21st September 2020

Discussion in 'Server Updates / Changelog' started by AlexMarkey, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. AlexMarkey

    Jun 16, 2019
    Likes Received:
    21st September 2020
    - Netherwart and Soul Sand has been added to the kit which is given to players on first join on Factions
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where none of the message commands were working (due to a change which was made this reset)
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where the view distance for entities was being capped at 16 blocks (which is very low!)
    - Fixed a bug on Factions where Iron Golems were not being killed by small fall damage
    - Fixed a bug where some players did not have access to Kit Raid on Factions
    - Fixed a backend error being fired by our custom WorldGuard plugin on Factions
    - 'Purchase Boosters' has been added under the 'Links' section on our Buycraft homepage
    - Default sethome amount has been increased to '2' homes on Factions (was previously 1)
    - Immortal rank will now have access to a 4th Private vault on Factions (/chest)
    B_Man05 and CrestedLizard51 like this.

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