KitPvP Season 9 | Mega Thread

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by PorkChcp, Oct 22, 2020.

  1. PorkChcp

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Hey everyone, as its been over 6 months since we last reset KitPvP I figured it would be a decent time to start bringing up some ideas. This is a list that was come up with by multiple KitPvP players and myself. Feel free to comment any ideas to add to the list and dm me on discord (Pork#3479) if I messed anything up :D

    Crate Changes

    • Remove x10 and x15 God Apples from Ancient Crates
    • Remove x25 and x35 God Apples from Myth Crates
    Spending up to $5 on a key to just get 25 God Apples is a waste of a key. This will also help have less God Apples in the economy which prevents God Apple spam which man people complain about.
    • Change Sharp 6 Axe in Event Crate to Sharp 6 Sword
    This season Sharp 6 Swords have been way rarer than the previous season. This will help bring more into the economy.
    • Add Depth Strider 3 onto Event boots
    If hit into the water without Depth Strider 3 it can be very challenging to get out and it's hard to win an event so they deserve to have it on the boots.

    Shop Changes

    • Change Health Pots to $2-3 per instead of $10
    Many top players go through countless amounts of Health Pots. It would make more sense if they were at a more reasonable price of $2-3 to match the current economy.
    • Remove Splash Potions of Fire Resistance, Speed, and Strength
    Useless, no one buys them.
    • Remove Iron Armor and Iron Sword
    Useless, no one buys them.
    • Change Potions of Speed, Strength, Fire Resistance, and Regenerations to $5 per
    This kit is only able to be done every 5 minutes but sometimes fights can be very quick. Cutting the price in half on /shop will match the current economy better.
    • Change Protection 4 cost to $20
    Protection 4 pieces can go as low as $5 on /ah changing this price in /shop will match the current economy better.
    • Change Sharpness 5 to $35
    Sharpness 5 Swords can go as low as $15 on /ah changing this price in /shop will match the current economy better.

    Clan Changes

    • Remove Clan Allies
    Clans can already hold up to 10 members. With two maxed clans allied that's 20 people total which is totally unfair during a KOTH.
    • Change Clan Slot upgrade prices (1.5k, 3k, 4.5k, 6k, and 7.5k)
    Currently, the upgrades to hold more players in a clan are ridiculously expensive. The most being up to 16k for just one more slot.
    • Clan Top Changed to Top Events
    Rookie farming involves zero skill and is extremely boring. Making it to the top event wins per clan allows the best players who win the events to be on top stats wise.

    Event Changes

    • Add Envoys
    An easy way for rookies/new players to get p4 armor and s5 swords. Other rewards such as custom enchanted books or rename scrolls to keep them in the eco during the middle to late season.
    • Clan Wars
    Times during the day that clans can gear up with their own armor and fight other clans. They could be put into a separate arena or a block of an area of the map.
    • Care Packages
    Just like on Factions these can spawn every couple hours with items like something from an ancient/event keys.

    Spawn Changes
    • Enable Bow Boosting at Spawn
    Something for people to do when bored like on Factions instead of risking their armor in PvP.
    • Add Public Double Chests (Thank You KierenBoal :3)
    An area for players to throw their junk into the chest for rookies to grab also to reduce lag with hundreds of items on the ground.

    Content Changes

    • Add Pickup Filter
    This has been discussed for multiple years. Basically would allow someone to filter out certain items from going into their inventory.
    • Random Maps Instead of Voting (Thanks Kieren Again)
    Every day you can vote for the map for the next day. This leads to around the same 3-4 maps for the entire season. If it was randomized we would be able to see every map throughout the month.
    #1 PorkChcp, Oct 22, 2020
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2020
  2. me_on1_44hz

    Sep 20, 2020
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    lets go ty pork ur the goat any idea on release
    PorkChcp likes this.
  3. imnotfatimthicc

    Oct 17, 2020
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    all of these suggestions would be fire as shit, especially the clan wars stuff that would be sick asfff
    Gard and PorkChcp like this.
  4. TurtleSoup123

    Jul 31, 2019
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    Hey PorkChop!

    love this post. I think KitPvP will see a new season soon. It truly is a waiting game. I agree with every single one of your suggestions and I think these would be amazing. Especially the clan wars as stated above. I would definitely spend more time on kitpvp if this was added. There is my take on this awesome mega thread. Have a good day/evening!

    Gard and PorkChcp like this.
  5. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    Sup Pork,

    I think a lot of your ideas are really good and pretty creative. But I do have some things that I personally disagree with.

    For example:

    I think if you were to remove gapples from keys, there would just be none at all in Kit. So the only way for people to really get them is from either winning an event, voting, or claiming their Weekly, Legend, and Bedrock Kit. That being said, they are already in the shop for 1200$ if you have the Perk Paper. So people could just end up buying them instead. But with the lack of gapples increases the amount of ganks that happen, as many people will target someone in p5 if they only have a small amount of gapples.

    Also, I disagree with the random map, as you could be stuck with one that no one really likes, rather than hearing the players opinions.

    The clan wars arena would be a good idea, but it would just end up being someone getting ganked, and eventually dying with no way out.

    Also I think the ally system should remain in KitPvP, as there's many people who are "teamed" and don't want to hit each other during special events or even just fight them in the pvp area.

    I do agree with a lot of these ideas too.

    For example:

    Envoys would be a cool thing to add in for the rookies, as it gives them sort of an event that they could win.

    Also Care Packages would be cool, adding more ways for people to get event wins.

    The pickup filter is probably the best idea though, making it so that we don't have to pick up all the speed and strength splash pots when were trying to fight someone.

    Some of my new ideas:

    I think that if you hit a milestone level, like every 10 levels, you are given a reward, like if you hit level 10, your given 200$. And so on.

    Also, I think boosters would be a great Idea, which causes more people to try and level up, rather than only 1v1ing for the whole season.

    Personally, I think the Clan Top should be calculated to be the number of kills and events combined, saying like

    ClanName: 45141 kills 200 Event Wins
    that way the clantop isn't just based on either just kills or event wins, its based on both.

    Overall Pork,

    I agree with most of your ideas but just a few I disagree with. Thanks for taking your time to make this post!

    Thor, Gard, notaspleen and 1 other person like this.
  6. To_ezzy_scams

    Oct 5, 2020
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    Please do this
    Gard and PorkChcp like this.
  7. PainfulStrafes_

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can really say that I agree with most of this but I gotta add on what some of the people in this forum replied to. Clan alliances should be removed because nobody really used it, and top clans just use it as a sort of extention of them, this is kitpvp, not HCF 20mans. Secondly I agree with Myko that clantop shouild be based on both kills and event wins, so like an event win equals 1 point towards clantop and 100 kills is also 1 point towards clantop therefore still giving somewhat of an incentive to farming for levels. Also gaps should be nerfed just a little, maybe be like 30-60% harder to get since there are way too many in the eco and people just spam them, as well as a very controversial thing that I would kinda want to see being added, Gap cooldown. Now this wouldn't be too long, but like 1 minute or 1 min 15 seconds.

    For technical changes in the server, there is a serious issue on kit with your golden apples lagging. It is just way too common, like you fixed all the bugs with health pots, but the ones with gapples are still there, just tell many of the staff that are familiar with kitpvp (KRYFEX, PorkChopH3X) and they will tell you about it. Along with this, sometimes hits just suddenly stop registering, I don't know what it is wether it's anti-cheat or just latency, but it is just frustrating to get when you just go in for the final trade and that happens and you die.

    Now here is something that should be done as well, MORE EVENTS. Like kitpvp just gets real bland after being on for like 15 minutes to be honest and events is what most people like to play, there just aren't enough events in the day for a subserver that is purely pvp. What was suggested here are great examples, but if you want even more examples, there is this the same posting you made at the end of last season. We gave you 5 pages of events yet almost nothing of this was added. Like we are trying to help but you just aren't taking the suggestions it seems and it's annoying at this point since the server playerbase is gradually dropping.

    So that's pretty much what I think about this and also I would really love if another new map was added. It's been a good minute since a new map was added and that would make this less boring.
    forgranted, Gard, notaspleen and 2 others like this.
  8. InsaneIsMyName

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd love to see all of these ideas implemented! The shop prices need to be heavily revised as the prices are quite high compared to /ah at this point. I'd especially love to see more sharp 6's within the economy. They've been extremely difficult to find with their prices skyrocketing if bought from other players.
    Gard, Myko and PorkChcp like this.
  9. GoNanners

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Hey Porkie!

    All these ideas sound great! It's been seasons since there have been any huge changes to KitPvp. If any of these ideas get implemented KitPvp will have an influx of players again.
    Gard and PorkChcp like this.
  10. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Agreed, idk how y'all be smacking each other around with like no events for 8 seasons.​
    Thor, InsaneIsMyName, Gard and 4 others like this.
  11. Gard

    Jul 31, 2019
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    I dont think sharp 6 axe should be removed from event keys because there will be no way to get sharp 6 axe than but i do agree than sharp 6 sword should be added to event key
    I would also like them to add is a enchant called absorption which u can put on your sword and there should be 2 levels like grinder lvl 1 amd lvl 2 with level 1 you should get 2 absorption hearts when you kill someone 1 min cooldown and with level 2 u should get 4 absorption hearts 1 min cooldown this would be really good because on kit pvp people try to "clean" you like when you kill someone with 1 health left someone else would just 1 tap you so thats why it would be a great enchant and the cool down would be good so people don't abuse it like kill a someone naked mid fight over and over to abuse it anyways thats all for right Now will msg u some more ideas on discord <3
  12. CosmicGayta

    Oct 28, 2019
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    bro wtf keep iron armor my guy i need to make my iron gsets without waiting 15 mins to enchant 1 set hoping for blast prot etc
  13. CosmicGayta

    Oct 28, 2019
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    and if all the prices are gonna be lower should prob lower the amount of money you get from the ancient and myth pouches by like 30% or some shit
  14. To_ezzy_scams

    Oct 5, 2020
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    no cause if u win an event like mm or koth the money u spent on god aps and splitting ur left with not much
  15. To_ezzy_scams

    Oct 5, 2020
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    cleaning is part of the game though especially for p5 kills
  16. Koekje1001

    Aug 22, 2019
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    I’d love to see coinflip added back again!
  17. Theoretically

    Jul 25, 2019
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    Yesss, all of these ideas are very good and I think should be implemented. Especially the part with the events because without events the server is simply just bad. More events equivalizes to more players. I agree with everything in this post and hope they all get implemented. Great job!
    Gard and PorkChcp like this.
  18. CosmicGayta

    Oct 28, 2019
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    omg add /cf back need to farm some kids who buy 100 keys for their $
  19. Gard

    Jul 31, 2019
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    They need to fix hit detection and crapple lag
  20. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    How does one dislike a post?

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