Skywars Changes

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Keres, Sep 21, 2020.


Do you agree with the points laid out in my post?

  1. All of it

    3 vote(s)
  2. Most of it

    4 vote(s)
  3. Some of it

    0 vote(s)
  4. None of it

    0 vote(s)
  5. I strongly disagree, you are a ******* Keres

    0 vote(s)
  1. Keres

    Dec 16, 2019
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    I have compiled a list of things that should be relatively easy to do that would greatly improve the state of Skywars. Obviously this won't happen as the Minigames Revamp is a myth and the owners focus way more on Factions, Skyblock and Prisons as they earn money.
    • New Maps
    There are many talented builders on this server (I mean just look at some of the builds in Skyblock or Creative) that I'm sure would be happy to build new maps for Skywars (There have been many submitted that just don't get implemented) This really shouldn't be that big of an issue to implement these maps
    • Chest Rework
    The chest system is currently extremely outdated, half the stuff in there is absolutely useless. Wooden swords aren't included in the loot table, so why should gold swords be when they're the same damage and similar durability? It shouldn't take that much to change the config of the plugin that fills the chests
    • Waiting Area Rework
    Surely it wouldn't take too much work to spice it up a tad? Add some parkour or something please
    • Explosive Arrows
    Please make them toggleable, it must have a permission to allow it to be on or off so add a command to turn it on or off.
    Xermes and JoaoOssucci like this.
  2. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    In my opinion, these would be welcome but not necessarily crucial changes.

    New maps would be a very welcome change to keep the game fresh. Not much more to say here, honestly it would be nice to see a fresh cycle of maps in every minigames. Of all your suggestions, this gets the biggest +1.

    As for the chest rework, I think I agree with you. Gold swords are even more useless to players who have the Axe kit purchased, and besides the blocks, food, arrows and armor I never touch anything else in the chest (although I'm no SW sweat so could be some use for stuff in there that i just don't see). Maybe part of the point is you have to choose your inventory from the chest wisely and efficiently, and once you get a routine the extra stuff is just that - extra. So I'm pretty ambivalent; if chests stayed the same I would be fine, if the useless stuff (to me) and gold swords were taken out I'd be fine with that too.

    Sure, waiting area is bland, but I'm ambivalent about this one too. At least in tsw it's fun to do the glass in the inventory trick to get up on the team selection. Real parkour would be fun so yes +1.

    I've heard someone else voice this opinion about explosive arrows, but I'm a little confused why. Do the non-explosive arrows deal less KB or something? It would seem like kind of a hassle to type a command in game or during a fight to change your arrows up, so would you suggest being able to toggle it in lobby or something or an ingame command?

    I enjoyed reading your suggestions, again, the one I would most like to see is new maps being added or replacing some older ones.
    Keres and JoaoOssucci like this.
  3. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there Keres! I like this thread a lot and the points you made are very well done. I will put my input on each of these opinions.

    I am all in on this one. There 100% should be new maps implemented. I’ve haven’t seen a map be accepted in a while and the same map rotation is getting kind of old. So +1.

    I also agree with this one. It is very annoying how I spawn next to someone with full diamond while I’m stuck with full leather. Also going back to what @notaspleen said about the axe kit to remove it. I’m not saying remove it, but make so there could be some sort of choice if you want to use it or not that round, and the same could go for the TNT, bow + arrows and the other perks. This could make it more of a challenge as well because you may not predict it correctly. But I am in for removing leather armour along with gold swords because they do seem pretty useless to me. +1

    I believe I while ago they actually had parkour in the Skywars waiting area but was then later removed. They also had a vote system in Skywars. I like the idea of having those things in there, but I feel like they won’t be added back anytime soon. So overall, I’m neutral about it.

    Now I personally don’t have Explosive arrows cause I’m only Iron rank, but I do understand where you are coming from. My only question is how would it work. I would assume there would be a command or a GUI that would pop up, or maybe something in the emerald while in the waiting room. I’m not disagreeing with the idea, I would just like to see how it would be implemented.

    So overall, I really like this post. I agree with most of it. I wouldn’t mind seeing new maps, I would also not mind removing leather and gold swords. I agree with adding parkour back into the waiting room but it most likely won’t happen, and I like the explosive arrows toggle but I don’t know how it would work.

    Keres likes this.
  4. Keres

    Dec 16, 2019
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    Im not sure if it’s always less but it’s definitely janky and I feel like it does less most of the time
  5. Keres

    Dec 16, 2019
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    I really like and appreciate your feedback, I definitely feel like the arrows should be toggleable in the emerald, if people could pick and choose wether it explodes or not on an arrow by arrow basis it would get a bit OP so I think it should be down to their preference, playstyle and prediction

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