and slurs (if necessary) sev3 those topics have no place in a block game, and rules is a warning itself. no 5day/2week (whatever it may be) should be the punishment for those type of things said. doing so would also fix the gay arse msgf shit gn have a good day. pls no fard
It’s none of their business lol they ain’t gon do shit anyway it’s not worth asking no more - the community and their wishes ain’t no shit hence why I moved to hypickle and barely even play mcc only uhc at some times
I understand that two weeks may seem like alot but we don't choose the timespan for each individual player when we come upon and punish them. It all comes down to how many punishments they've gotten in the past for the same severity. It's on them to respect the rules and after getting multiple punishments for the same severity, the time for each mute gets higher and higher as they clearly haven't learnt to go by the rules. On a side note, you wouldn't get muted for calling someone and idiot, on its own. If you did, contact them asap. And again, it all comes down to how many mutes you've had previously therefore the time span for Disrespect would turn out to be 30 minutes. You've gotten a 3 day mute due to the fact that you got multiple mutes for the same severity.
Not the point of the thread lol - she didn’t write the post to shittalk the punishment length but to talk about how corrupt the staff team is
I don't care about the mute what I am trying to say is the system is broken. People get away with calling others offensive slurs but u can't talk about sucking a fard lol
It comes down to the staff member who muted them, not the punishment system. I know exactly what you're talking about and most of the time people do not get an auto unmute by appeal for dropping Slurs in chat.
so its the staffs opinion. if a staff likes them they do not get muted and if they dont like them they will get muted ?
not really but most of the times it comes down to that :kekw: in the end it is a corrupt system and even if the person does get muted their appeal will 100% get accepted
This isn't the first time I've heard people talking about this so I'm hoping mcc will put some consideration into the community's concerns...