Filter Bypass

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SweatyDreamer, Oct 26, 2020.

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  1. SweatyDreamer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    I got my first mute offense after playing on Minecraft Central for 6 years. I have followed the rules and never gone against the requests of staff during my time on this server. However today 3 fellow Skyblock 1 players got muted for saying "N word" in chat. Not the offensive racial slur, but the actual words "N-Word". I believed that they were muted unjustly so I decided to say N Word in bold pink letters to prove a point that it should not be mutable, which lead to my mute. I do not regret my decision to say this as I believe that saying "N word" shouldn't be mutable, especially if the actual word was not said and if the statement was not substituted for the actual word. The mutable offense "filter bypass" is loose in definition and allows for more severe word choice to be allowed while "N word" is mutable. If saying n-word is a mutable offense, then other cuss words such as fuck and shit should be mutable as well. If words such as fuck and shit are allowed in mcc chat, as they have been until now, then certain chat rules should be altered. This has been an issue that has resulted in many mute appeals which could be fixed if the rules were altered to allow fair punishment.
  2. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    and you can get muted for saying ah*le lmao
  3. ehoeian

    Sep 1, 2019
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    I have found many of my recent mutes have been unnecessary. Rules have become extremely strict recently, and it is ridiculous.
    ectratr likes this.
  4. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hello SnagySnow,

    I disagree with you, both in your logic and your opinions. Starting with the logic, filter bypass is a fairly straightforward and unambiguous rule: if you say something which is a substitute for a blacklisted word, you have bypassed the filter. What was said in chat is quite literally a substitute for the actual word, so none of the mutes are false or unjust according to the rules. Even though the players may not have been calling someone this word, the word is blacklisted for good reason, and bypassing it or saying a substitute word goes against the reasoning for having it blacklisted in the first place.

    As for your opinions, I concede that there is always a conversation to be had as for what words should/should not be on the blacklist. I find the MCC blacklist to be a generally good balance between too strict and not strict enough, allowing players to use some curse words in chat seems okay to me, whereas some particularly offensive or grotesque words are not allowed. Again, not saying this couldn't be debated, but I see why the filter is how it is and don't think it needs much changing.

    Overall, I think the word that was said doesn't have a place on MCC, especially considering the racist context and history the word has. Note that the mute was not for slurs or discrimination, but instead filter bypass, which is an accurate assessment of what was said.
    8ooties, ectratr, tayhlor and 5 others like this.
  5. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    you're saying it's balanced that if you say f wording admiral ak*bar on mcc you get muted for filter bypass? yeah dude seems pretty balanced!
  6. Moltenwing

    Jul 25, 2020
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    bro why you assuming that the n word means the racial slur so many words start with the letter n i think context should matter no cap
  7. SweatyDreamer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    I agree that the word itself and using n word as a substitute should not be allowed either. However the reason I believe that there should specifications with chat rules especially filter bypass is because depending on the staff certain words will lead to mutes while others will not. In this specific situation, the reason many people in the skyblock chat believed that "N word" should not lead to a mute was because they had experienced situations when they chatreported people "N word" for filter bypass but did not have the chat report accepted. These different opinions and ambiguity of the rule allows for some people to be unjustly punished while others to be allowed to pass by unscathed without punishment. If there were more specific rules even within the specific "Filter Bypass" Rule that made it so that all chatreports of the same word were accepted, there wouldn't be issues among the players where there is confusion whether or not a word is allowed.
    __dragonslayer likes this.
  8. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    I can see why it would be frustrating to see the rule inconsistently punished. I can't speak for other situations/contexts where a chatreport on this word was denied as I was not involved with the decision. What I can say is unless a player really was talking about another word starting with an n (as Molt suggested, but seems unlikely to me), then this would fall under filter bypass.
    siidechick, nuveau and meana like this.
  9. meana

    Jun 5, 2020
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    I can see where your coming from but I disagree with everything you are saying... the "n-word" still has the same meaning but wrote in a different way which is still bypass. Just like "b-word" can you tell me what word I mean by saying b-word? yeah... Its still referring to the same word. Words that are blacklisted are punishable for a reason, nobody likes to see rude and hurtful words online. We all have to respect one another and respect the rules on mcc as well. Overall, I totally agree that those types of words should be punishable as bypassing the filter. I apologize if I have offended you in any way but this is just my thoughts on the thread! I hope you have an amazing day ! :D
    siidechick, nuveau and notaspleen like this.
  10. nuveau

    Oct 4, 2020
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    From experience, I understand why you're saying this, I also got punished for saying something similar like this and, me as well, was sort of upset but after some time I understood why it is a punishable word. I disagree on your perspective of "altering" the chat rules and black-listed words since it is pretty obvious what someone wants to get across when commenting such things as "n word" or "b word" due to their over use on the internet and in real life. This isn't vocabulary to be messing around with anyone and should never even be considered to be tolerated. I understand your point of it being a very "loose definition" when commenting things like "b word" but you could ask almost anyone and they would understand what this means, due to this, I totally agree with the decision of it being punishable comment(s) and I would like for it to stay like this as it, in some way, maintains the mcc community to be less toxic and more comfortable to be in. Have good rest of your day/night.
    siidechick, BlockyBeach and meana like this.
  11. SweatyDreamer

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Thank you for the opinions and feedback. I 100% agree that racial discrimination shouldn't exist, but in the moment I was annoyed that my friends were being punished for something I had thought was not punishable.I now understand that regardless of my intentions I shouldn't have said anything regarding that word. I'm glad that my opinion was heard and I better understand now why even though the intentions of the people may not have been bad, the punishments were necessary. I still hold on to the belief that there should be uniformity within chat punishments, but I have a better understanding on why these punishments are necessary. I hope that nobody was offended by my post and I hope everybody has a good day as well.
    meana likes this.
  12. deleteduser

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey SweatyDreamer,
    So saying "n-word" on its own is 100% allowed, however using it in the context of the actual n-word is punishable, for example, "<username> is an n-word" or "what up my n-word", would be punishable, but again, "n-word" on its own is fine. I'm not saying it's fine to throw around slurs or find loopholes but everything kind of depends on context.

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    Please DM me on discord (caleb.#0027) if you believe you've been falsely muted from such.
    #12 deleteduser, Oct 26, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020
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