Filter Bypass/Racial Slurs

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by TeddyPrice, Sep 25, 2020.

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  1. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    It has come to my attention that when the n word ending with an “a” is said in chat, the punishment listed is only “Filter Bypass” vs when its said with an ending “er” its categorized as “Racial Slur”. I understand that they both may be sev 2 mutes and you get the same mute duration, but in my opinion saying a racial slur is way worse than bypassing the filter. They are different “words” but the exact same meaning. It doesn’t matter how you say it, its a racial slur. I feel that both racial slurs should be categorized as “Racial Slurs”.
  2. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there!

    To the best of my knowledge, both of them are actually qualified as racial slurs under server rules. I think most of the time the "with an a" version ends up being chat reported as "filter bypass" which is why it shows up as that offense when do a punishment search. It really just depends on who is reporting and which staff member is reviewing it. Either way, they both qualify as racial slurs but I believe only one of them is a filter bypass while the other is just blacklisted. Hope this clarifies!

    Have a lovely day! :)
  3. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Heyyy yea thats what i thought too, but one time i chatreported for “racial slurs” and it came up on their punishments as “filter bypass”. I asked two different staff members, one being just before i made this suggestion and they both said the “a” version is filter bypass and the “er” version is racial slur.
    Lxvely likes this.
  4. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    The N word ending in "a" is a filter bypass.
    The N word ending in a hard 'r' is a slur.

    Its how its been for a long time; we take the latter as the more offensive term, and thus punish as a Severity 2, whereas the former is typically seen as less offensive, and thus punished as Severity 1.
  5. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    Hmmm, but that doesn't change the meaning behind it. They are both racially motivated insults. I think an example of this is “pp” its obviously not as bad as saying “di*k” in chat but you get the same punishment bc they mean the same thing.
    Lxvely likes this.
  6. Heya

    For some reason, people nowadays treat the N word with hard R as the most illegal word to exist in our human history. Other slurs, such as the "Fa" word, are considered by most to be a normal "Filter Bypass." Of course, the N word had its own bad history, people used it in a very awful manner. For most, for whatever reason, using the word "Fa" is just a normal joke matter and may sometimes get a filter bypass for it. This word also has a horrible meaning and history, this includes several other words that would get you under the filter bypass category. In general, MCC chats are possibly the most racial, and toxic out of all MC servers I have been to. Just keep in mind that most filter bypass words that may enter severity 1 offense are also negative (to some it's the same as saying the N-word with a hard R).

    Better read the part below if you believe I am being or trying to be racist

    Now I am not saying it's okay to say the n-word or to attempt in any manner to use it. I am just saying if you feel offended by someone saying the N-word (hard R) then you should feel the same way as someone saying "Fa" word and possibly other slurs. N word is no different being offensive as other slur words (which for some reason some MCC staff / members may view them as "FilterBypass.")

    !!!This was just all my opinion and point of view!!!

  7. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    The "Fa" word you're referring to is actually categorized as slurs now; has been for a couple months, along with many other slurs. We don't tolerate any slur used.
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