What Qualifies as an A bannable IGN?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mcrcus, Sep 11, 2020.

  1. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Before I say anything, I am making this thread with all respect to everyone. I am confused about this rule, but do not think of this as a rant. Also, please pardon my language in this thread. Thank you.

    I am just fairly wondering: how do you guys determine whether or not that a username is bannable or not? The rule states: “Having a username or skin that is offensive, inappropriate or racial.” I have ran into some scenarios where the IGN could be any of those, but it was confirmed by someone that it isn’t bannable. For instance, today there was a player on with the username “IEatLatinoKids,” and there was a username a few days ago named “SexMe.” It was confirmed by staff that “IEatLatinoKids” is not inappropriate, but “SexMe” is, the second person got banned and the first one didn’t.

    Now, it is clear why SexMe is inappropriate, and I agree 100% that it should be bannable. But I feel like IEatLatinoKids should also be bannable. The rule clearly stats if the IGN is offensive, inappropriate or racist, then it’s punishable, and I do believe that IGN fits all of that criteria. If people believe that IGN doesn’t, fine, I won’t bash on you for thinking that. But that means an IGN such as “IHateMexicans” will be accepted as fine when clearly it is racist.

    I didn’t come here to just bash on every staff member, nor I don’t mean to tell everyone how to do their job, but my only question is: what specific criteria do you look for when banning someone with an punishable IGN?

  2. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey Toronto!
    I agree that IEatLatinoKids is not a inappropriate username and I personally would consider it against the guidelines, but the reports team as a whole usually consults as a team on border-line usernames from what I have been told. If the staff in charge of this offence deem the username appropriate because it is not overtly using blacklisted words, being explicit, or anything else than it is allowed. I recommend messaging some members of the reports team directly because I feel like they may be able to clarify a little better than me. Hope this helps.

    Have a lovely day! :)
  3. Departition_

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Idk but i got banned for having the name ‘AlexMarkeyIsGay’
    MAXILES and Lexxonist like this.
  4. Dionnysus

    Mar 3, 2020
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    Heya there TorontoCanada, how are you doing buddy!

    As you probably understand we often punish on what we personally think is morally correct or incorrect. When it comes to player names only
    Senior Moderators are able to punish for those. In some cases we might find ourselves having trouble with reasoning why we think a username (Or any offense) is punishable or not. That is why we (Staff members) often ask for each other for opinions. Some names do not need voting for because they are straight up way out of our extremities. But when we are not sure if a name is punishable we would ask for opinions and than have a Senior Moderator punish the player. If our opinions differ to much from one another it is up to the Senior Moderators to vote for the username.

    I hope this makes it a bit more clear for you on the process we have for punishing for innapropiate player names.

    Feel free to ask me any more questions regarding this subject matter!

    Enjoy the rest of your day!
    mcrcus likes this.

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