Should There be Private Mine Perks??? Poll

Discussion in 'Prison General Discussion' started by Catimyth, Sep 12, 2020.


Should There be Private Mine Perks?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
  1. Catimyth

    Dec 7, 2019
    Likes Received:
    This is a vote to add private mine perks, because I think with a lot of people it would be hard to mine a lot so yeah, please vote on this pole.
    Just solo private, it would be like /warp pmine a-z or mine (if you've unlocked them)
    it would be like a legendary reward from ONLY myth keys
    There is a lot of lag if you are mining with 20 people
    the chances of getting the perk are gonna be EXTREMLY RARE
    #1 Catimyth, Sep 12, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2020
  2. Xermes

    Jul 22, 2019
    Likes Received:
    Could you please elaborate?

    By private mine perks do you mean a separate mine for each player? Or plot mines? Or team mines?

    Also, why is this needed? There is enough “mine” for everyone to make money off of if you will, so I think this would take up an unnecessary amount of resources from the server. Not to mention there are many ways to tackle mining, you can use the fly efficiency method which is just high efficiency hovering over the ores to mine quickly or you could just mine on foot.
  3. Catimyth

    Dec 7, 2019
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    Just solo private, it would be like /warp pmine a-z or mine (if you've unlocked them)
  4. SverreDH

    Feb 6, 2020
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    Hey, I think this is an excellent idea.

    My pc isn't the best, and I usually have trouble mining without massive amounts of lag.
    On the other hand, I think this would create a lot of issues on the servers, as it might be too much for the server to handle. It would then have to be maybe the first epic reward out of a mythical key. This would also enforce more gambling addictions to little kids resulting in a higher profit for the server.
    Xermes likes this.
  5. Catimyth

    Dec 7, 2019
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    Well SverreDH, it would be like a legendary reward from ONLY myth keys
  6. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi, I personally don't think this should be added. I think this would only be helpful for the first 1-3 days of the reset, after that there is barely anyone in the mines. I believe the prison reset happened a little over a week ago, excluding the first 3 days the most I've seen in a mine is 5 players. As each day passes there will be less and less people in the mines. Lag would not happen, I don't think this would be necessary. Thank you for reading!
  7. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I feel like with private mines I used to be prison staff somewhere once, they are useful but should only provide the player with a private mine.

    The only stats the owner of the mine should be able to change is the sell amount for other players, E.G. 5% if you don't want players mining there and then back up to 95% when you are mining so you get full price.
    I feel like private mines are also customizable E.G. you can build in them and make your own plot type private mine that will be useful for you.
    Depending on what rank you have I assume you can change the blocks in the mine. E.G. if you have immortal you can set the blocks you are mining to emerald then the same applies to every rank from thereon.

    I don't feel like just because you bought a private mine you should be entitled towards a higher % of luck for keys. That should only come with ranks or separate purchases.

    This is just my opinion though, so I like the idea but will have to wait to see what staff think.
  8. notaspleen

    Apr 21, 2020
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    Hello! Personally I think private mines would take away some of the charm of prison mining. The rush of everyone trying to get ores at the same time adds something to the roleplay of inmates in a prison and is part of the fun of mining. I also don't really see the need, even in mines with a good number of players in them it's not too hard to be constantly mining. Even without consideration of technical issues, I wouldn't want to see them added, but that's just my opinion.

    Have a good day

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