
Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by PumahKITPVP, Sep 29, 2020.

  1. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Every subserved and mini game will have achievements. These will not reset on server reset. If you complete all achievements of every server you get $100 buy craft gift card (I know, hear me out)

    Skywars: This will have achievements like winning 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 750, 1000 games, getting 20k kills, winning with no armor, using no weapons, using no kits, getting 8 kills or more, winning 3, 5 10 games in a row, not eating, not placing blocks, placing 1000, 10k, 100k, 500k blocks overall, breaking 200 blocks in a. single game, mining 3 diamonds total, playing 10 games, getting you first kill etc. Some will be very easily done in a couple minutes while others will take hundreds of hours.
    Murder Mayhem: Win a game, get to 100% chance of murderer/detective, win a game as murderer, win a game as detective, pick up an emerald, win 400 games, win 800 games, win 2000 games, win 10 games as murderer, win without sprinting, win without running, shoot the murderer with a bow, lose karma by killing innocent, play a game on every map, fall out of the world, throw your knife at 10 players, throw your knife at 100 players, etc.
    KitPvP: Log in, use a kit, eat a god apple, eat 10, 25, 100, 1000, 10k, 25k, 40k gold apples, eat 5000 god apples, get 1, 10, 100, 1000, 5k, 10k, 20k, 35k kills, get all level colors, get max level, achieve leaderboards, achieve #1 on leaderboards, obtain a p5 piece, open 10 mythical keys, win a mob, win a koth, etc.

    What do u guys think?
    LeafyTiger24, Bruno and JoaoOssucci like this.
  2. AyeItsBeck

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I like the idea of achievements since it would add a lot more opportunities for challenge, and as a completionist I think it would be cool to have, however I don't believe it could just give anyone who completed them all the 100$ giftcard, if anything I feel like it would have to be, if you get all the achievements you are entered into a raffle to win the giftcard or something similar, cause otherwise people could just no-life on alts and stuff and get 100$ giftcards. Granted with how many achievements you listed, it would definitely take a long time, but I don't feel that the 100$ giftcard for every person who completes the achievements is realistic. Aside from that I do really like the idea.
    Bruno likes this.
  3. Heya.

    This indeed sounds and looks cool, most servers got something like that. I doubt that this would ever be added for minigames (but even if it was, people would be more determined to play.) Like @AyeItsBeck and @YouGetMeSoHigh said, "100$ shouldn't be given." Because imagine if a guy is hacking? Or has a bunch of friends gathered to help him achieve these things? This is an extremely easy way (or resource) to earn MCC money. Also some achievements I think are too hard to achieve.

    -"achieve leaderboards, achieve #1"
    The only players that would have1st place would be try hards and their close pals. In addition, the kitpvp can reset (so you could possibly waste a full season trying to chase yourself into #1 place category.) If you are rookie and a person who can't pvp, you can say goodbye to this
    achievement (unless you hack, which you shouldn't.)

    -"open 10 mythical"
    So to achieve this achievement I must also spend 50$? The chance of you getting a mythical key through "Ancient" and through "Voting" is nearly impossible.

    -"Getting 20k kills"
    You do know that only 50 - 70 players out of 40k players on MCC Skywars own more than 20k kills? This task is insanely hard (not to mention the number of hackers these days.)

    You see achievements are supposed to be fun such as "Win a game without armor", it's fun and challenging, but given achievement with farming is just boring. I would prefer to see more "fun" achievements instead of "farming." I think you would spend a month (to get all of the achievements that you mentioned) and in addition, spending 50$ (for the mystical keys.)

    In my opinion, the achievements should be way nerfed (because there won't be a 100$ gift card, mainly because people can abuse the system and farm for it.) The achievement should be something more rewarding such as "Exploding snowballs?" or "Diamond sword kit?"
    Remember everyone loves to challenge themselves, especially when they are having fun. Mineplex has never made an achievement with (winning 1000 games), they start off with 100 (because it's more challenging and more reasonable to try.)

    Well, this was my opinion.

    YouGetMeSoHigh likes this.

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