You’re like trash af random you die in p4 and u pot at 6 lmao this list is for decent players not you. And crazy said it’s based on p5 kills
Hey! I don't know why people still make this type of post. They just create negativity. I'll say this though, Alex_Markey has to be number 1 no matter what because he knows the game mechanics better than anyone else cause he's the one who introduced them. Anyway see you guys at reset :)
BabyGanq and Painful are nowhere near top 15 no offence. BabyGanq is complete shit and Painful doest go low
Crazy: ok sure probs like number 4 tho. Jcson: Yeah def #1 kidknap doesn't go low and just scums for his p5. Cosmic is blatant af Akera I agree1. Gard just talks shit and doesn't go low. Also he look suspicious in some videos. aBeLy_ has a hold down auto click mouse. Painful is pretty bad and just ranks every1 MFDOOM is blacklisted he just doses. Grutato is very godly BabyGanq just block hit spams Packstealer is ok but def not #12 Kryfex is only good cuz his ping and he still isn't that good. He is very good at events tho Condescendence used to be good but now he's washed and never goes in. PlayLikeYunkz is a god New list: (NO ORDER) New list: Jason Grutato AccePainful_ AcceStrafes_ AcceWamboh_ PoTyG0D_ Nyzy Maserson Driplet Curtman1532 Mqney PlayLikeYunkz kingakera123 GAMESENSEB VAFFL
I for one do not play KitPvP but next reset I will for sure try it out. All I know about this list is Gard, Grutato, and CRAZYBLACKSHADOW are for sure on it. Cracked players, and definitely are top 10 for all 3 of them.
This hurts my brain, I don’t go low yet you always force the fights and get fucked, you only drop cuz of your jump crit spamming which involves 0 skill lmao, also why are all the BRs on this list their banned, Driplet is fucking *** and nyzy and maserson cheat
Painful u sound mad. How about u talk to SitDownL on how to go low, he's quite good at it. Ltr random!!