Just a simple question for anyone who knows about this server, i use to play lavacraft and tbh it was my fav server, so i was just wandering why did died out. Any og's maybe can answer this lol and should it be brought back to life? and what would happen if alex expanded lavacraft instead of opening mcc? Lavacraft was one of the most magical moments for me on mc and id like to get ur opinions guys.
Lavacract was sold off to another ‘company’ and it was completely revamped. This happened when alexmarkey wanted something more than lavacraft and decided to creat MinecraftCentral and his interest in lavacraft grew less and less. I am pretty sure that there is a LavaCraft wiki created by @Timpalli and if you dm him then you should be able to find the link for that. I am pretty sure that it has documents (pictures) of all the builds around the server and what not. Have a lovely day!