/Staff Command

Discussion in 'Server Suggestions' started by Nikk, Sep 13, 2020.


Should it be a command?

Poll closed Sep 16, 2020.
  1. Yes

    2 vote(s)
  2. No

    1 vote(s)
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  1. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I feel like a /staff command is easy to code and could be implemented into MMC.
    When a player does the /staff command it will appear with something like this but obviously in-game.


    Each rank and person would have colour coordination when doing the /staff command which could be used with small HTML and Java.

    There will also be exceptions for staff who do not appear such as Senior mods+ as they could have access to the command /v and /staffv which would invis them from the /staff command. The reason /staffv could be used is if that staff member has been asked to work on a server that is not yet released or heard about. The same applies to any staff member if they are working on another server, a higher-up could do the /staffv command for them so that they will not give any information away or be spammed with questions and that the mods/helpers could answer any questions players have in normal lobbies.

    Tell me what you think in the poll and comment down below what other things this could lead on to and what could be added on to it!
  2. Elecctricc

    Mar 21, 2020
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    Hey, I think this idea could benefit the community knowing where to find staff members and have peace of mind knowing that we're online. However I do think that making an invisibility to the command is needed for all staff members, not just higher ups as you say.

    This is because in certain encounters with reported cheaters through discord DMs, know staff members names, theoretically meaning they can stay until we leave as we don't have proof to ban, with addition of this idea to the server, a hacker wouldn't even need to learn/recognize names, they can just flock to whatever subserver/minigame we aren't populated on, ruining other players days and wasting peoples time.

    I like the idea of the command as it allows not only us staff to know where to be if we are centralized on one subserver/minigame but like I said, also give peace of mind to the community knowing that we are online and actively trying to fix the server from the problems that might/will arise.

    Just my thoughts:)
    Xermes and Nikk like this.
  3. mcrcus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    Hey there Nikk! This sounds like a nice idea, and I like your thought process. However, I think that there is no need for this command for multiple reasons. First reason is it just seems kind of pointless. For instance, a lot of players including myself, have a lot of staff members on their /friends list, which shows who is online and where they are. Obviously not like how you have it setup, but the friends list is already efficient enough. Another reason is hackers. Now this one is a more bigger issue, cause the server has a big increase in hackers lately. So, you give hackers a command that gives out the location of every staff member online. Most of the staff members go to Minigames due to the increase hackers online, and when the staff go to Minigames, the hackers that the staff are trying to ban end up leaving which is very frustrating.

    So on paper, the idea isn’t that bad. But overall, I’m -1, because of the problems and other implementations that may occur.
    #3 mcrcus, Sep 13, 2020
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2020
    Nikk likes this.
  4. puposaurus

    Jul 22, 2019
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    hello! i've seen similar things like this been suggested before, and while I think it's a great idea in hindsight, it can also be somewhat of a bad thing. kinda like what was mentioned above but >> this would mean that any player could find out where staff are even ones that are in sm trying to spec hackers and they go "<staffs name> get out of v i see you in the list come help me pls" and then this would expose the staff and encourage a lot of closet hackers to toggle to prevent being frozen or banned. similarly, the smart hackers who are trying not to get caught could be constantly doing /staff to see which lobbies staff are in and toggle when staff are in the same lobby; similarly to how some hackers already do this, but this just gives more validation of who is staff and more open resources ingame as to who is staff.

    i think if a player needs help, they can always have the option to tag staff in discord asking for one, or asking staff directly to come on to wherever they are.

    i think an alternative could just be that it shows all staff online and it doesn't show what sub/minigame they are in and only shows if they're online.. here's an example using the format you used:
    [2] owner
    [4] admin
    [13] sr mod

    etc. etc.
    basically like. yours but only lists staff name

    overall, I don't really see this being added whether it is your original idea or the alternative. it just doesn't seem practical for normal players to have or need. it makes sense for staff to have (they have /isonline) since they may need a higher staff to deal with a certain situation as they might not be able to at their position or whatever it may be.
    Nikk likes this.
  5. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I feel like the players would report the undercover hackers anyway and they would be banned since I have had like 20 player reports on my first day but good reasoning.
  6. tayhlor

    Jul 19, 2020
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    Hi Nikk! I think this is a great idea, however I think another command would have to be added as well. If a staff is busy with banning players in minigames or is doing a middle man it could be annoying for them. They would have to /msg every person back that they are busy and they can't help right now.

    I think their should be a command for them that would remove them from the staff list. The list would be very convenient for players who need help and they can see all the staff who are available to assist them. I feel like this command wouldn't be used commonly but it would be a nice extra thing to have. Thanks for reading!
    Nikk likes this.
  7. KierenBoal

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I'd doubt we'd add the /staff command, and heres why:

    Hackers would simply login, type /staff, find what subservers are unstaffed and go on there.

    Likewise, players would be more likely to harras staff knowing what subservers they are on, I imagine if people saw alex_markey online on a subserver they'd flock over there; as such, I can not see any value in adding this command.

    Knowing staff are online doesn't guarantee help, knowing what subservers staff are on doesn't guarantee a result. Staff are often busy, and having more people messaging them will just make it harder on them.

    We have discord with #support that you can ping @Staff Member for assistance.
    Bruno, Xermes, Darenn and 2 others like this.
  8. Nikk

    Sep 8, 2020
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    I understand your point but you need to remember that you pointed out

    And that the fact you most likely didn't read my bit about

    Makes it seem that you instantly wrote a response and didn't thoroughly read it.

    However, I see your reasoning behind your answer I when I look at it from other perspectives EG (a staff member) then it becomes apparent that you do not want a hacker following you all the time, players spamming you and all going into 1 server.

    In my personal opinion, I think that the hackers would go on different sub servers where the staff are not so that they don't get banned instantly.

    Thanks for your response
  9. TeddyPrice

    Dec 25, 2019
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    I think this would be helpful for me because sometimes i have to go find a staff member to middle man and its a lot of work to go through each server looking for one to help. I understand that it must be hard to keep up with the constant dming staff received, but to be fair they signed up for it. As you suggested there would be an option to keep yourself off the list, so staff members can use that luxury each time they want to be left alone or they’re going after a hacker.
  10. Lxvely

    Jul 25, 2020
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    Hey Teddy!

    If you're ever looking for a middle man the fastest way to get one is to go through the #Support channel in the MCC Discord Server, that way you don't need to go hunting around in the future.

    On another note: Overall I think a /staff command is not a great idea because it makes it really easy for hackers to evade staff members.

    Have a lovely day! :)
    Nikk likes this.
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