have you ever wanted to kill someone in pvp when they were mining just to get their blocks and sell them? well in this thread, we will discuss it. When a player is mining, and has his inventory half way full from those blocks, you may want to kill them and get the blocks straight from their inventory to yours without the blocks dropping to the ground for you to pick it up. If some of the blocks don't fit in your inventory then, those blocks will vanish like they were never there. You will only get the blocks that fit in your inventory. The reason to the blocks not dropping on the ground is for lag reasons. Stacks of blocks or any type of item will cause a lag difference. It will cause less lag for players this means that the players will have a better experience with the minecraft server. When the player who has killed a player mining gets the blocks, they may do anything they want with them. The player could sell them for money, give them back to the player because they feel bad, make something cool out of it in your plot, etc. Take this Thread into close consideration before voting and making your decision. Have a good day/night!
You will get as much as you can carry. I never have my entire inventory full when I want to kill someone with their entire inventory full with whatever they have. There are ways to prevent the amount of blocks you can carry by checking their inventory. Then, you can see how much things you have in your inventory and if you won't be able to carry all of the blocks when you kill the player, you may want to put all your items in one of your chests. Keep in mind that players may have just started mining and don't have a lot of blocks in their inventory. Then, when you kill the player, you will get ALL of the blocks to your inventory. Thanks for asking that question, have a great rest of your day/night! -AlphaaPro
People will abuse this by filling their inv with u stackable items or like an inv full of cobble and just fill up the killer's inv forcing them to become afk to drop them which leaves the vulnerable to attacks
Is this a problem? It is a legitimate strategy in pvp to fill your inventory with non-stackable items (such as wooden shovels) and just run into pvp.