Complete command list of McCentral

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Shadowkiller, Jul 23, 2019.

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  1. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
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    4 years ago I made a command list for McC. I updated this list a few weeks back but now on here I wanted to post this again for the new forums

    • /tpa [name]- Request to teleport to somebody
    • /stats [name] - Check somebody's stats
    • /rewards - Check your cosmetic rewards
    • /rules - Check the rules
    • /buy - Buy a rank or other items from the store
    • /friend list - List all your friends
    • /friend add [name] - Send a friend request to a player
    • /friend remove [name] - Remove a friend off your list
    • /friend requests - View all your friend requests
    • /friend accept [name] - Accept a request
    • /friend deny [name] - Deny a friend request
    • /msgf [name] [message] - Send a message to a friend
      Donator commands
    • /fly - Ability to fly (Coal+)
    • /toggleannouncement - Toggles "Joined the server" announcements (Legend+)

    • /island - Open the island menu
    • /island create - Create a new island
    • /island reset - Reset your island (NOTE: Will clear your inventory and your enderchest)
    • /island go - To quickly go to your own island
    • /island sethome - To set a home at your island, (You'll go there when you do /island go)
    • /island level - See your current island level
    • /island level [name] - See another player's island level
    • /island top - See the top ranked island
    • /island value - See island level value of block in hand
    • /island blockvalues - See the island level value of blocks in GUI
    • /island level - See your current island level
    • /island warps - Lists all available welcome-sign warps
    • /island team - View your team information
    • /island invite - To invite a player to join your island
    • /island leave - To leave your island party (NOTE: Will clear your inventory and your enderchest)
    • /island kick - Remove a team player from your island
    • /island accept/reject - Accept or reject an invitation
    • /island makeleader - Transfers the island to another player
    • /island biomes - Open the biomes GUI
    • /island expel [name] - Force a player from your island
    • /island ban - Ban a player from your island
    • /island banlist - List of banned players on
    • /island coop [name] - Give a player full access to your island
    • /island uncoop [name] - Remove full island access from a player
    • /island listcoops - List of coop players on your island
    • /island lock - Locks island so no visitors can enter (Run this command again to unlock)
    • /island upgrades - Open the island upgrade GUI
    • /island bank - Shows the money of your island
    • /island deposit [amount] - Deposit money to your island bank
    • /island withdraw [amount] - Withdraw money from your island bank
    • /island islandborder - Toggle island border
    • /stats [name] - Check somebody's stats
    • /warps - List of warps
    • /warp [warpname] - Warp to a location
    • /balance - Check how much money you currently have
    • /pay [name] [amount] - Pay money to a player
    • /sethome [homename] - Set a home
    • /auctionhouse (/ah) - Show the auctionhouse
      Donator commands
    • /kit [kitname] - Get your donator kit (Coal+)
    • /disguise - To disguise to an animal/mob (Coal+)
    • /back - To go to your last location (Iron+)
    • /playertime - To change player time (Iron+)
    • /workbench (/wb) - Portable workbench (Gold+)
    • /enderchest (/ec) - Portable enderchest (Gold+)
    • /feed - Fill up your hungerbar (Gold+)
    • /seen [name] - Check when somebody was last online or how long somebody is online (Gold+)
    • /invsee [name] - To look in somebody's inventory (Lapis+)
    • /Heal - Heal yourself (Lapis+)
    • /Fly - Ability to fly (Emerald+)
    • /God - Take no damage (Bedrock+)
    • /fix [all/hand] - To fix the durability on items (Bedrock+)
    • /hat - Get a hat (Immortal)

    • /plot auto - Get your own plot (If you have a rank you can get multiple plots)
    • /plot claim - Claim the plot you're currently standing on
    • /plot home - Get to your plot
    • /plot home [name] - Get to another player's plot
    • /plot kick [name] - Kick a player from your plot
    • /plot middle - Teleport to the center of the plot
    • /plot trust [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot
    • /plot add [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot while you're online
    • /plot deny [name] - Deny a player from your plot
    • /plot remove [name] - Remove a player from your plot
    • /plot chat - Toggle plot chat on or off
    • /plot clear - Clear a plot
    • /plot biome [biome] - Change plot biome
    • /plot info - See plot info on the plot you're standing on
    • /warps - List of warps
    • /warp [warpname] - Warp to a location
    • World edit commands can be found Here
      Donator commands
    • /disguise - Mob/animal disguise (Coal+)
    • /back - teleport to your last location (Iron+)
    • /playertime - Change player time (Iron+)
    • /vanish - Be invisible to other players (Gold+)
    • /hat - Wear any item on your head (Gold+)
    • /seen [name] - To see when a player was last online (Gold+)
    • /invsee - Look into a player's inventory (Lapis+)
    • /tp - Force tp to somebody without requests (Lapis+)
    • /walkspeed - Change your walking speed (Emerald+)
    • /flyspeed - Change your flying speed (Bedrock+)
    • /tptoggle - People can't tp to you (Legend+)
    • /rename - Rename items(Immortal)

    • /clan create [name] - Create a new clan
    • /clan invite [name] - Invite a player to your clan
    • /clan info [clan] - View a clans information
    • /clan list [clan][page] - View the players in a clan
    • /clan leader [name] - Transfer clan leadership
    • /clan chat - Toggle your chat to clan mode
    • /clan upgrade - Increase your clans maximum player count
    • /clan kick [name] - Kick a player from the clan
    • /clan leave - Leave a clan
    • /clan disband - Disband a clan
    • /stats [name] - Check somebody's stats
    • /kit - Grab yourself a kit
    • /warps - List of warps
    • /warp [warpname] - Warp to a location
    • /balance - Check how much money you currently have
    • /pay [name] [amount] - Pay money to a player
    • /auctionhouse (/ah) - Show the auctionhouse
      Donator commands
    • /kit [kitname] - Get your donator kit (Coal+)
    • /playertime - Change player time (Iron+)
    • /back - teleport to last location (Iron+)
    • /seen - Check when a player was last online (Gold+)
    • /enderchest (/ec) - Portable enderchest (Gold+)
    • /invsee - Look in somebody's inventory (Lapis+)
    • /chest - Portable chest (Lapis+)
    • /ext - Extinguish yourself if you're on fire (Diamond+)
    • /fix [Hand/all] - Fix item durability (Bedrock+)
    • /chest2 - Second portable chest (Legend+)

    • /duel [name] - Challenge somebody to duel
    • /spectate [name] - Spectate a duel
    • /stats [name] - Check somebody's stats
    • /team invite [name] - Invite somebody to your team
    • /team kick [name] - Kick somebody from your team
    • /team leave - Leave your team

    • /gang create [name] - Create a new gang
    • /gang invite [name] - Invite a player to your gang
    • /gang info [gang] - View a gangs information
    • /gang list [gang][page] - View the players in a gang
    • /gang leader [name] - Transfer gang leadership
    • /gang chat - Toggle your chat to gang mode
    • /gang upgrade - Increase your gangs maximum player count
    • /gang kick [name] - Kick a player from the gang
    • /gang leave - Leave a gang
    • /gang disband - Disband a gang
    • /plot auto - Get your own plot (If you have a rank you can get multiple plots)
    • /plot claim - Claim the plot you're currently standing on
    • /plot home - Get to your plot
    • /plot home [name] - Get to another player's plot
    • /plot kick [name] - Kick a player from your plot
    • /plot middle - Teleport to the center of the plot
    • /plot trust [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot
    • /plot add [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot while you're online
    • /plot deny [name] - Deny a player from your plot
    • /plot remove [name] - Remove a player from your plot
    • /plot chat - Toggle plot chat on or off
    • /plot clear - Clear a plot
    • /plot biome [biome] - Change plot biome
    • /plot info - See plot info on the plot you're standing on
    • /rankup - Rankup to the next rank
    • /stats [name] - Check somebody's stats
    • /kit - Grab yourself a kit
    • /warps - List of warps
    • /warp [warpname] - Warp to a location
    • /balance - Check how much money you currently have
    • /pay [name] [amount] - Pay money to a player
    • /auctionhouse (/ah) - Show the auctionhouse
      Donator commands
    • /kit [kitname] - Get your donator kit (Coal+)
    • /warp DMine - Warp to the donator mine (Coal+)
    • /playertime - Change player time (Iron+)
    • /back - Teleport to last location (Iron+)
    • /seen - Check when a player was last online (Gold+)
    • /hat - Wear any item on your head (Gold+)
    • /workbench (/wb) - Portable workbench (Gold+)
    • /invsee - look in somebody's inventory (Lapis+)
    • /fly - Ability to fly (Disabled in PVP) (Emerald+)
    • /bottle - Takes exp from you and puts it in a bottle(Diamond+)
    • /enderchest (/ec) - Portable enderchest(Bedrock+)

    • /plot auto - Get your own plot (If you have a rank you can get multiple plots)
    • /plot claim - Claim the plot you're currently standing on
    • /plot home - Get to your plot
    • /plot home [name] - Get to another player's plot
    • /plot kick [name] - Kick a player from your plot
    • /plot middle - Teleport to the center of the plot
    • /plot trust [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot
    • /plot add [name] - Allow a player to build in your plot while you're online
    • /plot deny [name] - Deny a player from your plot
    • /plot remove [name] - Remove a player from your plot
    • /plot chat - Toggle plot chat on or off
    • /plot clear - Clear a plot
    • /plot biome [biome] - Change plot biome
    • /plot info - See plot info on the plot you're standing on
    • /warps - List of warps
    • /warp [warpname] - Warp to a location
    • /balance - Check how much money you currently have
    • /pay [name] [amount] - Pay money to a player
    • /auctionhouse (/ah) - Show the auctionhouse
      Donator commands
    • /kit [kitname] - Get your donator kit (Coal+)
    • /sethome - Set a home (Coal+)
    • /playertime - Change player time (Iron+)
    • /back - Teleport to last location (Iron+)
    • /seen [name] - Check when a player was last online (Gold+)
    • /enderchest (/ec) - Portable enderchest(Gold+)
    • /workbench (/wb) - Portable workbench (Gold+)
    • /feed - Fill up your hungerbar (Gold+)
    • /invsee - Look inside inventories (Lapis+)
    • /fly - Ability to fly (Emerald+)
    • /fix (Hand/all) - Fix item durability (Bedrock+)



    • /punish - For punishing players
    • /ac - Admin chat which staff can use to discuss in-game
    • /staffmode or /sm - Spectate mode for Moderator+
      These are basic staff commands I was allowed to add. There are other commands but these are usually kept to the staff team only, which is understandable.

    If I missed some commands please do tell so I can update it and deliver a complete package
    A special thank you to Timppali and Fxbbo for providing some commands
    #1 Shadowkiller, Jul 23, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2019
  2. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    thank you for making this post! nice to see it in the new forums again ヽ(^◇^*)/
    Xermes and ThorKingOfAsgard like this.
  3. ImJustAndrew

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you for bringing back your thread from the old-forums. This has always been useful for newer players in the community and maybe even some older players that don't know all the commands.
  4. ducticy

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Thanks for the list. Helps remind me sometimes.
  5. Gimper

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Good list for people starting up or people needing a reminder.
    Really in depth and good clear commands.

    All the best
  6. astrophysic

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    This is actually a really helpful thread, thanks for making this.
  7. Joshy

    Jul 24, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Arguably one of the best threads from the old forums making a comeback. Thanks for bringing these over. If a staff member could add in the list of their commands, that would also be pretty cool.
    Zonafer likes this.
  8. Zonafer

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Thank you for making this thread! I definitely used some of these when I was just startng out in Skyblock a little while back c: I really think this would a great addition to the guides section, and I hope it is moved there soon.

    The one big thing I'd like to see added is maybe including the staff commands. I understand why they might not be included, but as a part of the server, they should still be known.
  9. Shadowkiller

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thank you both for the idea.

    I've discussed this with Timppali and was given some commands to add. Staff commands are usually kept private to the staff team so it's not a complete list.
  10. bypaths

    bypaths Guest

    Thanks for making this thread. This gives me something to refer to when someone asks a question in chat. Maybe let an admin know and they might pin it for users to see with ease!
  11. Tielerman

    Sep 5, 2019
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    add /cl (tells you when clear lag will be happening)
  12. Smashhhh

    Jul 22, 2019
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    /ping [player name] will tell you a players ping in the lobby and Minigames
  13. Adalicious

    Sep 17, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Very informative and helpful for newcomers!
  14. Plsyes

    Jul 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the list! I’ve played on the server for years and I forgot most of them.
  15. Timppali

    Jun 29, 2019
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    I will lock the thread, as it has been bumped. The thread was no longer active and shouldn't be replied to.

    - Thread Locked
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