"Cross Teaming"

Discussion in 'Support Forums' started by ThxChase, Sep 15, 2020.


Do you think taking a screenshot with the last team in uhc should be bannable

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    15 vote(s)
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  1. ThxChase

    Feb 3, 2020
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    Recently, me and some of my friends (Ohbloo, ThxLaharz, and Abelplayss) were all banned for cross teaming in uhc. I have been through many cross teaming bans in my time playing and this is one that I just cannot agree with whatsoever.

    So what happened is deathmatch was ending, and there were only 2 teams left, in many uhcs the last two teams enjoy to take a screenshot together, which is what we decided to do. This "tradition" has been going on for however long uhc has been a subserver. People will take screenshots with the last team just for fun. There has never been a problem with this since I have started playing uhc (around a year ago) of where the players who took a screenshot with the last team getting banned.

    Here are some screenshots of me and my friends of being last 2 teams alive.
    (with tripped up)

    I have so many more just sitting in my recordings but I don't feel like going through all of them.

    Here is a video of Me and Cxrtr(moderator) giving a win to euinbin and Sinderr(moderator) ALSO notice how 4 DIFFERENT Moderators( not including the ones in game ) say "gg" afterwards proving they were spectating the game and i did not get banned, how is this different / better than taking an ss with the last team?

    Here is a screenshot of the crossteaming rule-


    So I agree with the cross teaming rule and I think cross teaming is a large problem in uhc but once again I have NEVER had a problem like this until now. Here is the part of the rule that I got banned for:
    Teaming is allowed if there are only 2 players left (no more than that) in the game, as it doesn’t affect the gameplay at that point.

    The staff member who banned me had the argument that "Since there were more than 2 players alive (5 players altogether as it was a team of 3 game and 1 of the players on the enemy team had died before that point) there is no reason you should not be banned because u blatantly broke the rule."

    Right now I want to focus on the "as it doesn’t affect the gameplay at that point." part of the rule. The whole point of that subrule on crossteaming being there is the fact that when it is 2 players alive so it no longer affects the gameplay, this is the SAME CONCEPT as only 2 teams being left alive.

    About the poll, please only answer it if you are a consistent or known uhc player just to make the outcome of the votes more fair. Thank you.
    Issel and Laharz like this.
  2. Laharz

    Sep 2, 2019
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    +1 from me, few of the staff are a literal joke.
    Marco5py likes this.
  3. guih

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I do agree with you, doubtlessly. Regardless of how many players alive there are, if 2 teams are alive and one of them wants a screenshot, the cross teaming rule shouldn't take place. The multiple bans given yesterday were pretty dumb imo. +1
    Marco5py and Issel like this.
  4. Devon

    Sep 4, 2019
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    Contrary to other games (TSW, SG), UHC is a a different type of memorable game. To get your first win must feel very fulfilling, and many people strive to become one of the best by practicing. These memories should be able to be saved by a screenshot with the enemy team before a fight. Screenshots usually are used to capture an awesome moment before a fight, after building something incredible, or even when you're having fun with your friends. Screenshots during a UHC may sound like "cross-teaming", but as long as it's the last 2 teams, I believe it would be fine. The only matter that I would say they consider, is that all of the teammates have to be in each screenshot. What I'm saying is that your entire team has to be willing to take the screenshot. This is because if 1 tea mate is off with another one of their teammates, it would really be cross-teaming at that point. Nonetheless, being passive at the end of the game, and fighting seconds after the screenshot should be allowed. It should only be bannable when there are more than the last 2 teams alive, and this is conducted. My opinions on this thread is that they should only be allowed in certain instances +1.
  5. Cxrtr

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I believe cross teaming should only be punishable if somebody is negatively effected by the actions that took place. If other players/teams were alive then I would agree, but it was just 2 teams at the end. A screenshot is completely harmless and literally nobody gets upset about this. The last 2 teams should feel free to do what they wish, as that's what everybody thought the rule was before everything happened.

    If gameplay isn't affected, nothing should need to take place.
    Cxrtr / #13 MCC UHC Player / Moderator
    Laharz, Ktassium and Haylos like this.
  6. Ktassium

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Ktassium / #4 MCC UHC Player
  7. mxbel

    Jul 30, 2019
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    Hey Chase,
    In my personal opinion, this should not be bannable as everyone is agreeing to it - it’s not like one player is being 2v1’ed while the other teammate stands by. However, making a support thread isn’t going to help as ultimately, it’s up to the Mentor Team/Admins to make an overarching decision about situations like this. I’m sure that they are already very aware of this situation, but I will still message one to bring it up just in case.

    Have a good day,
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