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What do you think are the major problems with school?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PistolPet, Sep 20, 2020.

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  1. PistolPet

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hi all!
    I recently made a documentary on the major issues with school. If you could check it out, it would mean a lot to me. Leaving feedback also helps me improve on future videos.
    StrafingChaos and tayhlor like this.
  2. Eleung_musk

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I feel this kind of video would have a lot of different opinions. For example, I don’t enjoy school but when filled with at least a hint of humour, it can become less hated. I feel that school is different to everyone, because everyone goes to a different school. While the structure remains almost identical to every school, it can’t be said about the Teachers and especially the country. For example, the country I live in subsidises a lot of things like groceries, medical while maintaining an average pay of 46000(starting pay). Moreover, they get paid by what degree they have so if you have a PHD, then of course you’ll be paid accordingly.

    To the main question, I think what lacks in schools is fun. Pure and simple. If you find a way to have fun, it’ll be so much better because you can feel a morsel of entertainment. Without it, school becomes monotonous. People will dread going to school because they never experienced a fun side to it. Yeah so in my school, they engage the students sometimes as well as let us speak our own opinion, sometimes challenging the question itself. It helps and it makes learning engaging which can lead to fun in the end.
  3. fedham

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Man, I would definitely want to have a long talk about this on the podcast if it was related to MCC but as a person who wasn't diagnosed with a serious case of ADHD half me going to school and jumping around what I think was 8 schools by the time im in 10th grade rn, it is tough. I think something that schools need to teach students is how to find motivation and I dont mean sitting down and "writing goals" on a piece of paper.
    forgranted likes this.
  4. CheeseBoi27

    Jan 1, 2020
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    One issue I think they have is that they teach unuseful stuff. Most of the stuff they teach you don't need to know. I think they need to teach things that can actually help you in life and all. Basically life lessons, that's one thing they need to change. And that they make you get up too early then what you need to do and just that school only puts stress on the people which of course stress it not good cause that can lead to bad stuff like sadness, suicidal stuff, and yea
  5. AyeItsBeck

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I can really only speak about the American school system, since I'm not sure if other countries school systems are different or not. The most prominent issue I can think of is the bullying policy where students who are being bullied are not allowed to fight back in any way, as schools have 0 tolerance and would just expel the victim and bully. This perpetuates kids feeling pushed down and abused and they don't have much way of getting away from the harassment which is a reason multiple school shootings have occurred. Another issue is how teachers can and do consistently push their political ideologies on their students, young or old and are able to basically indoctrinate young developing minds. Its not uncommon for teachers to use their political agenda in their teaching for their students, using their power as a teacher to force ideals that the students or their parents are opposed to, and being able to get away with it. Schools also just generally don't teach things that will actually be useful for students, and students really have to go out of their way to learn things they will actually need in their adult life. The last issue I can think of is how its basically a toss up of if you will have a good or bad teacher. How good or bad your teacher is at teaching the class will really impact your understanding of the subject, and if you get a bad teacher you are stuck with them for the school year and will likely do a lot worse in that specific subject, even if the teacher themselves were the ones who failed to teach you properly and you get the poor grades for it.
  6. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    I don't think school gives us enough free time. Like a lot of people, I go to school from 6am to 3pm and then I have 4+ hours of homework after. A lot of students don't have any time for themselves and It can cause depression and anxiety. How are we suppose to find our passions in life when we are taught that if you don't finish high school with a high GPA you won't have a good life. I find it interesting that we go to school for our entire childhood and then when we are 18 we are told that we must go to college where we have to pay an immense amount of money that makes us go into debt and then we work the next 40 years of our lives and then when we retire we can finally live. There are so many students with depression and suicidal thoughts and this is part of the reason why.
    10Controls and AyeItsBeck like this.
  7. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    The people. I dont like the people.
  8. So

    Schools do indeed give less time, having a day from 6 A.M to 3 P.M. with extra hours of homework to be done. Some people are more unlucky (filled with after school activities, or more homework.)

    People's logic on school
    I would say something that some of you may disagree with, but you don't have to go to school to be "Smart." We just generated this logic in our heads:
    School = smart | smart = Good Job. | Good Job = Money / freedom
    This is somewhat true but not 100%, you see in school you are given tasks (by textbooks, or sometimes teacher.) These textbooks were written by professionals (or some advanced people) with tasks for people to complete. Whenever you finish your work you give it to your teacher so she can check and grade. If you have done it wrong then you will learn from your mistakes (which is a normal thing to humans.)
    You can always be self-taught, thanks to Library and of course "Internet" we can literally fill our brains with tons of information. Since most people's opinions are the same at school which is interesting. I am homeschooled, a system that allows you to learn at home without going to school. Most people in schools are distracted, whether by drama, love, or just boredom. Myself in homeschooling I can avoid two out of three but a huge problem would arrive. Loneliness. At homeschool, it's pretty much just you and your family. You don't go to a place and meet people (like public schools do.) You are more focused on learning, but your social interactions drop. I managed to learn a lot of new information on the internet and some great books. I had no teacher explaining to me "how the Civil war occurred" or "How to do the math." I had to learn this all on my own and the teaching's job was just to check my work and grade it. In public school I relied on my teacher knowledge, if she was really good or professional then she can pass on her skill to me. However, if the teacher is bad (so would my knowledge on the subject remain bad, since I was relying on them.) This is why homeschooling taught me that I can legit learn things on my own without needing to spend 9 hours a day (starting from 6 A.M to 3 P.M.) I can dedicate 3 hours a day to a history lesson (or how much time I need on the subject) while in school there's a time limit for the class. Means if you need more time to learn this subject (you can only do it after school.)

    My view

    As I watched a lot of movies (school-related) I noticed one similar pattern, "Drama" and "Distraction." People are really distracted in school by one another (whether it's due to a bully, a loved one, or just drama.) It's okay to dedicate time to that (but not too much.)
    So In 2017, I created a discord account (to communicate and talk to other people online.) This helped me a lot because I needed a contact source. As time moved on I found MCC (discord) and applied (for staff.) Since I was homeschooled I could easily log on as a mod member at any time of the day to fix an issue. However, after I released MCC, it was the biggest "Distraction" source in my school time. I have left it (to be more focused) so I managed to save myself 40+ hours a month (from MCC) and improve my English and knowledge.
    You cannot get any time back that you dedicated to something, every second of our lives really matter, and I am just glad I understood that (when I was on my 2nd week as a moderator, instead of 8th month.)

    Well, this was all my opinion and experience. Don't rely on people to "teach you", you're the one that must rely on yourself. Keep in mind whenever a person goes to a medical college to become a doctor, they don't just sit down and say "teach me." Instead, they would study hard (on their own), and do tasks that a professor asks. The professor is mainly relying on your knowledge, and you should rely on both professor and yourself (don't always rely on a person, if you do they might lead your life to a downfall.)
    All these school dramas and distractions are usually the main reason for students having lazy work or bad education. Having a bad education would seriously be life-impacting.

    Take care of your time, each hour matters.

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