KitPvP New Season Changes (My Opinion)

Discussion in 'KitPvP General Discussion' started by Myko, Sep 19, 2020.


Do you think some of these changes should be added?

  1. Yes 100% all the Ideas

  2. yes and no. Some should be added. Some should not

  3. No, none of the ideas should be added

  1. Myko

    Sep 12, 2019
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    I have many Ideas for the new kitpvp season!

    More events more often. 8 hours per koth and Mob Madness is way too long, even though they are 4 hours apart from each other. I think there should be 6 events a day, 3 Koths and 3 Mobmadnesses. Maybe rotate in a LMS too. So have 3 different types of events 3 times a day for each of them, just so players want to keep playing, which will boost the amount of players on the server.

    Health Potion Kit
    Also I think there should be a /kit health potions so you don't have to pay 7.5$ for every single pot, but also have it on a 15 min cooldown, not a 5 min like regular pots kit.

    Pickup Filter
    I think a pickup filter would be a great idea, as I hate picking up armor from rookies that drop in with Prot 1 and also i pickup a ton of Strength and Speed pots too, which is unnecessary.

    Voting Rewards are OP
    Next I wanna talk about talk about the voting rewards. In my opinion it is way to OP, and it lets ppl just vote everyday for a Month, and then they can just sell their ingame money for GC’s and IRL deals, even though they dont play kitpvp. For Example, on prison you get 2 tokens per vote and 2500, which seems fair. But on kitpvp 100$ and 4 gaps is equal to about 200$. Thats 6000$ each month for just voting. I think the voting should be 10$ per vote and stil 1 gap so its more balanced out. 100$ on kit might not seem like a “ton” but it adds up. The average player only has around 1,500$, including donators, rookies, and staff. I see lots of people who are level 1, don't even play kitpvp, but they have over 10k from just voting and trading with others who vote. It ruins the eco, when 50 kills = 4 votes. Which basically means pvping is no way to make money.

    Rewards for Killstreaks
    I think people should also gain more money if they go on large kill streaks. Like if I was on a 400 player kill streak, i would only be getting like 10$ every 50 kills or so. I think it should be more, but that is just an idea that probably wont change.

    New KitPvp boosters?
    Then, I think they should add a booster that is like 10$, that has like 100 “botted players” jump into pvp for a time of 30 mins, but they only jump in every 3 mins. This would make it so people would actually farm kills more and actually try and level up. Another booster idea would be 2x money per kill, so for Donators 4$ and Rookies 2$. This booster should cost 5$ and should last 1 hour. (These are just an idea, but probably wont go thru)

    Recording Mob Madness for Account grinders
    Finally, I think this is the most important one. There needs to be a way where the Server auto records every Mob Madness, as I have been in 1st place for 13 mins (nearly the whole time) and people account grind to give all the points to one person so they get an easy win. Also, if this happens I think an Admin should be able to grant the person who was winning the event win and key, as its unfair for people to cheat just to get an Event Win.

    If yall have any other ideas let me know (Myko#0757) or leave a comment down below!
    Simplistiq, Rontanos and forgranted like this.
  2. Condescendence

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Hey Myko. I want to start off by extending my gratitude for doing this post as many have started to wander from kit and this may serve as a catalyst for discussion and conversation for the future of kitpvp. Now, that being said, events. I personally believe that the time spacing out the events are satisfactory as kitpvp in its most raw and true form, is a gamemode meant for fighting and killing other players with golden apples and health potions. Adding more events or making them closer together would take away from what kitpvp truly is and make it less of a kitpvp experience.

    As for the health potions kit, I disagree with this due to the fact that even rookies can get a lot of hps just from kit rookie. Kit rookie is truly underrated and often overlooked but it is a great source for hps in a quick amount of time. Being a rookie on kitpvp was never easy, and I feel as though creating a kit health potions would barely help and if anything, help the higher ranks even more.

    Now for the pickup filter idea, I've commented on a couple other posts suggesting this and I stick by what I said. It would be foolish to implement a filter for ground items on kitpvp. It would basically serve as a better inventory hack and would stir chaos with cleaners in my opinion.

    The voting rewards in my opinion aren't too overpowered in that most people don't remember to consistently vote daily for the whole month and even if they do, $3000 a month is very insignificant. At the end of a season, one who voted every day would get around 18k which doesn't equate to much in deals.

    I personally agree with the killstreak rewards suggestion. I believe that increasing the rewards gained from killstreaks would motivate more to jump down and grind kills but at the same time, the current state of kit doesn't really allow for grinding to be easy. The ratio of donators to rookies has been getting more and more uneven and most people just 1v1 p5 which isn't the best way to grind kills.

    Now as for the boosters, it seems like a cool concept but I don't really believe it's a practical implementation. Throwing down a bunch of bots seems almost unprofessional in my opinion. Perhaps the boost could instead increase the amount of money you get from kills or upgrade the stuff you get from kits for a certain amount of time.

    This last suggestion
    is downright ridiculous in my opinion. Staff do their best to record while spectating over mm and you can also get your friends to record any potential cheaters but asking for a way for the server to auto record an event is far fetched and doesn't seem like a plausible addition. As frustrating as it may be to lose an event because of cheaters, a lot of the time, staff are there ready to spectate and if they find any, they will get banned for 7 days which will only increase by 7 after every punishment. I've personally noticed the account grinding severity change has painted a clear picture to many of these cheaters of what they're doing. The amount of account grinders have decreased significantly.\

    Ultimately, I think this post was very much needed and I hope to see more discussions related to these suggestions. Once again, I want to thank you for taking the time to create this!
    Myko likes this.
  3. Burgerss

    Sep 26, 2019
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    yea that booster idea was already a thing before lol they took it out about three years ago it used to be 3x the amount of normal money you got
  4. PumahKITPVP

    Jul 23, 2019
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    add more levels 250 is kinda ez :/
  5. To_Ezzy

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I agree with this I don’t play Kits much but I agree. Especially the filter command.

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