I found out recently getting a refund for an item on the mcc website= PERM ban.. Although I can see why the punishment can be that harsh but should it really be that way? For example reasons not to harshly ban on certain items: (ranks and particle effects, pets) <----- all can be taken away. (I don't agree with refunds for keys or boosters because they cant be returned) -I'm pretty sure almost everyone has heard the joke have you used your mothers credit card (using a persons card without permission) -Someone can buy them an item without their permission -they can get the wrong item (thinking its the other or sudden change of mind) In my opinion I think their should be like a refund policy Like you have 4 days to return the item (with a small punishment like 5 day ban or mute. nothing to extreme as a perm ban) But im just saying imagine describing to your friend you got a perm ban on a server because you wanted a refund on a particle effect or etc. Let me know what you think?
Hey, When buying items from a server, you have to know what you're getting into. You aren't BUYING, you are DONATING. Those 2 terms are far from being the same. If you are donating, you are concently giving your money to a server, in return for in-game items. Do I think a perm ban is a right punishment for refunds? Yes, I do. The reasoning behind this is simple. Not only will you have to formulate an email for someone to look through it, but it'll create a huge hassle for them due to the number of players wanting chargebacks. This could slightly work for ranks etc but when it'd come to Boosters, you wouldn't really want to roll back the whole Prison 1 sub server due to someone charge backing their 2x Market Sell Booster. I don't really think a 5 day ban would do too much regardless. They can just come back and play on the server after the 5 days so it'd be pretty much pointless. Pets; they don't give an advantage nor change any gameplay experience therefore this would be simple to refund, but followed by a Perm Ban. Ranks; we'd have to remove all of the earned credits from the rank purchase, the rank itself, the user could've used their Kits in many subservers therefore it'd be a pretty big hassle to get those back. Overall, a Perm Ban is honestly the right punishment for Refunds. I don't think Temp bans would work due to the player, coming back after it expires. Have a good day x
honestly all these replies above are very well written, very nice and lovely. i would like to input my opinion as well (it might be repeating some things) how about um... don’t complain if it doesn’t have anything to do with you? as far as we know you’re still on mcc and not banned. although some people would prolly like to see that, that is a very cruel wish upon someone (uwu). the reason why the punishment for chargebacks are an ip ban is since, like, it’s kinda gay to be so fed up over a block game you want to get your money back? like? uh. also, it’s in the TOS that you will not refund or whatever. As well as, blacklists are more common than chargebacks. again, don’t b*tfch about something that isn’t your concern (uwu) tl;dr - omG gUrLL i love bathing cats, the ban is justified <3 good night.
Hey G0thichic! I like your way of thinking, I personally would also love a way refunds were possible but it's basically next to impossible to allow refunds, I'll explain why Besides the problems mentioned by RegentAgent, Xermes and Darenn that the solutions you have stated may cause. Refunding donations is a huge problem from a financial and administrative point of view. Donations bring certain rules with them and in many countries are considered to be Tax Deductible. Refunding any Donations can not only cause severe administrative problems for those who have to deal with it. But can also be used for tax evasion. Thats why (Not only with MCCentral) but many companies/organisations have strict polisies against refunding Donations, because in the end they don't want to be partly responsible for fraud. This might seem a bit complex for the average player of our sever. But things like this unfortunately do happen. Strict refund policies just are necisary for every company/business/organization By the solutions you have stated you lay the responsibility with the server while in reality the responsibility should be with whoever makes the donation. This is anyone above the age of 16 or the parents with those who donate while being under the age of 16. I do think people buying things with their mother/father's credit card is a problem, but honestly. Thats just their fault for not being up to date with the things their kids do online and not taking responsible care of their creditcard. Hopefully I was able to clear up the reason of the current policies for you if you still had any questions after the responses above. Enjoy your day!
I don't there should be a refund system. People can buy something small and more refundable such as pocket pals, then return it after a few days. What if after they refund it, they just buy it again and they get another 4 days to use it? There also isn't much available that is returnable on the store. If you buy a rank, you can't just use the kits, then return them all. That's like going to Starbucks, buying a drink, continue to almost finish that drink, then ask for your money back. Just wouldn't work out and doesn't make sense.