Server Mutes

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by CryzpLorax, Sep 21, 2020.

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  1. CryzpLorax

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I believe your server staff has no knowledge. Firstly I would start off by saying whenever I play on the kit at least every time I log in 3 ppl are muted, Your server blacklists so many words yet you get muted so easily. It's not like you have mentioned this is a kid server and I believe the staff should check what the context was behind swearing. I literally blepped my self saying il drop you lil ***** and I got muted for 3 days. I could have literally said the word but bellped myself yet I get muted. I put a link in chat I get perm muted, I don't know if it's your helpers or your moderators butul need to change the rules or teach them how you don't just mute people for saying the f word or the b word. I believe if I said those words rn I would be muted from forums as well. Just tell your staff to either check the context before muting such as if both players were already insulting each other etc. For example, in my case, the guy who I abused had an arrow in his inv saying fuck me and my mom (I is my mc ign) but ofc the staff doesn't check that and they mute me when I literally bleep myself. Overall just teach your staff how severe a punishment a mute is.
  2. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there boss! Firstly, I will start off by saying what you first said "*****" is qualified as Bypassing the Chat Filter. If you actually said the word, the plugin would detect that and you wouldn't have been able to say the sentence. So because of the * symbols, that would qualify as filter bypass. Secondly, Filter Bypass is a Severity 1 mute, and you get muted for 3 days if you have 5 or more offences that fall under that category. So you got muted for 3 days because you had 5 or more Severity 1 Chat offenses. Check the rules out here. Hopefully this helps out. You are able to appeal. Message me on Discord (in signature) if you have anymore questions.

    OriAlfi likes this.
  3. CryzpLorax

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Thats my point they need to change the rules please read through properly as almost everybody I know gets muted so clearly the mute rule is too easy and if they are "blacklisting" words then might as well blacklist it all.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i don’t think changing the rules would necessarily help as a lot of the examples you mentioned seemed to be handled according to the rules. although frustrating and despite how often it’s used, mcc has *the b word* blacklisted as it’s not a really nice word as it’s seen as derogatory or something like that.
    especially calling someone it (whether good intentions or not) can be seen as disrespect, or what was already mentioned: filter bypass. swearing is allowed on mcc but saying offensive or derogatory terms is not allowed which is why there are multiple rules in the rules to prevent it.
    as for the arrow thing, while it is an explicit phrase, there’s no rule against having items named with explicit phrases or even blacklisted words. it’s just that playera cannot use/not allowed to use while holding them as that can result in a punishment.
    side note, but saying the “f word” or “b word” on forums will not get you banned since (1) fuck is allowed to be said on all platforms if not used explicitly/inappropriately and (2) saying the b word will automatically filter it out with * and (3) there’s no forum muted only forum bans/temp bans and forum warn points (warnings that can stack up to a ban)

    now back to your suggestion, ima say this again, i don’t think changing the rules would necessarily help. as annoying as they are they’re mostly fair ang players need to realize and respect that. forcing players to read rules wouldn’t help either as sometiems it’s better to learn from mistakes rather than reading a list of rules like a bot. in your examples you may now know that you can call someone a bit ch cause it’s not allowed lol.

    have a nice day
    OriAlfi likes this.
  5. rep


    Jul 30, 2020
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    Congratulations, you get a rare response from me because I never venture on these forums. I'm going to completely disregard the other user's posts because I couldn't care less about theirs so I'm going to state mine.

    If it wasn't obvious lad I think it does pretty much imply that this is a server for kids, I mean, have you got any knowledge of MCC? Their filters in-game, discord and forums are clearly present so that the whole community invites them, they even allow like 14 year olds to be staff and you're here thinking they're going to let you say that. Good joke.

    I believe the issue in this post is that you have no knowledge of MCC at all. You don't know there's a command to check blacklisted words and you probably haven't read the rules once yet you're here complaining, it's kind of hilarious, your attempt. "Everybody I know gets muted" - since when has this become a valid point for someone to make to change the rules, have you ever thought that your friends are almost as clueless as you are when it comes to the rules of MCC?

    I don't particularly know who you're referring to when you say "your" - that "your" is most likely the person who made the rules in the first place, lmao.

    I'm not going to lecture on the rules that I've seen the user above, after briefly reading it from scrolling has. I despise the staff team but I am truly thinking you're the one clueless right now.
  6. OriAlfi

    Jan 24, 2020
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    I do not agree with you, to say that staff don’t have knowledge here is just not right. it’s not the staff, it’s the rules. Staff are literally trained or got trained by a mentor who asks them questions about the game and the rules. And I think all of the things you just mentioned that you got muted for are fair and the correct thing to do. About the filter bypass, I think it’s perfect as it is, it’s not too strict, and not too free. About the rules I do believe they need to be changed a little because they just don’t stop toxicity right. you can literally harass a player and only get muted for 3 days max, It’s ridiculous that you get less days when you harass a player than you send a link. The rules needs to take harassment way harsher, even a perm mute in extremes, I even think even going into harassing a player in dms outside of mcc with fake alts should be punishable. While you can always ignore a player ik, but the ignore thing isn’t the best of things because it got some flaws which I actually made a thread about. Overall I do not agree with you at the things you said about staff and the things you said about the rules.
    puposaurus likes this.
  7. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey there!

    Like many above have stated, MCC is very explicit about their chat rules and the types of punishments that go along with breaking them. As Toronto said, use of "*" as replacement for blacklisted words does count as filter bypass is most cases. And as others said, there is a command to check what kinds of words are not allowed. When in doubt /blacklistcheck. As frustrating as it may be, the chat rules are in place to benefit the community. However, it seems to me that you don't really care about the community (or the chat rules in general), you just want to say whatever you want and were frustrated that you were punished for breaking the rules. In order to avoid future mutes, I recommend not using (or attempting to use) black listed words, as well as re-read through the rules page to be sure you don't break any of those.

    Have a lovely day! :)
    OriAlfi likes this.
  8. ltself

    Jul 27, 2019
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    Hey, I very much understand your frustrations about how strict the chat polices are here. I do not believe that the rules should be changed because no change will please everyone as this server is big and has a broad range of players playing. As others have mentioned, it is in your control what you say in chat, and if you breach a rule that is your problem not the server's.

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