New System of Chat Punishments

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by JoaoOssucci, Oct 7, 2020.

  1. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Hello, I'm here to suggest a different system of chat punishments and how it could work. Maybe we could think about a new system of ban punishments that could be similar (work the same way) as this one, but it's for another thread maybe.

    There are currently 3 differents Chat Offence Severities:
    Chat Offence Severity 1, Chat Offence Severity 2, and Chat Offence Severity 3 (which is a permanent mute) and the Warnings.
    If a player reaches 40 chat offences within 2 years, they will be permanent muted for Excessive Chat Offences (There's no difference if it was more severity 2 chat offences, or if it was just warnings).

    So, my point is: make chat offence points based on the severity of the chat offence, or different points to different reasons/situations. Let me explain with an example:

    If someone get muted for
    filter bypass, they will receive 2,5 chat offence points. If they receive a warning, they will receive 1,25 chat offence points. Chat flood, 5 chat offence points. If they get muted for slurs, it will be 8 chat offence points.

    So, every player will have 50 chat offence points to reach before they get permanent muted for Excessive Chat Offences.

    The difference is that if someone have already received 2 warnings and is being racist in chat, they will only be able to do this again for 6 times, instead of more 38 times before getting muted for Excessive Chat Offences.

    Maybe I will edit it if I forgot to say something, cause I was having lunch, but feel free to give your suggestions.
  2. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Love that idea to be honest, it’s way more fair generally to all players. I really have nothing to add up to the idea because I think it’s good as it is.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  3. YouGetMeSoHigh

    Oct 4, 2019
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    Hey Joao, it's obvious that you put a lot of effort into thinking about and explaining these ideas, which is really nice of you to do. I agree with the general ideas of this post, such as, for example, I think racial discrimination and/or slurs should be punished more severely. However, sadly, I don't think it is likely for the owners/admins of the server to put these changes into effect, even if they would be better for the server. Also, if the chat offense system were to be changed, I think there should additionally be changes to the rules about /msgf because right now people can get away with almost anything in /msgf and that does not seem right.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  4. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The problem with this will be calculating it - Seniors already have a lot of work to do, and them being the only ones able to mute for Excessive Chat Offenses will just create more work for them. Yes, other staff can calculate it beforehand but it's still a lot of calculation to be put into place. If there was an automatic mute system, then maybe it would work, but still a lot of work to replace something that, in my opinion, is doing just fine.

    Not a lot of people are muted for Excessive Chat Offenses, as the rule was changed to be only including the last 2 years. This is pretty fair in my opinion - 104/40 = 2.6 mutes per week. This shows that the player is being consistently muted (and mute durations basically last half a week or even 2 weeks) right after they get unmuted.

    Overall, while new ideas are always welcome, if a new chat system was to be implemented, it would have to be a lot more thought out, and have a good reason to be added/changed.
  5. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Heyy, thanks for your opinion, and yes, I agree rules should change for /msgf as well, as people can say basically whatever they want (just not severity 3 offences) and don't get punished...
    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.
  6. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    Thanks for explaining, I tought Excessive Chat Offences mute was kind automatically done.
    Okay, so I actually already had some ideas in mind when I made the thread... I'm not really sure how it works now, if I'm not wrong, it's separate just in chat offence severity 1, 2 or 3; and the staff member would need to put manually the reason.

    This would be like a book (the book and quill), where there are already the offences writed on it, and the staff member would just need to click on the specific offence the player committed. So, to avoid misclicks, there would be a confirmation like "Do you want to punish Player1 for Filter Bypass?" "Yes or No". Then, next to the offence there will be the amount of chat offence points that everything do. I will try to explain here with some examples:
    Filter Bypass (2.5
    Chat Flood (5
    Slurs (8
    Where cop stands for chat offence points.

    It will automatically go to the player's punishment history, and calculate by it's own. So whenever a player is going to be muted for Excessive Chat Offences, it will show how many points they have and they will be automatically be muted for the "CONSOLE".
  7. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    @mxbel as somebody that is currently muted for excessive chat offences, the problem lies in warning counting. The point of a warning is you don't lose anything, you just get a reminder to keep ur behavior better. The main worry with mutes is a perm mute, as most of the time I only got 3 days for sev1 like disrespect or spamming. I can't tell u how many times I said something very minority offensive, like "ur ***" and a -petty staff warns me.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  8. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    In addition, if u look at my mutes, I have never had a racism, discrimination, suicidal encouragement or else mute. All of my mutes have been spamming or disrespect such as the b word
    JoaoOssucci likes this.

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