Make rules apply to msgf

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Ankh, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm not necessarily trying to give hate to anyone, but you did literally just bring up an argument that I already covered in the OP, and already explained why it's not a good one. Firstly, obviously no one is expecting the person who added them to start rule breaking. If someone randomly sends me a FRIEND request, I'm not expecting them to call me a ni***r once I accept it. I mean it's literally called a friend request. Yes obviously you shouldn't just accept random friend requests but some people just don't know better or like to have a lot of people on friends list. That still doesn't mean that this behavior should be allowed. And even if you remove them, they still said what they said and harassed the player.

    ALL rules should be punishable in private chats. If they're going to report you for it then it's obviously not taken as a joke and you shouldn't be saying it to them anyways. I never really thought of it until @forgranted mentioned it, but there really is no valid argument that can be made against "punishable if reported". I get that this was added for like friends just messing around, but the way they chose to handle it has made it absurdly abuse-able. Can literally add anyone as a friend and tell them to kill themselves, even you or other staff. And you obviously wouldn't expect it, so why should everyone else? This rule is basically encouraging massive toxicity, and telling players to expect it from everyone. I'm not 100% certain on the inappropriate behavior rule regarding staff, but technically even a staff member could add someone to call them a n-word, and still be fully within the server rules.
    #21 Ankh, Sep 15, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2020
  2. Nikki_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Just wanted to add that yes the staff would be within the server rules, however the "staff rules" regarding infractions etc they would still be punished for it if not demoted since its a slur nonetheless. While swearing is allowed for normal players, I'm sure you know the staff would be punished for swearing.
  3. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Wasn't 100% sure how those two would work together, so thanks for the clarification. But still, this new rule needs to change :neutral:
    Ahnxious likes this.
  4. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    (Response to Niki)
    When you add a friend its because you want to get to know them more. People's attitudes can change really quick within seconds depending on the subject you are talking about. (Just because they don't agree with you.. now suddenly you have to die.) Plus I honestly feel like your using your experience to justify offenses being said on chat. People take words in many different ways especially if they are young.

    If you seriously think that a person who is 12 can handle being told to kill themselves by all means you do you. (That was directed to staff who dont agree) Words can mean more than actions, you never know what a person may go through. I personally feel that this rule should change and for the better. Rules are supposed to appeal the server and make it friendly not do the opposite. @Ankh I absolutely feel the same amount of frustration you do. This whole chat rule situation is a waste of time and shouldn't have been changed in the first place. Whats the harm? This community will actually be pleasant for once?

    *Not in anway way shape or form am I upset with staffs opinions about this subject
    i'm just so confused..
  5. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    mcc’s solution is to remove friends if you have a problem with them msgf’ing you
    it’s bs but what you gonna do about it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    this post and another post (guih’s post) together have been up for somewhat of a while and many players wanting to see change, but there has been no signs nor discussion of change of this rule.
  6. Unadvised

    Jul 4, 2019
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    You might want to reconsider who you are friends with if they call you names and disrespect your family.

    Solution: /friend remove *ign*
  7. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    You might want to reconsider other players opinions, as they are making suggestions for the server. Why not to take a vote, and see how many players want the change or not?

    Solution: Change the rules.
    I'm sorry, I know I sounded rude here, but some people sound much worse in /msgf and don't get punished cause of these rules. If something is wrong, It's wrong, no matter where.
  8. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    players can remove and deny friend requests all they’d want, but it still doesn’t make it right if they’re being told to kill themslves or being threatens that they’re going to be killed or being told something discriminatory/disrespectful makes it right. as those types of comments shouldn’t be said in a block game at all which is why mcc has rules shading them for “public chats”.
    these chats are nothing like a discord dm as it’s messages said on the mcc server, going into CR logs, where players are to expect to ahve some security of the rules system despite where it is said.
    one of mcc’s points when changing forums was that mcc has more control over walls/convos compared to when it was on enjin. now forums members have to be a little more careful on what they put on their wall and who they put on a persons wall. as enjin showed blacklisted users on enjin profiles just not mcc’s forums member list and on enjin members could say whatever they wanted (w/i enjin’s guidelines), like another server’s ip, without a mcc staff interfering.
    while forums isn’t really an apples to apples comparisons to msgf, it still shows how mcc has made changes in past and likely still going to make changes so they can moderate the server/community a little more. making msgf sev1-2 chatboffences not muteable seems to be going backwards more than forwards.
    as for party and guild chat, i get why it was a problem since guilds started having beef with “snitches” and guilds with staff would just look up who chatreported and kicked that member and that kinda ended up revealing who CR’d a person and blah blah. but msgf is different, it has been a feature since 2016 or 2017 and unlike guilds and parties, most people stay in tjat list for a long time. i still have people on my friends list from when it was first introduced. parties eventually expire when everyone leaves and guilds will change whether it’s becuase players branch to new guilds or they’re kicked or quitting whatever it may be.
    people can change within 3-4 years (if you’re considering people from when it first came out) and even within weeks. why should they have immunity over what they say just becuase it’s in “/msgf” even if after they say it the player removes them as friend? again, i feel that certain things that involve suicide and such does not have a place at all in a block game and yet players can get away with it

    i suggest either (1) changing the rule back, or (2) making sev2 chat offences muteable in msgf, leaving only sev1 offences not punishable, or (3) make suicidal encouragements + death wishes/threats severity3

    thank you have a good day
    Ahnxious, JoaoOssucci and Xermes like this.
  9. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I'm guessing you didn't even read the OP, as I already addressed this reason and explained why it's idiotic. But I'll humor myself and pretend you did.

    So let me get this straight, if I add someone suicidal as a friend and tell them no one cares for them and they'd be better off not alive, if they remove me that suddenly means I never said what I did? And even worse, you actually support this? No offense man, but if that's your stance on the subject then you have no place being an administrator, anywhere.
    #29 Ankh, Sep 20, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2020
    Ahnxious, puposaurus and forgranted like this.
  10. JoaoOssucci

    Apr 24, 2020
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    My chances of being a Staff Member in the future probably got reduced now, but I really don't care, and I have to say that I kinda agree with what you said. My parents taught me to be loyal to my principles, so I won't agree with something just cause it's like that and everyone is like that.

    This rule doesn't make any sense, when you open the MC Central Rules page, the first phrase that shows up is "On MCCentral we want everyone to have the best experience possible." Ok, so is a good experience when someone tells you to kill yourself and they didn't get punished?
    What should us, members, expect from a server that the highers seem to don't care about the server? We are definetely not trying to be boring and just complain, but we want to change the server and make a more enjoyable place, with less toxicity and hostility.
    Now, imagine that someone just joined the server, this person doesn't even know the commands, and someone send them a friend request. They will probably be happy, cause someone is trying to be their friends, and this person just click to accept the friend request. Now, the other person tell them to kill themselves, and a lot of terrible stuff; but the other guy doesn't know the command to unfriend, and keep seeing those horrible messages. Is this the best experience you could ever get?

    I'm really sorry now, but I'll also blame the Staff Members. If you guys disagree with this rule, but don't say anything, it means you are accomplice. The change is up to you too, since the members don't have an active voice apparently.
    MC Central is getting down, you guys better do something before it's too late.
  11. Sinclare

    Jul 22, 2019
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    @Unadvised people have actually gone to prison for this. But MCC is okay with putting all the blame on the victim, right?
    Ahnxious, puposaurus, 89p and 2 others like this.
  12. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Tbh this rule needs to be changed or this server will end up losing more players in the future. How hard is it? Is changing this rule going to affect players in a negative way? If not I don't see what the problem is. Stop wasting time by saying /friend remove is an option that needs to be considered. Not all people on /friend are actually friends my dude. They are random players that we meet and assume will be cool to hang out with. If I told a staff right now to kill themselves or threaten their family.. I would receive a punishment for staff disrespect. But no. It's okay to do that with players who support this server with their own money. Totally makes sense am I right?

    I agree with your comment 100%. Don't change your opinion to sweet talk getting staff into this server. I still would love to apply but I will still promote this idea. This problem is an easy fix but instead, staff is making this more difficult then this needs to be. This server cant give us an anti-cheat can we at least get a little more respect? Is that so hard to do? I love this server but honestly, this needs to change.

    JoaoOssucci and forgranted like this.
  13. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Honestly couldn't agree more. MCCentral leans pretty heavily towards being a dictatorship. Staff can't say anything without fearing big old alex markey will come down and demote them. But that's also part of the problem. This thread has been trending for like a week, and we've only had one mod respond, as well as an admin who didn't even read the OP before replying with already debunked arguments. Like come on, I know you guys are reading this. Doing/saying nothing is just as bad as being the culprit. At least mention it in the staff disc or something idk.

    You think that once this thread dies the problem will go away, no. Players aren't gonna just stfu about this.
  14. Seems like "Check who was outside the door before being robbed", you can never see the outcome, maybe it's some mail delivery dude or some random asking for help? Possibilities are almost endless, and if one of these possibilities was "robbery" then how can you repay it? I don't think the police would have gone, "You should have known who was at the doorstep."

    Ankh gave decent points, but I have no idea why they are being viewed as some huge to-do list.

    This all was just my opinion and my point of view.


    EDIT: Server is already an extremely toxic place...
    Ahnxious, puposaurus and JoaoOssucci like this.
  15. Isa


    Apr 15, 2020
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    To be honest I don't mind the way the system is at the moment. I simply just don't add people I don't know which is I common sense to me. I also don't add randoms on platforms such as Snapchat or Facebook. If someone adds you right after you killed them in a game the chance of not getting yelled at is very small. If anything they should just make blacklisted words toggable so you don't see them in any chats or see them but on your own risk. However, changing the rule is pretty stupid... Just don't add people you don't know and the problem should be solved?? And remove the people that are not nice to you......
  16. Yeah, let's not add this feature, it's going to require weeks of editing the rules section, and millions of computers to process "Is this a good idea or not?"

    I am amazed at how some people can slur at you, use blacklisted words (which clearly shouldn't be), and getaway (in /msgf). This ain't Facebook or Snapchat, of course, I would act the same as you. In Minecraft people want to make friends and stuff, and imagine someone being happy to get a friend request and in return, they get cussed on? Now I know you may say "It's just cuss" but people killed themselves over cyberbullying. I don't think we (and others) are happy to see these people getting away with such awful behavior.

    The picture is something like this:

    It's a public chat (everyone can see it), so it's punishable.

    This is /msgf (only you can see it), so no one besides you gets affected. (Does this mean you don't care how we are affected by this? Rules were made to make the server a nice place, and clean, because saying bad things in chat may affect people, but somehow /msgf won't affect you? (So i guess it's just one guy, it's okay)

    A funny real life example:
    I guess I cannot rob a store because "everyone' are there, but if I ask a random guy to be my friend and rob him I guess thats fine?

    This was all my opinion,

  17. Isa


    Apr 15, 2020
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    Uh I don't know about you but I am still cautios if it to comes to new people. Sure I definitely give people a chance to become friends of course haha but I don't just add them everwhere. And if I get messaged something rude I simply just remove them really, if you play some skywars you seriously get some hate sometimes if you kill people.

    However, what im trying to say is, yes it's definitely wrong that people use slurs but in my opinon it's also your responsibilty to who you add and who you don't add. I can assure you that 80% of the people that you add on MCC aren't gonna throw slurs at you ? Like how often does it even happen I'm curious. Don't add people right after you kill them and if they say something rude just remove them from your friends list.

    Keep in mind this is the internet, you shouldn't take everything so serious or personal on here. People have a big mouth behind a screen.
  18. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    OP already explains why this reasoning is flawed, and so does half the replies to this thread. It's not so much of the fact that you added them but the fact that they're allowed to verbally and mentally abuse other players, and staff will turn a blind eye simply because it happened in pms.

    Also some of my best friends on this server have been from people who either killed me or I killed them, so I don't necessarily agree with the paranoia that you shouldn't accept anyone's requests, give them a chance to speak their mind. If they're just trying to disrespect then you can remove them, but that doesn't make what they said go away. Personally I don't care what people say to me but that doesn't mean everyone is the same. It wouldn't be by any means difficult to enforce an only-if-reported system for private chats, no reason why it shouldn't be like this already. If they're reporting you for it then obviously it's not taken as a joke.
    #38 Ankh, Sep 24, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2020
    puposaurus, forgranted and notaspleen like this.
  19. Ahnxious

    Sep 7, 2019
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    Okay, I first like to say that everybody is considered a stranger before you actually get to meet them. So I guess what you are saying is don't have any friends on this server? Because you don't "know them". Please take into consideration at this point everybody is a random we don't know. (Yes you heard me. we all randoms. tough nuggies) Therefore adding a friend on this server can be a way to get to know a person. It doesn't mean that they are your bestie. It means that they are the person you want to get to know more about. When you want to get to know about a person, you will not know anything about them and their interests in talking to you. Therefore it's unknown.

    "Keep in mind this is the internet, you shouldn't take everything so serious or personal on here. People have a big mouth behind a screen."

    Tell that to the mother's kid who committed suicide because their son was being bullied on the internet. Words can last a lifetime just because you are a tough cookie doesn't mean everybody else is. Please keep in mind most of the people on Minecraft are kids. Would you really want a sour nuggie telling your son to kill themselves? How do you think that would affect the kid. I get kids to want to be mature today but childhood trauma isn't the way to mature. This rule needs to be changed not only to make life easier for us players as a community but to also help shape the minds of these young kids of this generation. This generation already has stupid things going on like eating tide pods, this generation does not need more self harm. How would changing this rule effect this server in a negative way?

    Your post is spot on and beautiful. Like how can we argue with this saying? This is exactly what most staff are implying. A beautiful way of explaining it.

    To all the people who agree to change this rule, I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing your frustration about this problem. This problem needs to be changed and quick. And I appreciate @Ankh for taking the initiative to make this post AGAIN.
    JoaoOssucci likes this.
  20. Ankh

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Can agree with everything else you said, but this is so far the only thread I've made on this (for now, most likely gonna need to make a second once this one dies).
    Ahnxious likes this.

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