Why is racism only a severity 2 mute instead of perm

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LeafyTiger24, Oct 13, 2020.

  1. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    I see about 3 people a day being racist on this server which I think is disgusting behavior. Why is it that people think that it is okay to be racist. They staff don't do anything about it. Personally I think that the only way to resolve the issue is to make racism a permanent mute or ban because people need to realise that it is NOT ACCEPTABLE TO BE RACIST. The only way to make people stop is to actually punish them properly so they learn that it is not okay. Frankly I find it disturbing that people feel comfortable being racist at all.
    #1 LeafyTiger24, Oct 13, 2020
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2020
    ectratr and JoaoOssucci like this.
  2. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    So I understand where you are coming from on hating people "who are racists" however there are some reasons why this isn't a perm mute. First off, a perm mute is a pretty harsh punishment, reserved for the worst of the worst chat offences. While I agree racism is bad, I don't think it automatically should mean a perm mute.
    Another factor is that being "racist" is different from person to person. Being "racist" nowadays has no clear definition, as everyone seems to have their own way of defining it. I watched someone in chat say "I hate the color black" and get called out for racism, despite the fact that it had nothing to do with race. They were chat reported for it but I denied it since there was no race involved, it was just a comment on a color.

    I think the level of punishment for racism is fine where it is, as it has always been a Sev. 2 punishment without much problem. There is no real probable cause to change it. I understand the current events in the world, but that doesn't make saying discriminatory comments any better or worse than when these rules were created.

    As always, make sure to chat report someone if they do break this rule. It can lead up to a 2 week mute, so it's still a pretty heavy punishment. But a perm mute? Not on that level.
  3. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hello, I agree more than 100% with you, and I have already made multiples threads about this.
    The truth is that the server's rules are trash and they definitely don't do anything about this. Admins and Owners don't care, and they are probably racists as well as they are accomplices.
    Of course, as Tripped Up said "Racism, a perm mute? Not that level." That's how they treat it, it's basically a way to say: "It's okay to be racist, just try to not be so explicit.

    Not that level to say something like "
    you are just a fuc**** black nig***, you and your race should burn in hell."
    But saying Hypixel IP is definitely that level. Yeah, you can get permanent muted for saying Hypixel IP and being racist is just a severity 2 mute (when it's on public chat) but you are fine if you say on /msgf, just add the person and tell them every kind of racist stuff, that you are going to be okay as it's not punishable.
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  4. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Yeah, I'm sorry for that, but I have my opinions. You and other staff members have already said that before and will always say this cause you guys are not thinking about what you are talking. It's just something that flows automatically from your mouth and there's nothing reflexive about that.
    Just the same thing of "Friend remove them" as it would remove what they said.
    I'm not blaming specifically you or another staff member, but that's the truth, racism is becoming more common and normal, that staff members don't think calling someone an "ape" is racism anymore. Things are getting more flex for people to have excuses for being racist.
    I'm not saying that if you don't perm mute someone for racism means that you are racist. What I'm saying is that racism as you said "is different for each person". Another way to say that it's okay if it's not explicit.
    Racism is racism no matter what, where, culture or person.

    This are my ideas and opinions, I will understand if you disagree, but don't tell me I'm completely wrong. Sometimes all we need to do is reflex about things and try to realize what's going on.
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  5. Lipestmh

    Jul 3, 2020
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    I really can't understand it "First off, a perm mute is a pretty harsh punishment, reserved for the worst of the worst chat offences".
    You say that as if racism did not deserve an extremely severe punishment ??????? BRO WTF

    Racism is one of the worst things that happen today. People die from the color of their skin every fucking day, and it starts here at MCC. Innocent children watching acts of racism here in minecraft will think that its normal, something that is not so severe in your opinion and will practice in their lives. Racism deserves to be muted permanently instantly.

    Very unfortunate of you as a staff member to give that opinion, it seems that you don't care about it. I hope that racism never happens to you and that you change your mind.

    ectratr, LeafyTiger24 and JoaoOssucci like this.
  6. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    I personally agree that some changes ought to be made to the chat punishment system in terms of racism/discrimination/etc. For example, I think (but I'm not sure) that if a user were to say a version of the N word such as the N word with an asterick in it, they would only be given a Severity 1 mute for Filter Bypass (please correct me if I'm wrong). This means that, if it were their first offense, they would only be muted for thirty minutes (which is nothing). Furthermore, people can say pretty much whatever they like in /msgf, including racist and discriminatory statements.

    I myself have used /msgf in the past to be pretty toxic, so I'm not trying to be a maurder or anything. In fact, my own toxicity in /msgf only goes to show how broken the rule is.
  7. abbzyy

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Racism isn't something to agree or disagree with. If you think racism doesn't exist, you are a flat out moron. It's not "just words". It's slurs that have been used to shame and degrade people based on their skin color, sexuality, and more. They are not just words.

    I have no comment on whether it should be severity 2/3. However, saying the n-word with an "a" instead of the hard r should 100% be a severity 2 punishment. They should be treated equally.
    You're sounding a lot like Ray's echo right now. Sure, you can unfriend them, but if that's the case, why wouldn't this apply to all parts of the server? Party chat is punishable if reported, but I chose to join the party! I can simply /party leave, right? Makes absolutely no sense. Do not blame the person who received the hateful words.

    We both know this is a lie (:
    forgranted, ectratr, Pxrge and 3 others like this.
  8. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Actually, party chat has the same rules as /msgf, meaning that only severity 3 offenses are punishable :flushed:
    ectratr and JoaoOssucci like this.
  9. TrippedUp

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I just want to apologize for saying that. I was not trying to say that discriminatory comments don't have meaning behind them. I tried to explain my point on why they are bad things to say but not perm mute worthy, and it's pretty obviously that my words came out in the wrong way. Just want to make that clear to everyone on this forum, I apologize for not being clear.
    LeafyTiger24, JoaoOssucci and abbzyy like this.
  10. Swinger

    Jul 22, 2019
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    This is a sensitive topic with a lot of nuance, so I'll try and explain my responses to what's been suggested here carefully. I won't really be touching on /msgf rules specifically, as although I may not agree with them, the rules are fairly set in how we punish (and has already been discussed in depth elsewhere).

    I agree with Tripped in terms of the separation of sev2/sev3 chat offences. The way I look at it is you have offences which are of extreme detriment to the server's functioning/gameplay or the safety of the playerbase classified as sev3 offences. Although racism/discrimination is completely disgusting, I'd argue that they don't affect the server and its gameplay to the same extent. For example, the difference to player safety between leaking IPs and saying something discriminatory (in my opinion) is fairly large.

    There's also varying degrees of racism we see daily on the server. A lot of borderline discriminatory comments are run through admin chat to make sure punishing is justifiable. Muting permanently for those offences seems overwhelmingly excessive, and brings us to the problem with counting it as a sev3 chat offence. You have so much scope for racist rhetoric that it would be hard to have a firm line where you can distinguish between 'that was maybe kind of racist' and 'that was disgustingly racist'. Sev2 makes sense when covering that scope; the mute duration is significantly longer than sev1 offences, muting for a number of days/weeks, while not resulting in a permanent mute for the milder/more questionable of offences.

    I also disagree with classifying the 'a' variation of the aforementioned racist slur as slurs; the two variations are not one and the same. We do mute for sev2 if the variation is being used in a racist/discriminatory context. I think punishing like this is effective and fair given the different meanings. That being said, I'd love to hear more perspectives on the rules and what people think would be an appropriate way to tackle the nuances in punish both the varying degrees of racist rhetoric, and the use of the 'a' variation on the server. Very much open to having my mind/perspective in regards to the rules changed.
  11. LeafyTiger24

    Mar 18, 2020
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    How does saying hypixel's ip hinder the server more than racism
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  12. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    I understand what you mean, and your point, but I still can't understand when you guys say that "It doesn't affect server and the gameplay". Come on, think with me, we are real people, it might not affect directly the server, but if affect people, and people play on the server, so it affect the indirectly the server. Not just this, but how can we care more about the server than we care about people? People make this server, if it wasn't about people, this server would be nothing. And this is another reason for this, some people don't care about each other, and think it's okay to be racist or make discrimination, that's why the server is how it is. It's up to us to make something about that and fight against racism and discrimination.
    LeafyTiger24 and MAXILES like this.
  13. Tlip

    Oct 18, 2020
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    I understand this post racism is not a severity 2, it should be taken more seriously considering what is going on in the world today and how offensive it can be.
  14. DarkBeastPro

    Sep 21, 2020
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    Yeah i know right, they should make racism its own type of chat offence. Like severity 1 is just barely discussing the topic in a good way. Severtity 2 is Clearly talking about it. and Sevarity 3 is saying Very racist things. This is supposed to be a kids game and i doubt anyone would say that kids these day should be rasict
    LeafyTiger24 likes this.
  15. Sidthesquid51

    May 31, 2020
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    I 100% agree with you

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