[Guide] Posting correctly on MCC website!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Deleted member 254, Aug 19, 2019.

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  1. Hey everyone!
    I been recently noticing that there had been very many "Posts" on MCC website about: "I am muted", "Someone broke a rule", "How to do this, etc" now I am not saying these posts are wrong or these type of stuff should be punishable, what I am trying to say people that are new to MCC website would usually just post a question "that can be found" but it seems like none of the new members on MCC seems to find an answers to their questions right away.
    So this post would do a small tutorial to some new members of how to correctly post!
    Before I began I just want to point out in this tutorial I wont be telling you how to "Bold text" or "edit your post" or how to "Publish" but instead I would just make this post as a small tutorial to new MCC members of how to correctly post!

    What should I post exactly?
    Sure new people of MCC would ask some stuff on MCC website such are "What do I do" or "Why I am muted" and etc, but I want you to know that I am not saying "you should't post these stuff"

    Question about punishments:
    When you got punished make sure to read the rules of MCC:
    Rules: https://mccentral.org/community/rules/
    Sure some people usually think "Why am I muted" as a new member that gets punished wether its a Ban or a Mute, you can always view your punishment by this website:

    This website record yours "and everyone's else punish history" on MCC server!
    Thanks to Punish search, you can see "What staff punished you and how"
    Some new people might not understand "how they got punished" for example: [R], [CR], [W]
    [R] Stands for "Report", means a user had recorded or screenshot you breaking a rule.
    [CR] Stands for "ChatReport" means a user had /chatreported you and a staff member thought your past 10 minutes of chat history had something that was rule breaking.
    [W] Stands for Witness means a staff member saw you and someone else breaking a rule.

    Appealing your punishment:
    A staff member that punished you would be the one thats going to read your appeal, they own up to 3 days to read it "Besides Admins"
    Sure people gets punished on MCC, so if you as a New member gets punished you can appeal through this link:
    After you appeal the best thing is just to wait for staff member that had punished you to response, at the same time you may join MCC discord to talk directly to the staff member that punished you!
    Link to MCC discord: https://discord.gg/9jzwQDQ
    If your appeal was denied by the staff member that punished you, "You should't create a new post saying that the staff that denied you appeal is unfair or abusive" the best thing you can do is wait for your punish to expire.
    However if you appeal one of your punishment and it was denied then you can re-appeal:
    A Permanent Bans or Mutes in next 6 Months
    IP Bans in next 6 Months
    Inappropriate Username or Skin in next 6 Months, if the player has already been punished for it once before.
    Sell Revoke (AutoSelling) in 1 Month

    Player broke one of MCC rules!
    Before you report a player for breaking rules make sure you are familiar with MCC rules, so you knew that the member that you are about to report was breaking a rule.
    Rules of MCC: https://mccentral.org/community/rules/

    Reporting the rule breaker!
    As you have evidence of a player breaking one of the rules of MCC the next thing you should do is report them on "Report a player" but before you do report that player you must make sure you have read "The rules of reporting a player"
    Link to the rules of reporting a player:
    After you have read the rules of reporting a player and your sure that your evidence isn't breaking or missing anything then you may report the player!
    Reporting a player might take up from 1 hour to 1 day "Depending on staff that looks at it"
    Link to report a player:

    After your report has been looked at, a staff member that reviewed it would decided wether you report was enough or not to punish the player that you have reported!
    Note: Make sure you have checked your evidence, to own exactly a visible proof of the rule breaker, breaking a rules!

    Report denied:

    If your report was denied, then a staff member would explain to you why exactly it was denied, however if you disagree with them and you believe that your evidence is really enough to punish the rule breaker, you may message another staff to review your evidence! Keep in mind, the staff that reviewed it would tell you exactly why it was denied "and spamming the same evidence over and over might not help the situation at all" and you should't create posts saying "This evidence was denied what do you think", this just makes situation more worse.

    Questions about server
    Now before I start saying anything I just want to point out that its ok to post questions like "How do i get this" or "How do I play"

    I just want to point out that the common problems that people usually have, usually owns answers to it.
    Link to common QnA: https://mccentral.org/community/forums/faq/

    I just want to say that it is still normal to post posts about "Questions" and "Help"

    So to wrap this post around, I just want to say that this has been a small guid to help new members, but I do want to say that its still ok and normal to posts "things that you need help with" either it is about your punish, or about a question or need help with something, but the point of this guide was to show quick answers to new members to common questioned posts, and its still okay to "post help posts"!
    puposaurus and luvbri like this.
  2. Nxgget

    Aug 12, 2019
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    Bro ive noticed this a lot and you're 100% right! people do need to start reading into the website more and stop posting simple questions about things that as you said can be found on the website already. thank you for posting this thread and I hope a lot of people who need help from now on decide to read into other stuff rather than wasting a post :)

    Thanks for reading, Nxgget.
    luvbri likes this.
  3. luvbri

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Regent,
    first of all, thank you for creating this super helpful thread, your dedication and effort to create this has not gone unnoticed by the community.

    Secondly, all of these points that you and Nxgget have said are all extremely valid and I have to agree on them. It's extremely important for these new players to know how to post correctly on the forums.

    This post seems to have been made with a lot of thought and effort and I'll be sure to link this to people who may need it.

    Again, thank you for creating this helpful thread!

    puposaurus likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    heyo bucko! nice to see ya’ in forums. i agree with the points you brought up, and that they’re more valid than my eyesight.
    i like the break down of this post.. and it’s almost like the rules, but more of the common ones that get broken a lot in one post written out very well.
    thank chu for taking the time to write out this very helpful post and like rackle said, i will be redirecting this post to ‘lil bucko who might need it.

    have a spazztastic day!
    luvbri likes this.
  5. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey Regent,

    Honestly, thanks for doing this. It really does help users and makes forums a little easier for people. Just like the rest said, your points are really good and valid and it's so great to have someone like you doing this. I can't thank you enough :)
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