[Prison] Token Detector is awful

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by ThiccBooty, Sep 16, 2020.


Does TD need a buff?

  1. HELL YES!

    14 vote(s)
  2. HELL NO!

    0 vote(s)
  1. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Hi there,

    I can say, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there's hardly a single player who thinks Token Detector is good in its current form. Having gotten TD 10 a few days ago, I can safely say that I have noticed absolutely no difference in drop rates.

    In fact I tested Token Detector 10 against a normal, unenchanted /kit pickaxe pick (over the course of 20,000 blocks each) and, by sheer chance, actually got LESS tokens from TD 10.

    The enchantment needs to be buffed or just straight up removed. At this point it's just a waste of time / pickaxe levels. I'm sure that if most of the current new-ish players knew how bad it was before hand, they'd have spent the time leveling up something else.

    I'm aware that it gives you a 1 - 750 chance (25% better than not having it) but either the entire prison server is unlucky, and is never getting it to proc within that range, or it's completely useless as a custom enchant.

    I'm polling for the latter.

    This could be improved in multiple ways:
    • Instead of randomizing token drops, have them set to a specific drop rate. I.E. 1 token per 2,500 blocks.
    • Simply increase the effectiveness of the enchantment. Perhaps a 1 - 600 (40%) chance?
    • Remove the enchantment and add a new /ce enchantment (God knows we need one) that achieves the same thing, more effectively.

    As it is now, it's almost as useless as upgrading efficiency to the max level.
    forgranted, __dragonslayer and Nikk like this.
  2. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Bumping this thread, as it still seems to be the opinion of the community at whole.
  3. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    token rates go down as your pickaxe levels up more, which is incredibly stupid.
  4. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    If that is true then it's absolutely ridiculous...
  5. __dragonslayer

    Jan 1, 2020
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    another funny thing is, my pickaxe with TD 7 finds tokens less than my pickaxe without it. my pick without it is also 2-3 levels higher than it.
  6. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    This really needs to be looked into and tested better by the staff.

    Again, I can't confirm it personally - but if it is true, then that is the most insane method of thinking I've ever heard of. Why would you punish your most active players for actually putting work into the game?
  7. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Token detector works as intended.

    At level 0, you get a token 1 in 1,000 blocks.
    At level 10, you get a token 1 in 750 blocks.

    This obviously stacks with other things that double token rewards.

    So whilst the 'improvement' from 0 -> 10 is only 25% more, its still an improvement.

    We tried not to have things buff up too quickly, otherwise we get super unbalanced items with crazy outputs, which makes it hard to re-balance later on...

    Anyone that claims it isn't working, or that they get more tokens with a unbuffed pickaxe, is simply either getting good or bad luck.
    At the end of the day, its a roll of 1 in X chance to get it.
    The lower X is, the more likely it is to hit.
    BlockyBeach and ThiccBooty like this.
  8. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    Thanks for the response!

    I can completely understand that you'd not want to buff things too hard, and risk ruining the economy. That does make perfect sense.

    However, in this case, if you logged into the server right now and asked "Should I max Token Detector?" you'd either get 100% "NO!" or 10% sarcastic "yes, absolutely, it's great!".

    As a general rule, if the entire player base thinks something is broken, or needs a buff - something should definitely be done about it.

    Again, that's just my opinion... but it is also the shared opinion of every active player on the server. I've genuinely yet to meet one person who's defended TD. In fact, just last night, someone was giving me a mouthful about why I bothered upgrading it.

    In this case, accepting the fact that it does work, it is severely under-powered as-is.

    As I suggested in the original post, perhaps a change to the way tokens are found would be better than buffing the pickaxe itself?

    For example:
    You stand a 100% chance of finding a token every 2,500 blocks (which is, statistically 2.5x WORSE than it is currently) with TD taking that down to 2,000.

    This may be statistically worse - but it would also give players some certainty that:

    A. Token detector is working. And;
    B. They will get a token after X more blocks.
  9. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Personally, I'd love to reduce the 'random' factor of a lot of these tools, including token farming on Skyblocks.

    I've suggested in the past that some of the systems should work on a countdown, so rather than 1 in X chance, its every X you WILL get it.

    Likewise I believe if a player hasn't done any activities in ~5 minutes, the first time they mine a block or crop, they should get a token at a HEAVILY reduced rate, like 1 in 4 chance..
    This would be great for new players who don't know how to speed mine, and don't know how to set up huge farms (Skyblocks)

    It'd also be a nice 'hook' when a player joins to get a token early on.

    But anyways, the systems are built around 1 in X, not a countdown; not something that can be changed mid-season. Definitely suggest it for the future.

    As for buffing token detector, do mind that it activates PER block, so coupled together with blast mine, it would become very powerful with 9 blocks being broken at once. (or technically more like ~6 on average)
    forgranted likes this.
  10. ThiccBooty

    Oct 14, 2019
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    I actually got a response with Alex in another thread asking exactly this question, and Token Detector does not stack with Blast Mine, sadly. :P

    I do fully understand what you're saying, though. I just really hope that in future this idea can be considered, as the entire community is against the enchantment working the way it does currently.

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